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no381 edited this page Jul 9, 2012 · 8 revisions

When editing game text, the flags can be rearranged to make the text boxes more smooth.
NOTE: You MUST keep the text all on the same NUMBER LINE to prevent errors. Don't use the enter key!
Remember, pop up boxes can hold a max of 2 lines, and each line can hold a max of 40 characters!
(I generally use a range of 30-38 characters, 32 for safety.)

EX: Pasta is fantastic!\xfffeIt's the greatest meal\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeof all time! -> Pasta is fatntastic! It's\xfffethe greatest meal of all time!

Flag Reference:
\xfffe - Line Break
\xf000븀\x0000\xfffe - Line Break and shift old text up 1 line.
\xf000븁\x0000\xfffe - Clear Text Box and start new line
\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000 - Hero's Name
\xf000Ā\x0001\x0001 - Rival's Name

- Line Breaks  
	\xfffe					- Prints new line after next.  
	\xf000븅\x0001\x0001	- Prints text at max speed.  
	\xf000븁\x0000			- Wait till (A) is pressed. If line of text following, starts another dialog box.  
	\xf000븀\x0000			- Wait till (A) is pressed. If line of text following, display next line, "\xfffe" is not needed.  

- Text Align	(Line by Line bases)
	<Blank>								- Default, Left Align
	\xf000봂\x0001\x0000				- Center
	\xf000봃\x0001\x0000				- Right Align

- Color:
	\xf000봀\x0003\x000?\x000?\x0000	- Top Color / Shadow Color (Odd numbers are lighter then even ones.)
	- \xf000봀\x0003\x0001\x0002\x0000	- Default
	- \xf000봀\x0003\x0003\x0004\x0000	- Cyan
	- \xf000봀\x0003\x0005\x0006\x0000	- Red
	- \xf000봀\x0003\x0007\x0008\x0000	- Black

	\xf000\xff00\x0001\x000? 			- Text Color
	- \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000 			- Black
	- \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0001 			- Red
	- \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002 			- Blue
	- \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0003 			- Yellow
	- \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0004 			- Green

- Other:
	- \xf000븂\x0001\x0014				- Adds small delay.

Name Changes:
Achroma -> Corless
PokéWood -> PokéStar Studios
Shizui -> Marlon

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