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CSV ‐ Legacy

Nate H edited this page Oct 26, 2023 · 2 revisions

For Bulldozer v1. and below.

The following maps are the required fields for using CSV data files. All of the fields are required in each of the documents (in their specific order). If a column is not needed for import purposes, it must still be included in the CSV and the values should be left blank. Any map that supports on-the-fly attributes will note that where available.

Date fields are in yyyy-MM-dd format.


Person Info

01 - Individual.csv

Person Note Alerts
  • If a Person Note begins with [ALERT] then the Rock Alert flag will be set.
Any Additional Fields will be Person Attributes
NOTE: While Bulldozer supports processing Person Attributes through the Person import, for enhanced speed it is recommended to process Person Attributes through the Entity Attribute and Entity Attribute Value import files where possible.
  1. If no caret is in the Attribute Name (Baptism Pastor), just tries to match to an existing attribute by the name. If created, it's created as Text
  2. If only one caret is in the AttributeName (Baptism Pastor^V), the Attribute Name and AttributeType are used. Note: D (Date), B (Boolean), V (Defined Value), E (Encrypted Text), L (Value List [^ separated values]), VL (Value List using Defined Type [^ separated values]) are specific types, anything else will be Text.
  3. If two carets are in the Attribute Name(^Membership^Baptism Pastor), Attribute Category and AttributeName are used.
  4. If three carets are in the AttributeName (^Membership^Baptism Pastor^V), Attribute Category, Attribute Name, and Attribute Type are used.
  5. If four carets are in the AttributeName (^Membership^Baptism Pastor^V^123), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, and Attribute Foreign Key are used.
  6. If five carets are in the AttributeName (^Membership^Baptism Pastor^V^123^456), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, Attribute Foreign Key, and Defined Type Foreign Key are used.

Note: The power of the five carets is that the Defined Type list created for an attribute can be used by multiple Defined Value Attributes. This is helpful if there are attributes used as surveys which have the same options used multiple times.

ORDER BY [FamilyName], [FamilyId], [FamilyRole], [DateOfBirth], [Gender], [PersonId]

02 - Family.csv


ORDER BY [FamilyName], [FamilyId]


03 - Account.csv

Any Additional Fields will be Account Attributes
  1. If no caret is in the Attribute Name (Bank Account), just tries to match to an existingattribute by the name. If created, it's created as Text
  2. If only one caret is in the AttributeName (Bank Account^I), the Attribute Name and AttributeType are used. Note: D (Date), B (Boolean), V (Defined Value), E (Encrypted Text), L (Value List [^ separated values]), VL (Value List using Defined Type [^ separated values]) are specific types, anything else will be Text.
  3. If two carets are in the Attribute Name(^General Ledger Export^Bank Account), Attribute Category and AttributeName are used.
  4. If three carets are in the AttributeName (^General Ledger Export^Bank Account^I), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,and Attribute Type are used.
  5. If four carets are in the AttributeName (^General Ledger Export^Bank Account^V^123), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, and Attribute Foreign Key are used.
  6. If five carets are in the AttributeName (^General Ledger Export^Bank Account^V^123^456), Attribute Category, Attribute Name, AttributeType, Attribute Foreign Key, and Defined Type Foreign Key are used.

Note: The power of the five carets is that the Defined Type list created for an attribute can be used by multiple Defined Value Attributes. This is helpful if there are attributes used as surveys which have the same options used multiple times.

04 - Batch.csv

Any Additional Fields will be Batch Attributes
  1. If no caret is in the Attribute Name (Date Exported), just tries to match to an existingattribute by the name. If created, it's created as Text
  2. If only one caret is in the AttributeName (Date Exported^D), the Attribute Name and AttributeType are used. Note: D (Date), B (Boolean), V (Defined Value), E (Encrypted Text), L (Value List [^ separated values]), VL (Value List using Defined Type [^ separated values]) are specific types, anything else will be Text.
  3. If two carets are in the Attribute Name(^General Ledger Export^Date Exported), Attribute Category and AttributeName are used.
  4. If three carets are in the AttributeName (^General Ledger Export^Date Exported^D), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,and Attribute Type are used.
  5. If four carets are in the AttributeName (^General Ledger Export^Bank Account^V^123), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, and Attribute Foreign Key are used.
  6. If five carets are in the AttributeName (^General Ledger Export^Bank Account^V^123^456), Attribute Category, Attribute Name, AttributeType, Attribute Foreign Key, and Defined Type Foreign Key are used.

