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368 lines (219 loc) · 7.15 KB


contract: Organ

abstract function publishMessage(string message,string hash,string er) public  
function changeMember(uint _id,address _address) public  onlyManager() 
function createFunction(string _functionName,string _constittiutionHash) public  onlyManager() 
function initalizeOrgan() public  
function publishFunctionMessage(uint id,string message,string hash,string er) public  
function createBallot(uint ballotType,address _registry,string _name,string _hash) public  returns (uint )
function getLastBallot() public   constant returns (address )
function getOrganBlog() public   constant returns (address )
function addOrganFunction(address _of,string _name) public  
function getOrganFunction(uint _id) public   constant returns (OrganFunction )

inherites: Manageable ,MemberAware

An organ is part of the party, defined in the constitution. It is populated by functions party members.

Organ properties

name type visiblity delegate doc
organName string public
lastFunctionId uint public
blogRegistry BlogRegistry public
isActive bool public
organBlog ShortBlog protected
ballotCount uint public
ballotFactory BallotFactory public

Organ.changeMember(uint _id,address _address) public onlyManager()

Change the member of the function.

name type direction doc
_id uint in
_address address in

Organ.createFunction(string _functionName,string _constittiutionHash) public onlyManager()

Create a function of this organ.

name type direction doc
_functionName string in The name of the organ function.
_constittiutionHash string in

Organ.initalizeOrgan() public

Organ.publishFunctionMessage(uint id,string message,string hash,string er) public

Publish a message at a function blog.

name type direction doc
id uint in
message string in
hash string in
er string in

Organ.createBallot(uint ballotType,address _registry,string _name,string _hash) public returns (uint )

Creates a new ballot for this organ.

name type direction doc
ballotType uint in
_registry address in The member registry for the voting.
_name string in The name of the ballot.
_hash string in The hash of the actual text.
uint return

Organ.getLastBallot() public constant returns (address )

name type direction doc
address return

Organ.getOrganBlog() public constant returns (address )

name type direction doc
address return

Organ.addOrganFunction(address _of,string _name) public

name type direction doc
_of address in
_name string in

Organ.getOrganFunction(uint _id) public constant returns (OrganFunction )

name type direction doc
_id uint in
OrganFunction return

event FunctionMemberChange

name type indexed doc
oldMember address
functionId uint
newMember address

event FunctionChange

name type indexed doc
_type uint
_function OrganFunction

contract: Party

function createOrgan(string organName) public  
function addOrgan(address _organ) public  onlyManager() 
function addSubDivision(address _subDivision) public  
function removeSubDivision(uint _divisionId) public  

inherites: Manageable

A basic party contract.

Party properties

name type visiblity delegate doc
name string public
memberRegistry MemberRegistry public
constitutionHash string public
organCount uint public
blogregistry BlogRegistry public
parent Party public
subDivisionCount uint public

Party.createOrgan(string organName) public

name type direction doc
organName string in

Party.addOrgan(address _organ) public onlyManager()

Adds an organ to the party.

name type direction doc
_organ address in

Party.addSubDivision(address _subDivision) public

Add a subdivision of this party, the contrains are: the party must be a mananger of the subdivision the blogregistry must be the same the member regstry must be the same

name type direction doc
_subDivision address in

Party.removeSubDivision(uint _divisionId) public

name type direction doc
_divisionId uint in

event ConstiutionChange

event OrganChanged

name type indexed doc
_organ Organ
_changeType uint

event DivisionChanged

name type indexed doc
divisionAddress address
changer address
state uint

contract: KUEKeNParty

constructor KUEKeNParty(string _name)
function boostrapParty(address fc,address br) public  onlyManager() 

inherites: Party

An actual party. The KUEKen party.

KUEKeNParty.KUEKeNParty(string _name) public

name type doc
_name string The name of the party or division.

KUEKeNParty.boostrapParty(address fc,address br) public onlyManager()

name type direction doc
fc address in
br address in

contract: Conference

function accreditationMember(address _address) public  

inherites: Organ

A conference is a meeting of the party members.

Conference properties

name type visiblity delegate doc
accreditation address private
accreditatedMembers uint public
date uint public

Conference.accreditationMember(address _address) public

name type direction doc
_address address in

event MemberAccreditated

name type indexed doc
memberId uint
memberName string
memberAddress address

contract: FoundationConference


inherites: Conference

Will found the party. In the first and only session.

contract: OrganFunction

constructor OrganFunction(string _name,string _ch)
abstract function publishMessage(string message,string hash,string er) public  
function getFunctioName() public   constant returns (string )

inherites: Manageable

The function definition. A function is defined in the constitution of the party. Normaly it is associated with a party member.

OrganFunction properties

name type visiblity delegate doc
currentMember address public
functionName string public
id uint public
constitutionHash string public
lastMemberChanged uint public
lastConstitutionHashChanged uint public
publisher ShortBlog public

OrganFunction.OrganFunction(string _name,string _ch) public

name type doc
_name string
_ch string

OrganFunction.getFunctioName() public constant returns (string )

name type direction doc
string return