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Binary Files

Guy Maness edited this page Oct 20, 2023 · 7 revisions

The Binary File import works with five different doc types: Person Images, Transaction Images (check images), Group Images, Ministry Documents (any personal documents), and Benevolence Request Documents. You'll upload a ZIP file to Bulldozer named by one of those doc types:, or multiple PersonImages, etc if the ZIP file is over 1.5GB.

Those files will be mapped to Rock.BinaryFiles and any respective Transaction/Person/Group/BenevolenceRequest links: Transaction images mapped to their transaction, Person images mapped to their person, Group images mapped to their group, Benevolence Request Documents mapped to their benevolence request, and Ministry Documents mapped to a Person attribute without a category (you'll need to set security and category for each attribute). Background checks are included from F1 in the Individual Requirements document folder. The easiest option is to import everything to the Database storage provider, but Bulldozer can import to a file share or AWS if the Binary File Type is created ahead of time and the storage provider is set properly in the target Rock db.

  1. Check Images
    • Should be named by the ForeignId of the transaction, e.g. 592572969.tif.
    • This will create a FinancialTransactionImage and add it to the matching FinancialTransaction.
  2. Person Images
    • Should be named by the ForeignId of the person, e.g. 692015.jpg.
    • This will create a BinaryFile of the type Person Image and set the Person.PhotoId to this image.
  3. Group Images
    • Should be named by the ForeignId of the group, e.g. 91521.jpg.
    • This will create a Group Attribute on the respective Group Type if one does not already exist, then create a BinaryFile of the type Group Image and add it as an Attribute Value of the aforementioned Group Attribute to the Group.
  4. Benevolence Request Documents
    • Should be named in the following format: RequestForeignId_DesiredFileName_DocumentForeignId, e.g. 2932_electricbill_4321.jpg
    • This will create a BenevolenceDocument with ForeignId of DocumentForeignId and add it to the matching BenevolenceRequest.
  5. Ministry Documents
    • All other document types, including Background Check files.

Possible known issues: - 1.5GB ZIP file limitation - fragile filesystem imports (permission issues that were/are hard to replicate).

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