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Releases: Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines


18 Dec 20:20
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1.1.0-alpha Pre-release

Version 1.1.0-alpha

Major improvements in coroutines testing and debugging

  • New module: kotlinx-coroutines-debug. Debug agent that improves coroutines stacktraces, allows to print all active coroutines and its hierarchies and can be installed as Java agent.
  • New module: kotlinx-coroutines-test. Allows setting arbitrary Dispatchers.Main implementation for tests (#810).
  • Stacktrace recovery mechanism. Exceptions from coroutines are recovered from current coroutine stacktraces to simplify exception diagnostic. Enabled in debug mode, controlled by kotlinx.coroutines.debug system property (#493).

Other improvements

  • MainScope factory and CoroutineScope.cancel extension (#829). One line CoroutineScope integration!
  • CancellableContinuation race between resumeWithException and cancel is addressed, exceptions during cancellation are no longer reported to exception handler (#830, #892).
  • Dispatchers.Default now consumes much less CPU on JVM (#840).
  • Better diagnostic and fast failure if an uninitialized dispatcher is used (#880).
  • Conflated channel becomes linearizable.
  • Fixed inconsistent coroutin es state when the result of the coroutine had type DisposableHandle (#835).
  • Fixed JavaFx initialization bug (#816).
  • TimeoutCancellationException is thrown by withTimeout instead of CancellationException if negative timeout is supplied (#870).
  • Kotlin/Native single-threaded workers support: coroutines can be safely used in multiple independent K/N workers.
  • jsdom support in Dispatchers.Default on JS.
  • rxFlowable generic parameter is now restricted with Any.
  • Guava 27 support in kotlinx-coroutines-guava.
  • Coroutines are now built with progressive mode.
  • Various fixes in the documentation.


08 Nov 08:44
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Version 1.0.1

  • Align publisher implementation with Reactive TCK.
  • Reimplement future coroutine builders on top of AbstractCoroutine (#751).
  • Performance optimizations in Dispatchers.Default and Dispatchers.IO.
  • Use only public API during JavaFx instantiation, fixes warnings on Java 9 and build on Java 11 (#463).
  • Updated contract of CancellableContinuation.resumeWithException (documentation fix, see #712).
  • Check cancellation on fast-path of all in-place coroutine builders (withContext, coroutineScope, supervisorScope, withTimeout and withTimeoutOrNull).
  • Add optional prefix to thread names of ExperimentalCoroutineDispatcher (#661).
  • Fixed bug when ExperimentalCoroutineDispatcher could end up in inconsistent state if Thread constructor throws an exception (#748).


29 Oct 15:30
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Version 1.0.0

  • All Kotlin dependencies updated to 1.3 release version.
  • Fixed potential memory leak in HandlerDispatcher.scheduleResumeAfterDelay, thanks @cbeyls.
  • yield support for Unconfined and immediate dispatchers (#737).
  • Various documentation improvements.


19 Oct 20:05
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Version 1.0.0-RC1

  • Coroutines API is updated to Kotlin 1.3.
  • Deprecated API is removed or marked as internal.
  • Experimental and internal coroutine API is marked with corresponding kotlin.experimental.Experimental annotation. If you are using @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi or @InternalCoroutinesApi you should explicitly opt-in otherwise, compilation warning (or error) will be produced.
  • Unconfined dispatcher (and all dispatchers which support immediate invocation) forms event-loop on top of the current thread, thus preventing all StackOverflowErrors. Unconfined dispatcher is now much safer for the general use and may leave its experimental status soon (#704).
  • Significantly improved performance of suspending hot loops in kotlinx.coroutines (#537).
  • Proguard rules are embedded into coroutines JAR to assist jettifier (#657)
  • Fixed bug in shutdown sequence of runBlocking (#692).
  • ReceiveChannel.receiveOrNull is marked as obsolete and deprecated.
  • Job.cancel(cause) and ReceiveChannel.cancel(cause) are deprecated, cancel() returns Unit (#713).


08 Oct 16:12
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Version 0.30.2

  • Dispatchers.Main is instantiated lazily (see #658 and #665).
  • Blocking coroutine dispatcher views are now shutdown properly (#678).
  • Prevent leaking Kotlin 1.3 from atomicfu dependency (#659).
  • Thread-pool based dispatcher factories are marked as obsolete (#261).
  • Fixed exception loss on withContext cancellation (#675).