Note: The power of the five carets is that the Defined Type list created for an attribute can be used by multiple Defined Value Attributes. This is helpful if there are attributes used as surveys which have the same options used multiple times.

05 - Pledge.csv


06 - Contribution.csv

IndividualId                        /* Integer [Required]  */
FundName                            /* String */
ContributionTypeName               /* String */
Any Additional Fields will be Transaction Attributes
  1. If no caret is in the Attribute Name (Project), just tries to match to an existing attribute by the name.If created, it's created as Text
  2. If only one caret is in the AttributeName (Project^V), the Attribute Name and AttributeType are used. Note: D (Date), B (Boolean), V (Defined Value), E (Encrypted Text), L (Value List [^ separated values]), VL (Value List using Defined Type [^ separated values]) are specific types, anything else will be Text.
  3. If two carets are in the Attribute Name(^Projects^Project), Attribute Category and AttributeName are used.
  4. If three carets are in the AttributeName (^Projects^Projects^V), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,and Attribute Type are used.
  5. If four carets are in the AttributeName (^Projects^Project^V^123), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, and Attribute Foreign Key are used.
  6. If five carets are in the AttributeName (^Projects^Project^V^123^456), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, Attribute Foreign Key, and Defined Type Foreign Key are used.

Note: The power of the five carets is that the Defined Type list created for an attribute can be used by multiple Defined Value Attributes. This is helpful if there are attributes used as surveys which have the same options used multiple times.

IndividualId must exist in Person ForeignId and ForeignKey fields. FundName is the name of an 'Account' in Rock. ContributionTypeName is a Rock defined type - Currency Type.

07 - ScheduledTransaction.csv

For best performance, group scheduled transactions by Id.

Create or modify the existing defined values for Credit Card Type before running the import to match any ScheduledTransactionCreditCardType values in CSV.

Gateways will be created as new ScheduledTransactionGateway names are encountered which do not exist. The Test Gateway Entity is used to create the new gateway. This should be updated to the appropriate Gateway Entity (provider) post-migration.

ScheduledTransactionId                /* String [Required] */
ScheduledTransactionPersonId          /* String [Required] */
ScheduledTransactionCreatedDate       /* DateTime (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm) [OptionalDefault=Now] */
ScheduledTransactionStartDate         /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Required] */
ScheduledTransactionEndDate           /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional] */
ScheduledTransactionNextPaymentDate   /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional] */
ScheduledTransactionActive            /* Bool (TRUE|FALSE|1|0) [Optional Default=TRUE] */
ScheduledTransactionFrequency         /* String | Int [Required] */
ScheduledTransactionNumberOfPayments  /* Int [Optional] */
ScheduledTransactionTransactionCode   /* String [Required] */
ScheduledTransactionGatewaySchedule   /* String [Required] */
ScheduledTransactionGateway           /* String | Int [Required] */
ScheduledTransactionAccount           /* String | Int [Required] */
ScheduledTransactionAmount            /* Decimal [Required] */
ScheduledTransactionCurrencyType      /* String [Required] 'ACH' or 'CreditCard' */
ScheduledTransactionCreditCardType    /* String [Optional] */

Groups and Attendance

08 - NamedLocation.csv file

NamedLocationId                  /* String | Int [Requred] */
NamedLocationName                /* String [Requred] */
NamedLocationCreatedDate         /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional] */
NamedLocationType                /* Guid | Int | String [Optional] */
NamedLocationParent              /* String | Int [Optional] */
NamedLocationSoftRoomThreshold   /* Int [Optional] */
NamedLocationFirmRoomThreshold   /* Int [Optional] */

