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Easily transform your platform with our SDK: white-labeled workouts with precise motion tracking and real-time feedback tailored for accuracy and engagement




Add the following keys for camera usage:

<string>Camera access is required for video streaming.</string>
<string>Microphone access is required for video streaming.</string>

Add the framework as a package dependency:
Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 5 39 51 PM

Available categories to sort workout plans:

enum PlanCategory
Weight Management
Custom(String) - in case we release new custom plans for your usage

Available categories to sort workouts (displayed right below the plans):

enum WorkoutCategory
Custom(String) - in case we release new custom workouts for your usage


Initial Setup

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Ensure you've added the necessary permissions in Info.plist.
    • miniOS version - 13.0
  2. Launching the view:

    • To display KinesteX, call createPlanView in KinesteXAIFramework:
     // isLoading is a State variable that can be used to display a loading screen before the webview loads
     KinesteXAIFramework.createPlanView(apiKey: "your key", companyName: "your company", userId: "your userId", planCategory: .Cardio, workoutCategory: .Fitness, isLoading: $isLoading, onMessageReceived: { message in
                         // our callback function to let you know of any real-time changes and user activity
                         switch message {
                         case .kinestexLaunched(let data):
                             print("KinesteX Launched: \(data)")
                         case .finishedWorkout(let data):
                             print("Workout Finished: \(data)")
                             // Handle other cases as needed
                         case .exitApp(let data):
                              // user wants to close KinesteX view, so dismiss the view
                        // OPTIONAL: Display loading screen
                         Group {
                             if showAnimation {
                                  Text("Aifying workouts...").foregroundColor(.black).font(.caption)
                                     .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity) // Fullscreen
                                     .background(Color.white) // White background
                                      .scaleEffect(showAnimation ? 1 : 3) // Scale up
                                     .opacity(showAnimation ? 1 : 0) // Fade out
                                     .animation(.easeInOut(duration: 1.5), value: showAnimation)
                     // Smoothly hide the animation
                    .onChange(of: isLoading) { newValue in
                         if !newValue {
                             withAnimation(.easeInOut(duration: 2.5)) { // Extended duration to 2.5 seconds
                                 showAnimation = false
                         } else {
                             showAnimation = true
  3. Handling the data: onMessageReceived is a callback function that passes enum WebViewMessage Available options are:

    kinestexLaunched(String) - Logs when the KinesteX View is successfully launched.
    finishedWorkout(String) - Logs when a workout is finished.
    errorOccurred(String) - Logs when an error has occurred, example (user did not grant access to the camera)
    exerciseCompleted(String) - Logs when an exercise is completed.
    exitApp(String) - Logs when user clicks on exit button and wishes to close the KinesteX view.
    workoutOpened(String) - Logs when the workout description view is opened.
    workoutStarted(String) - Logs when a workout is started.
    planUnlocked(String) - Logs when a plan is unlocked.
    unknown(String) - For handling any unrecognized messages

All available data types:

Type Data Description
kinestex_launched Format: dd mm yyyy hours:minutes:seconds When a user has launched KinesteX
exit_kinestex Format: date: dd mm yyyy hours:minutes:seconds, time_spent: number Logs when a user clicks on exit button, requesting dismissal of KinesteX and sending how much time a user has spent totally in seconds since launch
plan_unlocked Format: title: String, date: date and time Logs when a workout plan is unlocked by a user
workout_opened Format: title: String, date: date and time Logs when a workout is opened by a user
workout_started Format: title: String, date: date and time Logs when a workout is started.
error_occurred Format: data: string Logs when a significant error has occurred. For example, a user has not granted access to the camera
exercise_completed Format: time_spent: number, repeats: number, calories: number, exercise: string, mistakes: [string: number] Logs everytime a user finishes an exercise
total_active_seconds Format: number Logs every 5 seconds and counts the number of active seconds a user has spent working out. This value is not sent when a user leaves camera tracking area
left_camera_frame Format: number Indicates that a user has left the camera frame. The data sent is the current number of total_active_seconds
returned_camera_frame Format: number Indicates that a user has returned to the camera frame. The data sent is the current number of total_active_seconds
workout_overview Format: workout: string,total_time_spent: number, total_repeats: number, total_calories: number, percentage_completed: number, total_mistakes: number Logged when a user finishes the workout with a complete short summary of the workout
exercise_overview Format: [exercise_completed] Returns a log of all exercises and their data (exercise_completed data is defined 5 lines above)
workout_completed Format: workout: string, date: dd mm yyyy hours:minutes:seconds Logs when a user finishes the workout and exits the workout overview
active_days (Coming soon) Format: number Represents a number of days a user has been opening KinesteX
total_workouts (Coming soon) Format: number Represents a number of workouts a user has done since start of using KinesteX
workout_efficiency (Coming soon) Format: number Represents the level of intensivity a person has done the workout with. An average level of workout efficiency is 0.5, which represents an average time a person should complete the workout for at least 80% within a specific timeframe. For example, if on average people complete workout X in 15 minutes, but a person Y has completed the workout in 12 minutes, they will have a higher workout_efficiency number

Any questions? Contact us at


Integrate your personal AI Fitness Trainer in minutes with our Swift SDK







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