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OpenXR SDK (Source) 1.0.20

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@rpavlik rpavlik released this 04 Oct 22:32

OpenXR SDK 1.0.20 (2021-10-04)

This release includes a proposed cross-vendor OpenXR loader for Android, Android
build system for hello_xr, and a number of new vendor extensions.

The Android loader can be found on Maven Central, by adding the following line to your Android app's build.gradle dependencies section:

implementation 'org.khronos.openxr:openxr_loader_for_android:1.0.20'

Alternately, the AAR file (plus signature by the spec editor key and associated POM) are attached to this release.

Other release files are still signed by Ryan Pavlik's key as before, key fingerprint F029455EAB70F520FF4A03BD7F534CD56F00321E.