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Paulo Sérgio Baima edited this page Jun 22, 2020 · 1 revision

This project was made to enable developers creating/integrating Apps to the Azure Marketplace to be able to test the integrations locally. In the common marketplace integration approach, is necessary to have an offer created in Partner Center and to deploy your solution to be public acessible.

This approach has the following problems:

  • Your deployment can break production
  • Some changes may need to re-submit to the Marketplace
  • Can’t debug locally
  • Two developers working in the same app, can break one another
  • Having to publish on each change is very slow

Running the Sandbox locally, enable developers to fix all the problems above, helping the to integrate the solution faster and with more reliability.

The sandbox enables users to simulate:

  • Creating a SaaS Subscription
  • Login Token Genereation (a.k.a. Configure Account button)
  • Changing SaaS Plan
  • Suspending a SaaS Plan
  • Reinstating a SaaS Plan
  • Unsubscribing to a SaaS Plan
  • Webhook integration

The sanbdox provides a user interface to the simulation above and also mimics the SaaS Fullfilment APIs described here (To look at the APIs acess the /swagger path after running the sandbox).