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To replace, check the intl-dateformatter library.


A simple module to format a Date and do some arithmetic on it.


Use npm install date-extension. Or download files to your computer. After downloading within the download directory, open a cmd window and start npm install.

Now you can start an instance using

const { XDate } = require("[]");
const now = XDate();
// etc.

Note: The module contains tests. Reading the tests.js-file may provide more information on the usage.

Available methods


Parameters date, language

date can be: nothing, a date string (with at least year, month and date (like "2018/03/01")) or a Date (new Date). An invalid date becomes the current date. language Possible values are: empty, "EN", "NL", "DE" or "FR". Default is "EN"


const now = XDate(); // formatting language default English
const nowToo = XDate("2019");
const nowToo2 = XDate("no dice");
const then = XDate("2018/04/06", "NL"); // formatting language will be dutch now
const futureDate = XDate(new Date("2050/01/01"), "DE"); // formatting language will be  german
// etc.


Parameters value = 0, unit

It adds [value] [unit(s)] to the date and returns the XDate Object

unit is a string. An XDate instance contains unit-properties you can use (see example).

Possible unit values:

  • "day" (default)
  • "month"
  • "year"
  • "hour"
  • "minute"
  • "second"
  • "ms"


const now = XDate();
now.add(1, "day"); // add 1 day
now.add(-15, now.units.hour); // subtract 15 hours

Returns XDate instance


Parameters formattingstring, language

It serializes the XDate instance to a localized ([language]) string using [formattingstring].

Returns String

Value replacements for an XDate instance in a formattingstring:

  • "yyyy" => (int) the full year
  • "m" => (int) the month (real month, not the array value of getMonth()),
  • "d" => (int) the date
  • "h" => (int) the hours
  • "mi" => (int) the minutes
  • "s" => (int) the seconds,
  • "ms" => (int) the milliseconds,
  • "wd" => (int) the day of the week,
  • "mm" => (string) zero padded (real) month
  • "dd" => (string) zero padded date
  • "hh" => (string) zero padded hours
  • "MI" => (string) zero padded minutes
  • "S" => (string) zero padded seconds
  • "MS" => (string) zero padded milliseconds
  • "M" => (string) short month string (language dependent)
  • "MM" => (string) long month string (language dependent)
  • "dow" => (string) short day of week string (language dependent)
  • "DOW" => (string) long day of week string (language dependent)


const someDate = XDate("2015/03/15 22:18");
someDate.format("DOW d MM yyyy hh:MI", "FR"); // "Dimanche 15 Mars 2015 22:18"

If a string without a space before or after a replacement string should be included, you can use ~ (tilde), for example.

const someDate = XDate("2015/03/15 22:18:03.022");
someDate.format("yyyy/mm/dd~T~hh:MI:S.MS~Z"); // "2015/03/15T22:18:03.022Z"


Parameters language

It sets the formatting language of an XDate instance

Returns XDate instance

Possible values for [language]: "EN", "NL", "DE", "FR". Default is "EN".

Note: You can also set the formatting language while instantiating (XDate(null, "FR");), or set the language on formatting (XDate(null).format([formattingstring], "DE");)


const someDate = XDate("2000/01/01");
someDate.setLanguage("NL"); // dutch
someDate.format("DOW d MM yyyy"); // "Zaterdag 1 Januari 2000"
someDate.setLanguage("DE"); // german
someDate.format("DOW d MM yyyy"); // "Samstag 1 Januar 2000"


Parameters value, unit

Returns XDate instance

It sets a part ([unit]) of an XDate instance

Notes see add for possible unit values. All values to set are translated to their equivalent Date set-methods (see Negative, null, empty strings and undefined values don't mutate anything (see examples). You can however pass numeric string values (e.g. "15").


XDate("2000/01/01").setUnit(4, "month").format("MM"); // "April"
XDate("2000/01/01").setUnit("4", "month").format("MM"); // "April"
XDate("2000/01/01").setUnit("four", "month").format("yyyy/mm/dd"); // "2000/01/01"
XDate("2000/01/01").setUnit(33, "day").format("yyyy/mm/dd"); // "2000/02/02"
XDate("2000/01/01").setUnit(-33, "day").format("yyyy/mm/dd"); // "2000/02/02"
XDate("2000/01/01").setUnit(44, "month").format("yyyy/mm/dd"); // "2003/08/01"
XDate("2000/01/01").setUnit(-44, "month").format("yyyy/mm/dd"); // "2003/08/01"
XDate("2000/01/01").setUnit(null, "month").format("yyyy/mm/dd"); // "2000/01/01"
// etc.

Bonus: predefined formatting strings

The library contains a module with a number of predefined formatting strings.


If you want to use it, require as:

const { XDate, formatStrings } = require("[]");

Now you can

    .format(formatStrings.dateTimeISOFull()); // "2018-06-01 00:00:00.000"
    .format(formatStrings.dateTimeMonthFullWeekDayShort, "DE"); // "Fre 1 Juni 2018 00:00"
    .format(formatStrings.dateMonthWeekDayFullEN); // Friday June 1 2018
// etc..

Possible strings (Note: use method call for ISO-strings to set the separator)

  • dateISO: (function) (separator = "-") => `yyyy${separator}mm${separator}dd`
  • dateTimeISOFull: (function) (separator = "-") => `yyyy${separator}mm${separator}dd hh:MI:S.MS`
  • dateTimeISOSeconds: (function) (separator = "-") => `yyyy${separator}mm${separator}dd hh:MI:S`
  • dateTimeISO: (function) (separator = "-") => `yyyy${separator}mm${separator}dd hh:MI`
  • dateMonthFullEN: (string) "MM d yyyy"
  • dateMonthWeekDayFullEN: (string) "DOW MM d yyyy"
  • dateMonthFullWeekDayShortEN: (string) "dow MM d yyyy"
  • dateTimeMonthFullWeekDayShortEN: (string) "dow MM d yyyy hh:MI"
  • dateTimeMonthWeekDayFullEN: (string) "DOW MM d yyyy hh:MI"
  • dateTimeMonthFullEN: (string) "MM d yyyy hh:MI"
  • dateTimeMonthWeekDayShortEN: (string) "dow M d yyyy hh:MI"
  • dateMonthFull: (string) "d MM yyyy"
  • dateMonthWeekDayFull: (string) "DOW d MM yyyy"
  • dateMonthFullWeekDayShort: (string) "dow d MM yyyy"
  • dateTimeMonthFullWeekDayShort: (string) "dow d MM yyyy hh:MI"
  • dateTimeMonthFull: (string) "d MM yyyy hh:MI"
  • dateTimeMonthShortWeekDayFull: (string) "DOW dd M d yyyy hh:MI"
  • dateTimeMonthShortWeekDayShort: (string) "dow d M yyyy hh:MI"


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