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Shivani-S-K edited this page Jul 29, 2021 · 1 revision

Gathering Pertinent Information


What is gesture controlled technology?

Gesture control tech enables humans to control a machine through their body motion. It is the ability to recognize and interpret the movements of the human body to interact with and control a computer system without direct physical contact. Gesture control uses depth and motion sensors on the hardware side and computer vision on the software front to function. Gesture control provides an interactive and engaging interface for users that is much faster, safer, and less physically demanding than a touchscreen interface.

Working of gesture recognition technology:

Gesture technology follows a few necessary states to make the machine perform in the most optimized manner. These are:

  1. Wait: In this state, the machine is waiting for the user to perform a gesture and provide input.
  2. Collect: After the gesture is being performed, the machine gathers the information conveyed by it.
  3. Manipulate: In this state, the system has gathered enough data from the user or has been given input. This state is like a processing state.
  4. Execute: In this state, the system performs the task that has been asked by the user to do so through the gesture.

Screenshot (28)

Devices that work on this technology usually follow these stages. Still, their duration might vary from machine to machine depending on its configuration and the task it is supposed to do. The basic working of the gesture recognition system can be understood from the following figure:

Benefits of gesture control technology:

You might be aware of gesture controls available on the Pixel 4. Users can skip tracks, increase or decrease volume, or silence calls without even laying a finger on the device. They can swipe or wave their hands over the phone to carry out these tasks. Similarly, DJI’s Spark can be controlled using gestures. Users can pilot the drone or capture photos from the drone’s camera with hand gestures. gesture control has been developed for sign language and facial recognition for disabled persons. Likewise, speech recognition can aid the physically or mentally impaired. There are many different companies developing this type of technology and continuing to improve this sector of the industry.

Gesture Controlled Robots Applications:

  1. Military application to control robotics

  2. Medical application for surgery purpose.

  3. Construction application.

  4. Industrial application for trolly control, lift control, etc.

  5. Virtual reality.

  6. The robot is applicable in hazardous environment where a camera can be attached to the robot and can be viewed by the user who is in his station. This system can also be employed in medical field where miniature robot are created that can help doctors for efficient surgery operations For more efficient response, threshold values can be used to detect gesture and advanced features such as finger counts that provide different functional commands can be used.

  7. Remote surveillance.

  8. Hand gesture controlled robot can be used by physically challenged in wheelchairs.

Components required to build an gesture controlled bot:

(NOTE: The below components may vary for different models of gesture controlled robots)

Arduino Nano R3 280 ELECTRICAL
IMU(6 degree of freedom) 450 ELECTRICAL
433 Mhz RF Transmitter and Receiver 207 ELECTRICAL
Dual H-bridge motor drivers L298 250 ELECTRICAL
9V Battery 20 ELECTRICAL
Rechargeable Battery,Lithium ion 2000 ELECTRICAL
Breadboard 220 ELECTRICAL
Metal Robot Chassis Small 150 MECHANICAL
DC 12V Geared Motor 149 MECHANICAL
Robot Wheels 29 MECHANICAL
Hand Glove 250 MECHANICAL

The components of Gesture Controlled Robot may vary from one project to another. The cost of each component may also vary with type of project.

Images Of Some Gesture Controlled Bots:


  1. Design-and-Implementation-of-Gesture-Controlled-Robotic-Arm-for-Industrial-Applications
  2. Gesture controlled robot for military purpose
  3. Hand gesture controlled all terrain robot using bluetooth
  4. Robotic arm controlled by hand gestures
  7. Gesture controlled robot © GPL3+
  8. Video of gesture controlled bot
  9. Videos on some gesture controlled robots
  10. TIIC IDC 2015 – Team 1240 “Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm ”
  11. Gesture Recognition Technology
  12. Benefits of gesture control interface in kiosks
  13. Is gesture control technology the way of the future