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SLF4J+Logback Utils

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From version 0.4.0 all package names have been renamed to match new artifact group id.

SLF4J Utils + Logback + Logback Utils

Default Configuration

This library overrides the default configuration provided by Logback.

The configuration is injected with service loading, so you can still override it with logback-test.xml, logback.groovy or logback.xml.

You can configure the root logger level with the logging.root.level system property or LOGGING_ROOT_LEVEL environment variable.

Logs are printed to the standard output. Which - with modern containers - is not a problem if you want to gather your logs in files or centralized database.
If you override this configuration, please, remember to also properly initialize the SLF4J bridge for j.u.l. (see BasicConfiguration class)

Default Format

Optimized for human readability and local development.

2019-11-28 11:51:41.234 INFO  [main           ] (Application.kt:59)                                          : Application configured, starting... 2bef553b 03c49529
2019-11-28 11:51:42.706 INFO  [atcher-worker-1] (BaseApplicationEngine.kt:39)                                : Responding at 2bef553b 03c49529
2019-11-28 11:51:42.735 INFO  [main           ] (Application.kt:81)                                          : Application startup finished: 2.925s 2bef553b
2019-11-28 11:51:41.234                (1)
INFO                                   (2)
[main]                                 (3)
(Application.kt:59)                    (4)
:                                      (5)
Application configured, starting...    (6)
2bef553b                               (7)
03c49529                               (8)
  1. Timestamp of the log with millisecond precision (note that there is no timezone offset)

  2. Log level

  3. Thread name

  4. File name and line (If IDE can find the file this should be clickable)

  5. Visual : delimiter

  6. Log message

  7. Optional MDC correlationId

  8. Optional MDC subCorrelationId

Elements 1-4 are fixed length to make reading messages easier for humans.

JSON Format

Optimized for gathering and machine processing.

It is possible to enable JSON format by providing logging.format=json system property or LOGGING_FORMAT=json environment variable.

By directly logging with JSON documents we can avoid CPU intensive and costly parsing of log strings. The JSON format is achieved with LogstashEncoder which is adjusted for ELK, however, any NoSQL/JSON Storage should be able to receive such logs.

{"@timestamp":"2019-11-28T12:30:06.314+01:00","@version":"1","message":"Application configured, starting...","logger_name":"koriit.kotlin.kodein.application.ApplicationKt","thread_name":"main","level":"INFO","level_value":20000,"subCorrelationId":"ffe5b8f0-10af-4192-94df-853ea5da4aa2","correlationId":"71a89c2a-5915-4f44-909c-90ae6b9e5755"}
{"@timestamp":"2019-11-28T12:30:07.383+01:00","@version":"1","message":"Responding at","logger_name":"","thread_name":"DefaultDispatcher-worker-1","level":"INFO","level_value":20000,"subCorrelationId":"ffe5b8f0-10af-4192-94df-853ea5da4aa2","correlationId":"71a89c2a-5915-4f44-909c-90ae6b9e5755"}
{"@timestamp":"2019-11-28T12:30:07.410+01:00","@version":"1","message":"Application startup finished: 2.397s","logger_name":"koriit.kotlin.kodein.application.ApplicationKt","thread_name":"main","level":"INFO","level_value":20000,"subCorrelationId":"ffe5b8f0-10af-4192-94df-853ea5da4aa2","correlationId":"71a89c2a-5915-4f44-909c-90ae6b9e5755"}
  "@timestamp": "2019-11-28T12:30:06.314+01:00",
  "@version": "1",
  "message": "Application configured, starting...",
  "logger_name": "koriit.kotlin.kodein.application.ApplicationKt",
  "thread_name": "main",
  "level": "INFO",
  "level_value": 20000,
  "subCorrelationId": "ffe5b8f0-10af-4192-94df-853ea5da4aa2",
  "correlationId": "71a89c2a-5915-4f44-909c-90ae6b9e5755"
Please, note that there is logger_name instead of a file name and line. That’s because computing file name and line is not particularly fast according to Logback documentation. In the end, the logger name also allows us to precisely locate the logging site.
Any log markers will be put into the tags array.

Graceful closing

Do you make sure to gracefully close your async loggers? :)

If your application finishes with your main you can do the following:

fun main() {
    // Application code...

    // Close logging threads and flush buffers

Performance logs

One of the most interesting things you can extract from your logs is the performance of your application - certain sections, API methods, startup, etc.

However, calculating averages and percentiles assumes we are working with numbers, thus you would need to parse your log strings. With help comes JSON format.

With net.logstash.logback.argument.StructuredArguments.value you can put any arbitrary value into your JSON log. In particular a number - some duration."Request took {} ms", value("duration", duration))
  "@timestamp": "2019-11-28T13:04:50.961+01:00",
  "@version": "1",
  "message": "Request took 12 ms",
  "logger_name": "",
  "thread_name": "worker-1",
  "level": "INFO",
  "level_value": 20000,
  "correlationId": "caf9b662-a0cd-4d0a-8b75-e4cde32b232f",
  "duration": 12

This library provides a set of performance extension functions that do this for you and also add PERFORMANCE marker.

val additionalInfo = mapOf(
    "request" to requestInfo,
    "response" to responseInfo

log.performance("{} ms - {} - {} {}", duration, responseInfo["status"], method, requestInfo["url"], appendEntries(additionalInfo))
  "@timestamp": "2019-11-28T13:24:47.832+01:00",
  "@version": "1",
  "message": "3 ms - 200 - GET http://localhost:8080/api/entities",
  "logger_name": "",
  "thread_name": "worker-4",
  "level": "INFO",
  "level_value": 20000,
  "correlationId": "db4f0ccb-0ba8-45f8-a21b-6adb83c6bd86",
  "tags": [
  "duration": 3,
  "request": {
    "method": "GET",
    "protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
    "url": "http://localhost:8080/api/entities",
    "api": "GET /api/entities",
    "route": "/api/entities",
    "remoteHost": "unknown",
    "contentType": "*/*",
    "contentLength": null
  "response": {
    "status": 200,
    "contentType": "application/json; charset=UTF-8",
    "contentLength": 5606
Performance logs are still logged as INFO. Whether this difference is visible in the output depends on your format, whether it includes markers in some way.