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KomMonitor Docker

For convenience, this repository provides various ready-to-use configuration files to get started quickly with KomMonitor in a Docker environment.


You'll find Docker Compose files and configuration files for three different setups within this repository:

./dev: Sets up a first running instance of KomMonitor for development purposes. KomMonitor backend services and the Web Client are reachable under their specific ports. No SSL/TLS.

./dev-proxy: Also for development purposes but deploys an NGINX as proxy. KomMonitor backend services and the Web Client are reachable under different subpaths via NGINX proxy. No SSL/TLS.

./prod: Provides configurations for production purposes i.e., Keycloak and the NGINX proxy are configured to support SSL/TLS and Keycloak makes use of an RDBMS.

All Docker Compose files make use of the environment files stored within ./config. There are also some *.template files, which are mounted into the NodeJS based containers (Web Client, Processing Engine, Processing Scheduler). Env variables within these files are filled at startup time via envsubst command.

Each setup directory also contains an .env file, which contains setup specific values for environment variables that acts as placeholder within all other *.env files within the ./config directory.

Get started

Pre Installation Steps

Add Residential Area Geodata

The Spatial Data Processor component requires a shapefile that provides geometries for residential areas. Before you start one of the stacks described below, you should prepare such a Shapefile that holds residential areas for your region.

Some regions may provide such datasets as open data. E.g., North Rhine-Westfalia provides the Basis-DLM on its open data portal. The configuration files in this repository are prepared for these Basis-DLM shapefiles reprojected in EPSG:4326.

Note, that, up to now, the shapefile must be in EPSG:4326. Be sure that your datasets have this projection. Otherwise, you have to reproject them. In future version, we plan to support other CRS by supporting on-the-fly reprojections.

Development Setup

Both the ./dev and ./dev-proxy directory contain a ready-to use setup. You can deploy each of the components via its Docker Compose file. Just follow the steps below.

1. Start a Keycloak instance:

You'll find a Docker Compose file with a simple Keycloak configuration within the ./dev/keycloak and ./dev-proxy/keycloak directory. For developing purposes, these Keycloak configuration uses a H2 file database for persisting data. To start Keycloak just run docker compose up within ./dev/keycloakor ./dev-proxy/keycloak.

Keycloak has a preconfigured "KomMonitor" realm with several KomMonitor clients preregistered.

Important: To use Keycloak for development purposes on your local machine, add Keycloak as an entry to your host file as described here. Keycloak then will be available under http://keycloak:8080/.

2. Start KomMonitor:

Run docker compose up from ./dev/kommonitor or ./dev-proxy/kommonitor. This sets up all components of the KomMonitor stack via Docker.

Non-proxy setup: In case you use the non-proxy setup the Web client will be available via http://localhost:8084/.

Proxy setup: For the proxy setup the Web Client will be available via http://localhost/kommonitor after you have deployed NGINX.

3. Start NGINX proxy

To start the NGINX proxy run docker compose up from ./dev-proxy/nginx. This sets up an NGINX, which forwards certain subpath requests to the correct port under which the KomMonitor componets can be reached.

Production Setup

The ./prod directory aims to provide configuration files that are easy to adopt for a production deployment. Although most configurations are ready-to-use, some manual actions are still required.


Keycloak and KomMonitor have to be configured to support SSL/TLS in order to expose service endpoints via HTTPS. While Keycloak will be configured to use SSL/TLS by its own, the NGINX proxy provides SSL/TLS termination for all KomMonitor services and the Web Client.

For SSL/TLS support you have to provide an SSL certificate as well as a private key. Just place the certificate and private key in PEM format within the ./prod/certs folder.

For setting up Keycloak and KomMonitor with SSL/TLS support for testing purposes on your local machine, you may consider to create a self-signed certificate.

Start and configure Keycloak

1. Set up a production grade database
For production purposes Keycloak should use a production grade database. By default, Keycloak ist configured to use a Postgres DB, which will be also deployed as Docker container. Please, change the default environment variables, which contain sensitive data for DB accesss, such as DB name as well as the DB user and password within Docker Compose file.

If you'd rather like to use an already existing enterprise DB, just remove the keycloak-db service from the Docker Compose file and provide certain configuration values for DB access to the KC_DB_* environment variables.

For an in-depth guide about configuring Keycloak for production, please, have a look into the official Keycloak documentation.

2. Configure the Keycloak hostname Depending on where you are going to deploy Keycloak, you have to change the KC_HOSTNAME variable. Just set the hostname of sever, where Keycloak will be reachable from. Consider the Keycloak guide for further configurations.

3. Start Keycloak
Run docker compose up within ./prod/keycloak to start Keycloak. At startup time, Keycloak will be preconfigured by importing the realm-export-kommonitor.json, which contains a "KomMonitor" realm definition with all KomMonitor components registered as client.

4. Generate client secrets
The "KomMonitor" realm created at startup time has client definitions, which have some placeholder values as secrets. For development purposes it is totally fine to leave the secrets as they are. However, for production setup you should. These secrets also have to be provided to the KomMonitor components by setting the appropriate variables within ./prod/kommonitor/.env.

5. Create a user
Within the "KomMonitor" realm create a first user for accessing restricted KomMonitor datasets and secrets. This user can be used to login into the KomMonitor Web Client. Assign the kommonitor-creator role to give the user admin rights.

Start and configure KomMonitor

1. Set up a production grade database
Per default the ./prod/kommonitor/docker-compose.yml sets up a PostGIS database used as storage for the KomMonitor DataManagement API. Consider using an already existing enterprise database and remove the PostGIS service definition from the Docker Compose file.

2. Configure KomMonitor
You have to adopt the environment variables within ./prod/kommonitor/.env file to your current host, database and Keycloak configuration.

3. Start KomMonitor
Run docker compose up from ./prod/kommonitor. This sets up all components of the KomMonitor stack via Docker.


Start the NGINX proxy by running docker compose up from ./prod/nginx. This sets up an NGINX, which forwards certain subpath requests to the correct port under which the KomMonitor componets can be reached.

If you wish to change the subpaths, adapt the NGINX configuration template. But don't forget to also adapt the same paths within ./prod/kommonitor/.env.

Start Portainer

If you wish to monitor all your Docker containers via Portainer start an instance from the ./prod/portainer directory via docker compose up.


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