09 - GroupType.csv file

GroupTypeId                      /* String | Int [Requred] */
GroupTypeName                    /* String [Requred] */
GroupTypeCreatedDate             /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional] */
GroupTypePurpose                 /* Guid | Int | String [Optional] */
GroupTypeInheritedGroupType      /* Guid | Int | String [Optional] */
GroupTypeTakesAttendance         /* "YES" | "NO" [Optional] */
GroupTypeWeekendService          /* "YES" | "NO" [Optional] */
GroupTypeShowInGroupList         /* "YES" | "NO" [Optional] */
GroupTypeShowInNav               /* "YES" | "NO" [Optional] */
GroupTypeParentId                /* String | Int [Optional] */
GroupTypeSelfReference           /* "YES" | "NO" [Optional] */
GroupTypeWeeklySchedule          /* "YES" | "NO" [Optional] */
GroupTypeDescription             /* String [Optional] */

10 - Group.csv

GroupId                          /* String | Int [Requred] */
GroupName                        /* String [Requred] */
GroupCreatedDate                 /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional] */
GroupType                        /* Guid | Int | String [Required] */
GroupParentGroupId               /* String | Int [Optional] */
GroupActive                      /* "YES" | "NO" [Optional] */
GroupOrder                       /* Int [Optional] */
GroupCampus                      /* String [Optional] */
GroupAddress                     /* String [Optional] */
GroupAddress2                    /* String [Optional] */
GroupCity                        /* String [Optional] */
GroupState                       /* String [Optional] */
GroupZip                         /* String [Optional] */
GroupCountry                     /* String [Optional] */
GroupSecondaryAddress            /* String [Optional] */
GroupSecondaryAddress2           /* String [Optional] */
GroupSecondaryCity               /* String [Optional] */
GroupSecondaryState              /* String [Optional] */
GroupSecondaryZip                /* String [Optional] */
GroupSecondaryCountry            /* String [Optional] */
GroupNamedLocation               /* String [Optional] */
GroupDayOfWeek                   /* String [Optional] */
GroupTime                        /* String [Optional] */
GroupDescription                 /* String [Optional] */
GroupCapacity                    /* Int [Optional] */
Any Additional Fields will be Group Attributes
  1. If no caret is in the Attribute Name (Topic), just tries to match to an existing attribute by the name.If created, it's created as Text
  2. If only one caret is in the AttributeName (Topic^V), the Attribute Name and AttributeType are used. Note: D (Date), B (Boolean), V (Defined Value), VM (Defined Value with AllowMultiple [, separated values]), E (Encrypted Text), L (Value List [^ separated values]), VL (Value List using Defined Type [^ separated values]) are specific types, anything else will be Text.
  3. If two carets are in the Attribute Name(^Topic^Topic), Attribute Category and AttributeName are used.
  4. If three carets are in the AttributeName (^Topic^Topic^V), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,and Attribute Type are used.
  5. If four carets are in the AttributeName (^Topic^Topic^V^123), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, and Attribute Foreign Key are used.
  6. If five carets are in the AttributeName (^Topic^Topic^V^123^456), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, Attribute Foreign Key, and Defined Type Foreign Key are used.

Note: The power of the five carets is that the Defined Type list created for an attribute can be used by multiple Defined Value Attributes. This is helpful if there are attributes used as surveys which have the same options used multiple times.

11 - GroupMember.csv

GroupMemberId                    /* String [Required] */
GroupMemberGroupId               /* String | Int [Requred] */
GroupMemberPersonId              /* String | Int [Required] */
GroupMemberCreatedDate           /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional] */
GroupMemberRole                  /* String [Optional] */
GroupMemberActive                /* "YES" | "NO" | "PENDING" [Optional, Default */

ORDER BY [GroupMemberGroupId], [GroupMemberId]

11 - Relationship.csv

GroupMemberId                    /* String [Required] */
GroupMemberGroupId               /* String | Int [Requred] */
GroupMemberPersonId              /* String | Int [Required] */
GroupMemberCreatedDate           /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional] */
GroupMemberRole                  /* String [Optional] */
GroupMemberActive                /* "YES" | "NO" | "PENDING" [Optional, Default */

Note: GroupMemberGroupId for the Relationship file should be the Person Id of the inverse relationship.

