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linefit is a ground segmentation algorithm for 3D point clouds. This repo we setup a python binding for the original C++ code and push to pypi for easy installation through pip install linefit.

Author: C++ code from Lorenz Wellhausen, nanobind by Qingwen Zhang.

Running on macOS, Windows and Linux, with Python Version >= 3.8.

Available in:

📜 Change Log:

  • 2024-07-03: Speed up nanobind np.array <-> std::vector<Eigen:: Vector3d> conversion and also NOMINSIZE in make. Speed difference: 0.1s -> 0.01s. Based on discussion here.
  • 2024-02-15: Initial version.

0. Setup

Choose one of the following options to install the package (recommended to use Option A pip install linefit):

Option A: Install from pypi pip install linefit

Option B: Clone this repo and run following to build:

cmake -B build && cmake --build build
pip install .
python3 -c 'import linefit; print("success")'

1. Run the example

After installation, you can run the example by, it will directly show a default effect of demo data.


A window will pop up and show the ground segmentation result.

Parameter description

TL;DR: tune the sensor_height to offset the ground point z to 0. Others are optional for better performance. If you are interested in the details, please read the following.

Parameters are set in assets/config.toml

This algorithm works on the assumption that you known the height of the sensor above ground. Therefore, you have to adjust the sensor_height to your robot specifications, otherwise, it will not work.

The default parameters should work on the KITTI dataset.

Ground Condition

  • sensor_height Sensor height above ground.
  • max_dist_to_line maximum vertical distance of point to line to be considered ground.
  • max_slope Maximum slope of a line.
  • min_slope Minimum slope of a line.
  • max_fit_error Maximum error a point is allowed to have in a line fit.
  • max_start_height Maximum height difference between new point and estimated ground height to start a new line.
  • long_threshold Distance after which the max_height condition is applied.
  • max_height Maximum height difference between line points when they are farther apart than long_threshold.
  • line_search_angle How far to search in angular direction to find a line. A higher angle helps fill "holes" in the ground segmentation.


  • r_min Distance at which segmentation starts.
  • r_max Distance at which segmentation ends.
  • n_bins Number of radial bins.
  • n_segments Number of angular segments.


  • n_threads Number of threads to use.

Acknowledgement & Citation

The original C++ code is from the repo we forked: lorenwel/linefit_ground_segmentation.

The original methods are described in the following paper:

  title={Fast segmentation of 3d point clouds for ground vehicles},
  author={Himmelsbach, Michael and Hundelshausen, Felix V and Wuensche, H-J},
  booktitle={Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 2010 IEEE},

More python binding examples can be found in our other project:

  • dufomap: a dynamic awareness mapping framework. Remove dynamic points in a raw map.
  • dztimer: a breakout timer for python code.


Python Package: Fast Ground Segmentation for LiDAR Point Clouds








  • C++ 97.0%
  • Python 1.9%
  • CMake 1.1%