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#Behavioral Cloning

Use Deep Learning to Clone Driving BehaviorProject

This project contains the following files:

  • Python file for steering, uses model.h5
  • model.h5: Trained model
  • Pyhon file to train the model

Model architecture

The model structure is as follows:

Layer (type) |Output Shape

cropping2d_1 (Cropping2D) |(None, 66, 320, 3)
lambda_1 (Lambda) |(None, 32, 160, 3)
lambda_2 (Lambda) |(None, 32, 160, 3)
convolution2d_1 (Convolution2D) |(None, 8, 40, 16)
elu_1 (ELU) |(None, 8, 40, 16)
convolution2d_2 (Convolution2D) |(None, 4, 20, 32)
elu_2 (ELU) |(None, 4, 20, 32)
convolution2d_3 (Convolution2D) |(None, 2, 10, 64)
flatten_1 (Flatten) |(None, 1280)
elu_3 (ELU) |(None, 1280)
dense_1 (Dense) |(None, 512)
elu_4 (ELU) |(None, 512)
dense_2 (Dense) |(None, 1)

Total params: 723,569

Training Strategy

While training the model, it came to my attention that the final model was better if dropout was skipped, so I opted for prunning the dropout layers (lines 205, 208)

Loss didn´t see to change after epoch 3-4, so I ended up using 10 total epochs of training.

There was no test split, only validation and training

Experimentaly, a smaller learning rate using an Adam optimizer worked better (line 212)

As per training data, the udacity dataset was used along with a personal dataset, obtained from 2 full laps around track 2, clockwise and counterclockwise. alt text

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Data aquisition was made with keyboard and a gamer friend :]

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Data was augmented by using the 3 cameras, shifting the steering angle for right and left for 0.25. (Lines 78-94)

As for trying to alleviate the 0 steering bias, 90% of the 0 steering data was deleted after augmentation (Lines 53-76)

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Image processing was done as follows: alt text

  • Image cropping (line 174) alt text
  • Image resizing (Lines 182-184) alt text
  • Image normalization (Line 198) alt text

Video can be found here


My solution to the third project of the SDCND






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