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beneater committed May 25, 2012
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268 changes: 268 additions & 0 deletions exercises/the_fundamental_theorem_of_arithmetic.html
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html data-require="math math-format word-problems graphie interactive">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>The fundamental theorem of arithmetic</title>
<script src="../khan-exercise.js"></script>
<div class="exercise">
<div class="problems">
<div class="vars">
<var id="PRIMES">[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13]</var>
<var id="NUMBER">randFromArray([
4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26,
27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50,
52, 54, 55, 56, 60, 63, 65, 66, 70, 72, 75, 77, 78, 80, 81,
84, 88, 90, 91, 96, 98, 99])
<var id="FACTORIZATION">getPrimeFactorization(NUMBER)</var>
<var id="EXPONENTS">_.reduce(FACTORIZATION, function(exponents, base) {
exponents[base] = exponents[base] + 1 || 1;
return exponents;
}, {})
<var id="HAS_EXPONENTS">_.reduce(_.values(EXPONENTS), function(hasExponents, num) {
return hasExponents || num !== 1;
}, false)
<var id="EXPONENT_HINT">, function(num, prime) {
return cardinal(num) + " &lt;code&gt;" + prime + "&lt;/code&gt;" + (num === 1 ? "" : "s");
<var id="SOLUTION">_.reduce(PRIMES, function(factors, prime) {
if (EXPONENTS[prime] &gt; 1) {
factors.push(prime + "^" + EXPONENTS[prime]);
} else if (EXPONENTS[prime] === 1) {
return factors;
}, []).join("\\cdot")
<var id="REMAINING">, function(factor, step){
var remain = NUMBER;
_.each(FACTORIZATION.slice(0, step), function(n) { remain /= n; })
return remain;
<var id="GRAPHIE">null</var>

<p class="question">
Find the prime factorization of <code><var>NUMBER</var></code>.

<div class="problem">
Use the arrows to change the exponent on each prime number below to see if you can find the
prime factorization.
<div class="graphie">
// Save a reference to KhanUtil.currentGraph.graph to workaround the issue
// of the custom validator depending on KhanUtil.currentGraph and
// KhanUtil.currentGraph changing because of the second graphie element
// in the hints.
GRAPHIE = graph;

range: [[0, 10], [-11, 0]]

graph.primes = [];

graph.computeTotal = function() {
return _.reduce(PRIMES, function(total, prime) {
return total * pow(prime, graph.primes[prime].exponent);
}, 1);

graph.totalLabel = label([7, -10], 1, "right", {fontSize: 25});
graph.updateTotal = function() {
this.totalLabel = label([7, -10], graph.computeTotal(), "right", {fontSize: 25});

var answerPreview = _.reduce(PRIMES, function(answer, prime) {
if (graph.primes[prime].exponent &gt; 1) {
answer.push(prime + "^" + graph.primes[prime].exponent);
} else if (graph.primes[prime].exponent === 1) {
return answer;
}, []).join("\\cdot");
answerPreview += " = " + graph.computeTotal();

$("#answer-preview code").text(answerPreview);
MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Reprocess", MathJax.Hub, $("#answer-preview")[0]]);

_.each(PRIMES, function(prime, y) {
var yCoord = -y * 1.5 - 1;
graph.primes[prime] = {
exponent: 0,
baseLabel: label([2, yCoord], prime, "left", {fontSize: 25, color: "#aaa"}),
expLabel: label([2, yCoord + 0.3], 0, "center", {fontSize: 20, color: "#aaa"}),
expandLabel: label([3, yCoord], 1, "right", {fontSize: 20, color: "#aaa"}),
factorLabel: label([7, yCoord], 1, "right", {fontSize: 25, color: "#aaa"}),
upArrow: addArrowWidget({
coord: [2, yCoord + 0.7],
direction: "up"
downArrow: addArrowWidget({
coord: [2, yCoord - 0.1],
direction: "down"
update: function() {

this.expLabel = label([2, yCoord + 0.3], this.exponent, "center", {fontSize: 20});
this.factorLabel = label([7, yCoord], pow(prime, this.exponent),
"right", {fontSize: 25});
if (this.exponent === 0) {
this.baseLabel.css({color: "#aaa"});
this.expLabel.css({color: "#aaa"});
this.expandLabel = label([3, yCoord], "1", "right", {fontSize: 20, color: "#aaa"});
this.factorLabel.css({color: "#aaa"});
} else {
this.baseLabel.css({color: "black"});
this.expandLabel = label([3, yCoord],
getPrimeFactorization(pow(prime, this.exponent)).join("\\cdot"),
"right", {fontSize: 20});

if (this.exponent &gt;= 5 || (prime &gt;= 11 &amp;&amp; this.exponent &gt;= 3)) {
} else {;

if (this.exponent &lt;= 0) {
} else {;
graph.primes[prime].upArrow.onClick = function() {
graph.primes[prime].exponent += 1;
graph.primes[prime].downArrow.onClick = function() {
graph.primes[prime].exponent -= 1;

label([2.5, yCoord], "=", "right", {color: "#ccc"});
label([6.5, yCoord], "=", "right", {color: "#ccc"});

line([0, -9.25], [8, -9.25]);
label([0, -9], "\\times", "above right", {fontSize: 25});

