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Game Engine Scope and Tasks

KillaW0lf04 edited this page Apr 4, 2013 · 4 revisions

Game Engine Tasks

Must Have

  • The ability to draw and render a 2D top down game world (Done)
  • an entity framework (In Progress)
  • an animation framework (In Progress)
  • a post-rendering shader framework (In Progress)
  • the ability to load from tiled maps (prevents from having to develop a map creation application) (Done)

Should Have

  • the ability to zoom in and out (scale) (Done)
  • an effecient collision detection engine (Done - QuadTree)
  • a per entity / per tile shader framework
  • an application to be able to design animations and speficy frames (however try look into alternatives such as texture compressor)
    • try out QT in the case where an application will be designed from scratch
  • an Asset management system for loading and unloading items in and out of memory
  • Map scripting in the form of python, lua or external C#
  • Animated tile support
  • Composite animation support in entities (allowing entities to make use of more than one animation at one go) (Done)
  • Detailed diagnostic information in terms of performance counters (In Progress)
  • the ability to reset animations

Nice to Have

  • zlib compression support in tmx files
  • the ability to pause and resume the state of the world from within the engine itself
  • the ability to run on MonoGame