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Welcome to my portfolio.



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The main technologies that I have used

  • ViteJS (v5.0.8): Used as the main framework to build dynamic user interfaces.
  • TailwindCSS (v3.3.6): Utility design framework for fast and consistent development.
  • PostCSS (v8.4.32): CSS processor used to extend and transform styles, integrated with Tailwind CSS.
  • Autoprefixer (v10.4.16): Tool to automatically add browser prefixes to CSS styles.
  • Framer Motion (v10.16.16): Library to create declarative animations in React.
  • React Router DOM (v6.21.0): Library to manage routing in React applications.
  • React Three Fiber (v8.15.12): Framework to build 3D scenes in React.
  • React Three Drei (v9.92.1): Library that complements React Three Fiber, providing ready-to-use 3D components.
  • ldrs (v1.0.1): Library for loading animations.


Type Meaning
feat New features
fix Bug fixes
breaking Breaking change
build Changes in compilation system
chore Changes that don't affect production environment
ci Changes in the continuous integration configuration
docs Changes in documentation
perf Updates in performance
refactor Refactoring processes
revert Rollbacks to previous commit or changes
style Changes in syntax
test Add or fix tests