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Flag: Breaking Change
Flag: Breaking Change
An issue that introduces changes breaking running systems (or similar), forcing them to adapt
Flag: Duplicate
Flag: Duplicate
An issue that is already covered by another issue
Flag: Good First Issue
Flag: Good First Issue
An issue that is suitable for new contributors
Flag: Suggestion
Flag: Suggestion
An issue not needing immediate attention but is a good idea for experiments or worth keeping in mind
For: Backend
For: Backend
An issue that needs to be implemented in the backend part of the project, if existent
For: Frontend
For: Frontend
An issue that needs to be implemented in the frontend part of the project, if existent
For: Mobile
For: Mobile
An issue that needs to be implemented in the mobile part of the project, if existent
Priority: Critical
Priority: Critical
Reserved for hotfixes of the main branches, like, security issues, critical bugs, etc.
Priority: High
Priority: High
Should be resolved as soon as possible and can only be trumped by a critical-priority issue
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
Should be resolved at some point, but only if there is no issue with a higher priority present
Priority: Medium
Priority: Medium
Should be resolved in the near future and only trumps low-priority issues
Scope: Large
Scope: Large
Issue that can probably be dealt with within a single month of concentrated work by the team
Scope: Longterm
Scope: Longterm
Issue that probably needs at least a month of concentrated work by the team
Scope: Medium
Scope: Medium
Issue that can probably be dealt within a single week of concentrated work by the team
Scope: Small
Scope: Small
Issue that can probably be dealt with within a single day of concentrated work by the team
Status: Abandoned
Status: Abandoned
An issue that was accepted but unresolved and whose resolution is no longer planned
Status: Accepted
Status: Accepted
An issue that was decided to be worked on but work has not started yet
Status: Blocked
Status: Blocked
An issue that was accepted or in progress but currently can not be worked on due to external factors
Status: In Progress
Status: In Progress
An issue that was accepted and is currently being worked on
Status: In Review
Status: In Review
An issue that was review ready and is currently being reviewed
Status: Paused
Status: Paused
An issue that was in progress but currently is not being worked on due to internal factors
Status: Pending
Status: Pending
An issue that was neither accepted nor rejected yet
Status: Rejected
Status: Rejected
An issue that was decided not to be worked on
Status: Resolved
Status: Resolved
An issue that was in review and got merged into one of the main branches
Status: Review Ready
Status: Review Ready
An issue that was in progress and which is implemented, documented and tested, but not yet reviewed
Type: Bug Report
Type: Bug Report
Something is not working (correctly)
Type: Design
Type: Design
Refactor specifically concerning UI/UX improvements
Type: Documentation
Type: Documentation
Improvements to the documentation suite, as well as documentation pages and code comments
Type: Feature Change
Type: Feature Change
Alteration, replacement, or partial removal of existing functionality
Type: Feature Drop
Type: Feature Drop
Removal of a whole feature (or its remains)