12 - Attendance.csv

For performance reasons, it is recommended that your csv file be ordered by GroupId. This reduces database overhead.
AttendanceId                     /* String | Int [Required] */
AttendanceGroupId                /* String | Int [Required] */
AttendancePersonId               /* String | Int [Required] */
AttendanceCreatedDate            /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional] */
AttendanceDate                   /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Required] */
AttendanceAttended               /* "TRUE" | "FALSE" | 1 | 0 [Optional Default=TRUE] */
AttendanceLocationId             /* String | Int [Optional] */

Advanced Imports

13 - Metrics.csv


14 - UserLogin.csv

CommonAuthentication Types:
Rock.Security.Authentication.Database - Password should be blank if Keys don't match.  Blank database passwords will be set as not confirmed.
Rock.Security.Authentication.ActiveDirectory - Password should be blank
UserLoginId                      /* String | Int [Required] */
UserLoginPersonId                /* String | Int [Required] */
UserLoginUserName                /* String [Required] */
UserLoginPassword                /* Hex String [Optional] */
UserLoginDateCreated             /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional] */
UserLoginAuthenticationType      /* String [Required] */
UserLoginIsConfirmed             /* "TRUE" | "FALSE" | 1 | 0 [Optional Default=TRUE] */

ORDER BY [UserLoginPersonId], [UserLoginId]

Content Channels

15 - ContentChannel.csv

ContentChannelName               /* String [Required] */
ContentChannelTypeName           /* String [Required] */
ContentChannelDescription        /* String [Optional] */
ContentChannelId                 /* String | Int [Optional] */
ContentChannelRequiresApproval   /* "TRUE" | "FALSE"| 1 | 0 [Optional Default=FALSE] [Optional] */
ContentChannelParentId           /* String | Int [Optional] */
Any Additional Fields will be Content ChannelAttributes
  1. If no caret is in the Attribute Name (Author), just tries to match to an existing attribute by the name.If created, it's created as Text
  2. If only one caret is in the AttributeName (Author^V), the Attribute Name and AttributeType are used. Note: D (Date), B (Boolean), V (Defined Value), E (Encrypted Text), L (Value List [^ separated values]), VL (Value List using Defined Type [^ separated values]) are specific types, anything else will be Text.
  3. If two carets are in the Attribute Name(^Podcast^Author), Attribute Category and AttributeName are used.
  4. If three carets are in the AttributeName (^Podcast^Author^V), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,and Attribute Type are used.
  5. If four carets are in the AttributeName (^Podcast^Author^V^123), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, and Attribute Foreign Key are used.
  6. If five carets are in the AttributeName (^Podcast^Author^V^123^456), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, Attribute Foreign Key, and Defined Type Foreign Key are used.

Note: The power of the five carets is that the Defined Type list created for an attribute can be used by multiple Defined Value Attributes. This is helpful if there are attributes used as surveys which have the same options used multiple times.

16 - ContentChannelItem.csv

ContentChannelName               /* String [Required] */
ItemTitle                        /* String [Required] */
ItemContent                      /* String [Optional] */
ItemStart                        /* DateTime [Optional] */
ItemExpire                       /* DateTime [Optional] */
ItemId                           /* String | Int [Optional] */
ItemParentId                     /* String | Int [Optional] */
Any Additional Fields will be Content Channel Item Attributes
  1. If no caret is in the Attribute Name (Author), just tries to match to an existing attribute by the name.If created, it's created as Text
  2. If only one caret is in the AttributeName (Author^V), the Attribute Name and AttributeType are used. Note: D (Date), B (Boolean), V (Defined Value), E (Encrypted Text), L (Value List [^ separated values]), VL (Value List using Defined Type [^ separated values]) are specific types, anything else will be Text.
  3. If two carets are in the Attribute Name(^Podcast^Author), Attribute Category and AttributeName are used.
  4. If three carets are in the AttributeName (^Podcast^Author^V), Attribute Category, Attribute Name, andAttribute Type are used.
  5. If four carets are in the AttributeName (^Podcast^Author^V^123), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, and Attribute Foreign Key are used.
  6. If five carets are in the AttributeName (^Podcast^Author^V^123^456), Attribute Category, Attribute Name,Attribute Type, Attribute Foreign Key, and Defined Type Foreign Key are used.

Note: The power of the five carets is that the Defined Type list created for an attribute can be used by multiple Defined Value Attributes. This is helpful if there are attributes used as surveys which have the same options used multiple times.