02 Oct 13:51
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Maintenance release:

  • Added Dispatchers.Main to common dispatchers, which can be used from Android, Swing and JavaFx projects if a corresponding integration library is added to dependencies.
  • With Dispatchers.Main improvement tooling bug in Android Studio #626 is mitigated, so Android users now can safely start the migration to the latest kotlinx.coroutines version.
  • Fixed bug with thread unsafety of shutdown sequence in EventLoop.
  • Experimental coroutine dispatcher now has close contract similar to Java Executor, so it can be safely instantiated and closed multiple times (affects only unit tests).
  • Atomicfu version is updated with fixes in JS transformer (see #609)


29 Sep 14:00
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  • Features based on version 0.30.0
  • Uses Kotlin version 1.3.0-rc-57
  • Uses Kotlin/Native version 0.9.2
  • Replace buildSequence and buildIterator with sequence and iterator
  • Apply @BuilderInference on all builders (including extension methods to workaround inference bug)


28 Sep 17:36
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  • [Major] Further improvements in exception handling — no failure exception is lost.
    • async and async-like builders cancel parent on failure (it affects CompletableDeferred, and all reactive integration builders).
    • This makes parallel decomposition exception-safe and reliable without having to rember about awaitAll (see #552).
    • Job() wih parent now also cancels parent on failure consistently with other scopes.
    • All coroutine builders and Job implementations propagate failure to the parent unless it is a CancellationException.
    • Note, "scoping" builders don't "cancel the parent" verbatim, but rethrow the corresponding exception to the caller for handling.
    • SupervisorJob() and supervisorScope { ... } are introduced, allowing for a flexible implementation of custom exception-handling policies, see a new section in the guide on supervision.
    • Got rid of awaitAll in documentation and rewrote currentScope section (see #624).
  • [Major] Coroutine scheduler is used for Dispatchers.Default by default instead of deprecated CommonPool.
    • "DefaultDispatcher" is used as a public name of the default impl (you'll see it thread names and in the guide).
    • -Dkotlinx.coroutines.scheduler=off can be used to switch back to CommonPool for a time being (until deprecated CommonPool is removed).
  • Make CoroutineStart.ATOMIC experimental as it covers important use-case with resource cleanup in finally block (see #627).
  • Restored binary compatibility of Executor.asCoroutineDispatcher (see #629).
  • Fixed OOM in thread-pool dispatchers (see #571).
  • Check for cancellation when starting coroutine with Dispatchers.Unconfined (see #621).
  • A bunch of various performance optimizations and docs fixes, including contributions from @AlexanderPrendota, @PaulWoitaschek.

0.27.0 Public API review

26 Sep 20:54
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Version 0.27.0

  • [Major] Public API revision. All public API was reviewed and marked as preparation to 1.0 release:
    1. @Deprecated API. All API marked as deprecated will be removed in 1.0 release without replacement.
    2. @ExperimentalCoroutinesApi API. This API is experimental and may change in the future, but migration mechanisms will be provided. Signature, binary compatibility and semantics can be changed.
    3. @InternalCoroutinesApi. This API is intended to be used only from within kotlinx.coroutines. It can and will be changed, broken
      and removed in the future releases without any warnings and migration aids. If you find yourself using this API, it is better to report
      your use-case to Github issues, so decent, stable and well-tested alternative can be provided.
    4. @ObsoleteCoroutinesApi. This API has serious known flaws and will be replaced with a better alternative in the nearest releases.
    5. Regular public API. This API is proven to be stable and is not going to be changed. If at some point it will be discovered that such API
      has unfixable design flaws, it will be gradually deprecated with proper replacement and migration aid, but won't be removed for at least a year.
  • [Major] Job state machine is reworked. It includes various performance improvements, fixes in
    data-races which could appear in a rare circumstances and consolidation of cancellation and exception handling.
    Visible consequences of include more robust exception handling for large coroutines hierarchies and for different kinds of CancellationException, transparent parallel decomposition and consistent view of coroutines hierarchy in terms of its state (see #220 and #585).
  • NIO, Quasar and Rx1 integration modules are removed with no replacement (see #595, #601, #603).
  • withContext is now aligned with structured concurrency and awaits for all launched tasks, its performance is significantly improved (see #553 and #617).
  • Added integration module with Play Services Task API. Thanks @SUPERCILEX and @lucasvalenteds for the contribution!
  • Integration with Rx2 now respects nullability in type constraints (see #347). Thanks @Dmitry-Borodin for the contribution!
  • CompletableFuture.await and ListenableFuture.await now propagate cancellation to the future (see #611).
  • Cancellation of runBlocking machinery is improved (see #589).
  • Coroutine guide is restructured and split to multiple files for the sake of simplicity.
  • CoroutineScope factory methods add Job if it is missing from the context to enforce structured concurrency (see #610).
  • Handler.asCoroutineDispatcher has a name parameter for better debugging (see #615).
  • Fixed bug when CoroutineSchedule was closed from one of its threads (see #612).
  • Exceptions from CoroutineExceptionHandler are reported by default exception handler (see #562).
  • CoroutineName is now available from common modules (see #570).
  • Update to Kotlin 1.2.70.


19 Sep 15:21
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Version 0.26.1

  • Android Main dispatcher is async by default which may significantly improve UI performance. Contributed by @JakeWharton (see #427).
  • Fixed bug when lazily-started coroutine with registered cancellation handler was concurrently started and cancelled.
  • Improved termination sequence in IO dispatcher.
  • Fixed bug with operator (see #559).
  • Various fixes in the documentation. Thanks to @SUPERCILEX, @yorlov, @dualscyther and @soudmaijer!