<div class="solution" data-type="custom">
<div class="instruction">
Click the orange arrows to change your answer.
<p id="answer-preview"><code>=1</code></p>
<div class="guess">GRAPHIE.computeTotal()</div>
<div class="validator-function">
if (guess === 1) {
return "";
return guess === NUMBER;
<div class="show-guess">
_.each(PRIMES, function(prime) {
GRAPHIE.primes[prime].exponent = 0;
_.each(getPrimeFactorization(guess), function(prime) {
GRAPHIE.primes[prime].exponent += 1;
_.each(PRIMES, function(prime) {
<div class="show-guess-solutionarea">
_.each(PRIMES, function(prime) {
GRAPHIE.primes[prime].exponent = 0;
_.each(getPrimeFactorization(guess), function(prime) {
GRAPHIE.primes[prime].exponent += 1;

<div class="hints">
<div class="graphie" id="factor-tree" style="float: left;"> = 0;
graph.y = 0;
graph.curr = NUMBER;
range: [[-1, FACTORIZATION.length + 1], [-2 * FACTORIZATION.length - 0.5, 1]],
scale: [30, 30]
label([ + 1, graph.y], graph.curr);
<p style="height: 60px">We can use a factor tree to break <code><var>NUMBER</var></code> into its prime
factorization. Which of the prime numbers divides into <code><var>NUMBER</var></code>?</p>
<div data-each="FACTORIZATION.slice(0, -1) as I, FACTOR">
<div class="graphie" data-update="factor-tree">
path([[ + 1, graph.y - 0.5], [, graph.y - 1.5]]);
path([[ + 1, graph.y - 0.5], [ + 2, graph.y - 1.5]]);
graph.y -= 2; += 1;
graph.curr = graph.curr / FACTOR;
label( [ - 1, graph.y], FACTOR, {color: BLUE} );
circle( [ - 1, graph.y], 0.5);
graph.lastLabel = label( [ + 1, graph.y], graph.curr );
<p style="height: 38px">
<code><var>REMAINING[I]</var></code> is divisible by <code class="hint_blue"><var>FACTOR</var></code>,
leaving us with <code><var>REMAINING[I] / FACTOR</var></code>.
<div class="graphie" data-update="factor-tree">
circle( [ + 1, graph.y], 0.5);
label( [ + 1, graph.y], graph.curr, {color: BLUE} );
<code class="hint_blue"><var>FACTORIZATION[FACTORIZATION.length-1]</var></code>
is prime, so we're done factoring.
The prime factorization of <code><var>NUMBER</var></code> is:
<p><code class="hint_blue">
<div data-if="HAS_EXPONENTS">
Because there <var>FACTORIZATION[0] === FACTORIZATION[1] ? "are" : "is"</var>
<var>toSentence(EXPONENT_HINT)</var>, we can use exponents to write the prime factorization as:
<p><code>\qquad\blue{<var>SOLUTION</var>} = <var>NUMBER</var></code></p>

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions utils/interactive.js
Expand Up @@ -1123,6 +1123,67 @@ $.extend(KhanUtil, {

addArrowWidget: function(options) {
var arrowWidget = $.extend({
graph: KhanUtil.currentGraph,
direction: "up",
coord: [0, 0],
onClick: function() {}
}, options);
var graph = arrowWidget.graph;

if (arrowWidget.direction === "up") {
arrowWidget.visibleShape = graph.path([
[arrowWidget.coord[0], arrowWidget.coord[1] - 4 / graph.scale[1]],
[arrowWidget.coord[0] - 4 / graph.scale[0], arrowWidget.coord[1] - 4 / graph.scale[1]],
[arrowWidget.coord[0], arrowWidget.coord[1] + 4 / graph.scale[1]],
[arrowWidget.coord[0] + 4 / graph.scale[0], arrowWidget.coord[1] - 4 / graph.scale[1]],
[arrowWidget.coord[0], arrowWidget.coord[1] - 4 / graph.scale[1]]
], { stroke: null, fill: KhanUtil.ORANGE });
} else if (arrowWidget.direction === "down") {
arrowWidget.visibleShape = graph.path([
[arrowWidget.coord[0], arrowWidget.coord[1] + 4 / graph.scale[1]],
[arrowWidget.coord[0] - 4 / graph.scale[0], arrowWidget.coord[1] + 4 / graph.scale[1]],
[arrowWidget.coord[0], arrowWidget.coord[1] - 4 / graph.scale[1]],
[arrowWidget.coord[0] + 4 / graph.scale[0], arrowWidget.coord[1] + 4 / graph.scale[1]],
[arrowWidget.coord[0], arrowWidget.coord[1] + 4 / graph.scale[1]]
], { stroke: null, fill: KhanUtil.ORANGE });

arrowWidget.mouseTarget =
graph.scalePoint(arrowWidget.coord)[0], graph.scalePoint(arrowWidget.coord)[1], 15);
arrowWidget.mouseTarget.attr({fill: "#000", "opacity": 0.0});

$(arrowWidget.mouseTarget[0]).css("cursor", "pointer");
$(arrowWidget.mouseTarget[0]).bind("vmousedown vmouseover vmouseout", function(event) {
if (event.type === "vmouseover") {
arrowWidget.visibleShape.animate({ scale: 2, fill: KhanUtil.ORANGE }, 20);
} else if (event.type === "vmouseout") {
arrowWidget.visibleShape.animate({ scale: 1, fill: KhanUtil.ORANGE }, 20);
} else if (event.type === "vmousedown" && (event.which === 1 || event.which === 0)) {
if (!arrowWidget.hidden) {
return false;

arrowWidget.hide = function() {
arrowWidget.hidden = true;
$(arrowWidget.mouseTarget[0]).css("cursor", "default");
}; = function() {;
arrowWidget.hidden = false;
$(arrowWidget.mouseTarget[0]).css("cursor", "pointer");

return arrowWidget;

createSorter: function() {
var sorter = {};
var list;
Expand Down

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