17 - GroupPolygon.csv

GroupId                          /* String | Int [Required] */
GroupName                        /* String [Required] */
GroupCreatedDate                 /* Date (mm/dd/yyyy) [Optional] */
GroupType                        /* Guid | Int | String [Required] */
GroupParentGroupId               /* String | Int [Optional] */
GroupActive                      /* "YES" | "NO" [Optional] */
GroupOrder                       /* Int [Optional] */
GroupCampus                      /* String [Required] */
Latitude                         /* String [Required] */
Longitude                        /* String [Required] */

#####Important Note about Polygons Issues arise with the geospatial processing depending on SQL Versions. If any exceptions are thrown, try installing Microsoft System CLR Types for SQL Server 2012 (x64) ( ).

18 - Notes.csv

NoteType                            /* String [Required] */
EntityTypeName                      /* String [Required] */
EntityForeignId                     /* Int [Required] */
NoteCaption                         /* String [Optional] */
NoteText                            /* String [Optional] */
NoteDate                            /* DateTime [Optional] */
CreatedById                         /* Int [Optional] */
IsAlert                             /* "TRUE" | "FALSE" | 1 | 0 [Optional Default=FALSE] [Optional] */
IsPrivate                           /* "TRUE" | "FALSE" | 1 | 0 [Optional Default=FALSE] [Optional] */

Note: EntityTypeName should be the fully-qualified Rock EntityType, e.g. Rock.Model.Person. CreatedById is the ForeignId of the person who created the note.

19 - PrayerRequest.csv

PrayerRequestCategory              /* String [Required] */
PrayerRequestText                  /* String [Required] */
PrayerRequestDate                  /* DateTime [Required] */
PrayerRequestId                    /* String [Optional] */
PrayerRequestFirstName             /* String [Required] */
PrayerRequestLastName              /* String [Optional] */
PrayerRequestEmail                 /* String [Optional] */
PrayerRequestExpireDate            /* DateTime [Optional] */
PrayerRequestAllowComments         /* "TRUE" | "FALSE" | 1 | 0 [Optional Default=TRUE] [Optional] */
PrayerRequestIsPublic              /* "TRUE" | "FALSE" | 1 | 0 [Optional Default=TRUE] [Optional] */
PrayerRequestIsApproved            /* "TRUE" | "FALSE" | 1 | 0 [Optional Default=TRUE] [Optional] */
PrayerRequestApprovedDate          /* DateTime [Optional] */
PrayerRequestApprovedById          /* String [Optional] */
PrayerRequestCreatedById           /* String [Optional] */
PrayerRequestRequestedById         /* String [Optional] */
PrayerRequestAnswerText            /* String [Optional] */
PrayerRequestCampus                /* String [Optional] */

20 - PreviousLastName.csv

PreviousLastNamePersonId          /* String | Int [Required] */
PreviousLastName                  /* String [Required] */
PreviousLastNameId                /* String | Int | Guid [Optional] */

21 - BankAccount.csv

FamilyId                          /* String | Int [Optional] */
RoutingNumber                     /* Int [Required] */
AccountNumber                     /* String | Int [Required] */
IndividualId                      /* String | Int [Required] */

22 - PhoneNumber.csv

PhonePersonId                     /* String | Int [Required] */
PhoneType                         /* String [Required] */
Phone                             /* String [Required] */
PhoneIsMessagingEnabled           /* "TRUE" | "FALSE" | 1 | 0 [Optional Default=FALSE] [Optional] */
PhoneIsUnlisted                   /* "TRUE" | "FALSE" | 1 | 0 [Optional Default=FALSE] [Optional] */
PhoneId                           /* String | Int [Optional] */

23 - EntityAttribute.csv

AttributeEntityTypeName           /* String [Required] */
AttributeId                       /* String | Int [Optional] */
AttributeRockKey                  /* String [Optional, defaults to AttributeName without whitespace]    Note: AttributeId will be added as FK/FID to attributes that match Entity and Attribute Key with null FK/FID */
AttributeName                     /* String [Required] */
AttributeCategoryName             /* String [Optional] */
AttributeType                     /* "D" | "B" | "V" | "VM" | "E" | "L" | "VL" | "U" | "H" | "SN" | "" */
AttributeDefinedTypeId            /* String | Int [Optional] */
AttributeEntityTypeQualifierName  /* String [Optional] */
AttributeEntityTypeQualifierValue /* String | Int [Optional] */

Note: Valid AttributeType values are D (Date), B (Boolean), V (Defined Value), VM (Defined Value with Allow Multiple), E (Encrypted Text), L (Value List), VL (Value List using Defined Type), U (URL Link), H (HTML), and SN (Social Security Number). If left blank, a standard Text type attribute will be created.

