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Security Slackbot

Some security enhancement bots for Slack workspaces.

Disclaimer: This software is provided AS IS without any warranties and support. No responsibility or liability for the use of the software is assumed. You are free to redistribute and modify. Please read the license.

Currenty the following operations are supported:

  1. Sending Reminders to all users in a Schedule
  2. Sending X messages to Y rooms every S time with O offset
  3. Added realtime functionality with:
    • Pin/File/Topic protection
    • Swears/Uwanted words removal
    • Removal of BTC/ETH addresses
    • Name Changes tracking and banning if change into admin/bot name
    • Banning with command line, muting
    • URL whitelisting
    • Commands with simple text replies for linking Slack blog posts or any text answer
There is no state tracking yet and those functions are not tested properly, please use them in a demo environment first.



Install Python 3.6 on a server of your choice, preferably linux( windows) so that you can add a cronjob(scheduled task) that checks if the script is running, and if it's not, it starts it.

Sample cron line :

*/1 * * * * /home/slackadmin/SlackBot-Police/

The above line checks every minute with the script if python script is running. If it does not run, it starts it. To edit your crontab file run crontab -e from the user (not root ) that will be running the script in your server

Sample :

if ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep ; then
        exit 0
        /usr/local/bin/python3.6 /home/slackadmin/SlackBot-Police/SlackBot-Police/ &
        exit 0

Don't forget to make executable by running chmod +x

Also edit the cron task in the cron line and the script to match your paths


Security settings review: Go to

Approved Apps

Set this to ON

These people can manage Approved Apps and custom integrations Workspace Owners only Workspace Owners and selected members or groups

If the latter is checked the selected group should be only 'WorkSpace Admins'

Allow members to request additions to Approved Apps

As you see fit

Then go to

Remove / disable all unknown (not added by you and don't know exactly what they are doing and why ) applications and confirurations from there!! It's important, since attackers may have generated API keys to gather information and automate messaging actions

Then in order to create an APP for the reminders : and select Create New App Add a name and select the workspace for that APP

Then go to Bot Users on the left and Add a Bot User for your application, select the 'always show my bot as online'

Select OAuth & Permissions and then go to Scopes : Add the following : chat:write:bot , reminders:write , users:read ,channels:read,channels:write, files:write:user, pins:write, links:read ,and save changes Also, in the Restrict API Token Usage below you should put for security the Static IP address of the server that will be running the scripts. This is important because in case your token is compromised Slack will not allow other IP addresses to use the token.

Then you should go to the Install App section and Install App To Workspace Then on this Install App section you will have one OAuth Access Token and one Bot User OAuth Access Token. The first is for the user the second is for the bot. These Tokens are Private!! Treat those as passwords.

Note : Since bot users cannot send reminders, the reminders will appear as being requested by you. If you want another user to be showing as the sender of the reminders, you should go to Collaborators and add that user as a collaborator and only then he will be able to install this application from the page

If you want the user that will generate the reminders to by another than you, after inviting him as collaborator he should install the application and you will use his OAuth Access Token in the script and not yours. Bot token is the same always.

In the Basic information you can customize logo, color etc.

How to get the Web Ui token (xoxs-) and the (xid) needed for banning by command

Start a local browser proxy program like fiddler and configure it for chrome, install it's CA certificate so that it can intercept HTTPS links.
Start Chrome with the --ignore-certificate-errors option. In windows it's "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --ignore-certificate-errors
Run Fiddler with a filter for * , or simply watch only the slack requests in Fiddler
Got to and click on a simple user and set inactive and then undo your change.
You should have one request like this :
c5c22bdc- is your XID If you select that url , on the inspectors tab in either TextView,WebForms,Raw you should be able to see a token that starts with xoxslike :
xoxs-256565656555-234343434343-234343344334-13434bb343 . This is your webtoken
Do not switch back to another non admin user account in chrome or you will risk your token to be invalidated . Just leave the session as is for some time, haven't tested exactly

config.ini configuration file

The configuration file provided should be self explanatory in the comments ( prefixed by # ) section after each variable.
You can put your variables there and the scripts will run those (please be careful for typos like o instead of 0 in field when a number should be put etc.
The examples here are not complete but the descriptions on the config.ini file should be adequate

[general]apirequests number of api requests that will be done every seconds seconds
[general]seconds number of seconds that the above apirequests api request timer will be reset
The default values of 2 reques every 5 seconds should be OK (do not got more aggressive than 2 request every 3 seconds ) if you are not making other API requests. Actually slack claims ( ) that it allows 1 request per second, but during our test, we have found this not to be true, there are certain calls that are heavily rate limited (like getting the users with pagination which is useful for workspaces of more than 20000 members ). Also, if you are using other bots or consuming api calls in other ways, please take those into consideration when altering the above values.

[reminders]usertoken this is the token of the user that will be requesting the reminders
[reminders]rperiod period in seconds that you want the send reminders operation to start. So if you put it 86400 it will start every 24 hours from the script run
Please notice that the time for the reminder circle to run will be about total users * 2.5 seconds with the default [general] settings so that in cases that you have more than 34000 users 86400 might not be enough since the operation will restart before the last users get their reminders
[reminders]botroomid a string with the the channel that the reminder bot will send reports to. How to get this: Please alter your slack from a between different rooms, you will see the url being changed CXXXXX is a public room, DXXXXX is a DM room, GXXXXX is a private room/group conversation. For bot reporting it would be better if you should input a private room ID. Also the bot should be invited in the room that the message will be sent, or else the sending will fail.
[reminders]remindertxt the text for your reminders, please pay attention to the indents for new lines. Every new line in your message has to be idented.

[sendmsgs]enabled you put the messages that are enabled, for example enabled = msg2 or enabled = msg1,msg2,msg3 . Use comma for multiple values.
[sendmsgs]msg1 the text of the first message, please pay attention to the indents for new lines. Every new line in your message has to be idented.
[sendmsgs]speriod1 the period in number of seconds that this message will be sent
[sendmsgs]offset1 the offset in seconds that will be added to the original message second counter. # In case you have two messages that you want to repeat every X seconds, since both of them would arrive at the X second mark, the offset value adds seconds to one of those. If you have two messages both set to 100 seconds and one has offset 30, they will be both be sent every 100 seconds but will have a 30 seconds difference.
[sendmsgs]room1 the string with the name of the room that you want the message to be sent to. How to get this: Please alter your slack from a between different rooms, you will see the url being changed CXXXXX is a public room, DXXXXX is a DM room, GXXXXX is a private room/group conversation. For bot reporting it would be better if you should input a private room ID. Also the bot should be invited in the room that the message will be sent, or else the sending will fail. You can put multiple rooms for the same message separating them with commas
You can also add msg2,speriod2,offset2,room2 and have multiple messaging combinations. Remember to enable your messages in the [sendmsgs]enabled section.


All .py files and the config.ini file need to be in the same directory. Run each script by calling python3.6 &, or put each one of them (,, in an .sh file as the example and run them through cron in case they are stopped.


Some security enhancement bots for Slack workspaces.







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