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Node.js Payment Extensibility Template

View the Walk Thru

The below walk thru takes you thru implementing an example Kibo Payment Extensibility Gateway Adapter

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This repo is designed to be the starting point for your Kibo Payment Gateway Adapter.

├── .github/
│   └── worflows
├── .husky
├── __mocks__
├── __tests__                     <-- add/update tests here
├── settings/
│   ├── production.json           <-- environmental configuration here
│   └── sandbox.json
└── src/
    ├── types
    ├── config.ts
    ├── CustomAdapterFactory.ts
    └── CustomGatewayAdapter.ts    <--Implement business logic here

Implement the PaymentGatwayAdapter interface

 async authorize(request: GatewayAuthorizationRequest):
    Promise<GatewayAuthorizeResponse> {

    // grab the admin settings / credentials from the context
    const merchantId = this.context.settings?.find(x=> x.key === 'merchantId')?.value;
    const merchantSecret = this.context.settings?.find(x=> x.key === 'secret')?.value;'info message');
    //call the underlying extrenal gateway
    const gatewayResonse = await callRealGateway(
      request?.card ,
      request.amount ,
    //transform and return the GatewayAuthorizeResponse
    return {
      authCode: 'AUTHORIZED',
      responseCode: 'Success',
  async authorizeWithToken(
    request: GatewayAuthorizationRequest
  ): Promise<GatewayAuthorizeResponse> {

The following table describes the success/failure codes:

Code Meaning
Success Returned when a valid request is successfully processed. Note: Your payment gateway may have multiple success codes that will need to be mapped
Timeout Returned when a request times out before it is finished processing.
Reject Sent when a valid transaction is processed but gets rejected. For example, when a credit card payment is successfully processed but the credit card has insufficient funds to cover the payment.
Unauth Returned when your request does not have valid authorization credentials.
Error Returned if you submit an invalid request.
NotFound Returned when the gateway cannot be found.