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Create multiple inputs!

react-dynamic-input allows you to create multiple inputs that each have their own unique state that you define. It also comes with a built in onSubmit button which takes a function that you ceate. Add it to a form or whatever user input you need!
Example GIF

How to contribute

This is a little bit complicated, as you'll need another repo to test your changes on. We'll refer to this as otherRepo.

  1. Clone react-dynamic-input
  2. Change directories into react-dynamic-input --> cd react-dynamic-input
  3. Install all dependencies --> npm i
  4. Create a build --> npm run-script build
  5. Allow this local repo to be used as a dependency --> npm link
  6. Navigate to otherRepo --> cd {to otherRepo}
  7. Add a dependency in package.json pointing to the root of react-dynamic-input --> "react-dynamic-input": "file:/{PATH}/react-dynamic-input"
  8. Install the local package --> npm i
  9. npm run start from otherRepo
  10. Thanks for contributing!

Installation & Usage

  1. npm i react-dynamic-input

  2. Add DynamicInput to your components like this:

import DynamicInput from "react-dynamic-input"

class YourComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <DynamicInput />

props for the <DynamicInput/>:

Name Required Default Type Description
inputName yes string The key you would like to be assigned to the state of each of the inputs that are created [{ [inputName]: ""}]
addButtonText no "Add Input" string The text you would like to appear on the button to create another input
setInput yes Function The setState function you would like to be executed when a user types into the input (setState, or useState)
input yes [] Array The state you will pass to the component. Must be the shape of [{ [inputName]: ""}]
onSubmit no Function The onSubmit function you would like to execute when a user submits the form. If nothing is provided there will be no button and you can add your own.
submitButtonText no "Submit" string The text you would like to appear on the submit button
addPosition no "top" string The position you would like the "Add Input" button to be. "top" will make it above the inputs, "bottom" will place it below and next to the submit button
type no "text" string The type of input you would like to use
removeText no "Remove" string The text you would like to have in the remove input button
placeholderNumbered no false boolean If you would like the placeholder text to have a number after the text, set this to true
toolTip no false boolean You can have a tooltip pop up when you scroll your mouse over the add button
toolTipText no string The text you would like to appear in the tooltip above the add button
label no "" string If you would like a label for the inputs you can put the text here (will appear as an <h4></h4 element above the inputs)
inputStyle no {} React.CSSProperties Additional input styles
addButtonStyle no {} React.CSSProperties Additional add button styles
removeButtonStyle no {} React.CSSProperties Additional remove button styles
submitButtonStyle no {} React.CSSProperties Additonal submit button styles


import React, { useState } from "react"
import DynamicInput from "react-dynamic-input"

const App = () => {
  const [input, setInput] = useState([{ name: "" }])

  const showState = () => {
    alert( =>
  return (
        addButtonText="Add Another Input"
        toolTipText="Add another input"
        label="My Input"
      {, index) => (
        <p key={(index + 1) * 2}>{}</p>

export default App

Example GIF


Each of the Elements in the react-dynamic-input Component can be targeted througn CSS with a className attribute (the entire component can be targeted with an id):

  • Enitre Component:
#DynamicInput {
  /* Add whatever CSS you'd like! */
  • Add Button:
.addButton {
  /* Add whatever CSS you'd like! */
  • Remove Button:
.removeButton {
  /* Add whatever CSS you'd like! */
  • Submit Button:
.submitButton {
  /* Add whatever CSS you'd like! */
  • Input:
.dynamicInput {
  /* Add whatever CSS you'd like! */
  • Label:
.dynamicLabel {
  /* Add whatever CSS you'd like! */
  • Tool Tip:
.dynamicTooltip {
  /* Add whatever CSS you'd like! */
.dynamicTooltipText {
  /* Add whatever CSS you'd like! */


I am open to ideas and improvments! If you have a feature or bug fix open a PR or submit an issue! Thank you! 🛰

To Do

  • Changed over to TypeScript to give users better error messages
  • Create a button that will add another input
  • Give each of the inputs its own value
  • Add a remove button that will take away the desired input
  • Pass a onSubmit function to component (mauybe just leave this to the user??)
  • Make a reusable component that can accept props
  • Create GIF of working component
  • Add basic styling for inputs (Styled Components??)
  • Publish to NPM
  • (Possible) Add a submit button for eact of the inputs individually to only submit one thing