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Releases: KinsonDigital/BranchValidator

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.4

17 Mar 21:42
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BranchValidator Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.4

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

Nuget/Library Updates 📦

  1. #65 - Updated the NuGet packages below:
    • Updated the package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Scripting from version v4.2.0 to v4.5.0
    • Updated the package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers from version v6.0.0 to v7.0.0
    • Updated the package Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions from version v6.0.0 to v7.0.0
    • Updated the package Microsoft.Extensions.FileSystemGlobbing from version v6.0.0 to v7.0.0
    • Updated the package Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting from version v6.0.1 to v7.0.1
    • Updated the package FluentAssertions from version v6.7.0 to v6.10.0
  2. #70 - Updated the NuGet packages below:
    • Updated the package Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from v17.2.0 to v17.5.0
    • Updated the package xunit from v2.4.1 to v2.4.2
    • Updated the package coverlet.collector from v3.1.2 to v3.2.0
    • Updated the package coverlet.msbuild from v3.1.2 to v3.2.0
    • Updated the package Moq from v4.18.1 to v4.18.4
    • Updated the package System.IO.Abstractions from vSystem.IO.Abstractions to v19.1.18

Other 🪧

(Includes anything that does not fit into the categories above)
  1. #90, #87, #83, #74 - Improved the project readme file.
  2. #86 - Removed the issue and pr templates.

    Note This will use the organizational level templates.

  3. #73 - Renamed license file from LICENSE to
  4. #71 - Removed files and documents from the repository that are not used.
  5. #70 - Updated the project dotnet SDK from version v6 to v7
  6. #63 - Moved the internal visible setup from a csharp file to the csproj file.
  7. #48 - Added release note template files to the repository.
  8. #53 - Moved release note template files to the correct directory location.
  9. #51 - Cleaned up some release notes.

🚀Preview Release - v1.0.0-preview.3

27 Aug 08:48
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BranchValidator Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.3

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

New Features ✨

  1. #12 - Refactored code to use the types from the library KDActionUtils. The following list of types have been removed and replaced with the same types from the library.
    • IAction
    • IArgParsingService
    • NullOrEmptyStringArgumentException
    • IActionOutputService
    • ActionOutputService
    • GitHubConsoleService
    • AppService
    • ArgParsingService
    • ConsoleService
    • IAppService
    • IConsoleService
  2. #10 - Added URL in the GitHub console output.
    • This URL is a link to the project's create issue page.

Nuget/Library Updates 📦

  1. #12 - Added nuget package KinsonDigital.KDActionUtils version v1.0.0-preview.1.

Other 🪧

(Includes anything that does not fit into the categories above)
  1. #5 - Create logo for project.
    • Created light and dark mode versions of the project logo.
    • Added logo to the top of the project README file.
  2. #18 - Updated and added issue and PR templates to the project.
  3. #16 - Added code of conduct file to the project.
  4. #23 - Fixed release-todo-issue-template.yml by removing character artifacts that were preventing the template from working properly.
  5. #9 - Updated the name of the GitHub action from BranchValidator to Branch Validator.
    • This will make it a little more intuitive when searching for actions in the marketplace.
  6. #28 - Updated the release-todo-issue-template.yml file.
    • Added a new item to the Perform Release ToDo List section to check that the PR is approved and merged.
    • Bolded a section of the last item in the Perform Release ToDo List section.
  7. #27 - Added branching documentation with branching documents.
  8. #30 - Updated project readme.
    • Added a note explaining why the action must be run in Ubuntu with some links to some GitHub documentation resources.
  9. #35 - Updated the pull request template file.
    • Rearranged the order of 2 tasks items.
  10. #38 - Improved project README.
  11. #41 - Made various improvements to the pull request templates by adding 2 new tasks as well as rearranging the order of of the tasks. List of pull request templates updated below:

🚀Preview Releasee v1.0.0-preview.1

12 Jul 17:03
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BranchValidator Preview Release Notes - v1.0.0-preview.1

Quick Reminder

As with all software, there is always a chance for issues and bugs, especially for preview releases, which is why your input is greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

New Features ✨

  1. #4 - Initial creation of GitHub action.