ORDER BY [AttributeEntityTypeName], [AttributeCategoryName], [AttributeRockKey]

24 - EntityAttributeValue.csv

AttributeEntityTypeName           /* String [Required] */
AttributeId                       /* String | Int [Optional] */
AttributeRockKey                  /* String [Optional, defaults to AttributeName without whitespace]    Note: AttributeId will be added as FK/FID to attributes that match Entity and Attribute Key with null FK/FID */
AttributeValueId                  /* String | Int [Optional] */
AttributeValueEntityId            /* String | Int [Required] */
AttributeValue                    /* String [Required] */

ORDER BY [AttributeEntityTypeName], [AttributeId], [AttributeRockKey], [AttributeValueEntityId]

25 - ConnectionRequest.csv


ORDER BY [ConnectionType], [OpportunityName], [OpportunityForeignKey], [RequestForeignKey]

Benevolence Requests

26 - BenevolenceRequest.csv

BenevolenceRequestText                 /* String [Required] */  
BenevolenceRequestDate                 /* DateTime [Required] */  
BenevolenceRequestId                   /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestFirstName            /* String [Required] */  
BenevolenceRequestLastName             /* String [Required] */  
BenevolenceRequestEmail                /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestCreatedById          /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestCreatedDate          /* DateTime [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestRequestedById        /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestCaseWorkerId         /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestCellPhone            /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestHomePhone            /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestWorkPhone            /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestGovernmentId         /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestProvidedNextSteps    /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestStatus               /* String | Int [Required] */  
BenevolenceRequestResultSummary        /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestAddress              /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestAddress2             /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestCity                 /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestState                /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestZip                  /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceRequestCountry              /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceType                        /* String [Optional: Rock V13+ only] */

Note: Benevolence Requests require either: A) BenevolenceRequestRequestedById; or B) BenevolenceRequestFirstName and BenevolenceRequestLastName. If BenevolenceRequestRequestedById is provided, the personal information from the respective person record will be used for all personal information fields (name, email, address, etc.) regardless of data provided provided in those columns. BenevolenceType was added to Rock V13+. If left blank, value will default to Rock's default BenevolenceType ("Benevolence").

27 - BenevolenceResult.csv

BenevolenceResultRequestId         /* String [Required] */  
BenevolenceResultType              /* String | Int [Required] */  
BenevolenceResultId                /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceResultAmount            /* Decimal [Optional] */  
BenevolenceResultSummary           /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceResultCreatedById       /* String [Optional] */  
BenevolenceResultCreatedDate       /* DateTime [Optional] */  

28 - PersonHistory.csv

HistoryId                          /* String | Int [Required] */    
HistoryPersonId                    /* Int [Required] */
HistoryCategory                    /* String [Required] */
ChangedByPersonId                  /* String [Optional] */
Verb                               /* String [Default="[Imported]"] [Optional] */
Caption                            /* String [Optional] */
ChangeType                         /* "Property" | "Record" [Default=Property] [Optional] */
ValueName                          /* String [Required] */
RelatedEntityType                  /* "Person" | "Group" | "Attribute" | "UserLogin" | "PersonSearchKey" [Optional] */
RelatedEntityId                    /* Int [Optional] */
NewValue                           /* String [Optional] */
OldValue                           /* String [Optional] */
HistoryDateTime                    /* DateTime [Required] */
IsSensitive                        /* "TRUE" | "FALSE" | 1 | 0 [Default="FALSE"] [Optional] */

Note: ChangedByPersonId is the ForeignId of the person who created the note. RelatedEntityId is the ForeignId of the previously imported entity of type matching RelatedEntityType. HistoryCategory will either be matched to an existing child category of Rock's core history category named "Person" or a new child category will be created.

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