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Copy, paste, cut, etc

LDmicroGitHub edited this page Jan 31, 2018 · 5 revisions

LDmicro supports Copy/Paste, Cut/Paste, etc.
Typical sequencies of actions is:

  • Copy Rung -> Paste Rung
  • Cut Rung -> Paste Rung
  • Copy Selected Element -> Paste Element Into Rung
  • Cut Selected Element -> Paste Element Into Rung

More complex sequencies of actions is:

  • Select Rung's ->Copy Rung's -> Paste Rung's
  • Select Rung's ->Cut Rung's -> Paste Rung's

Most complex sequencies of actions is:

  • Copy Rung -> Paste Rung Into Rung
  • Select Rung's ->Copy Rung's -> Paste Rung's Into Rung

Here are some fragments from CHANGES.txt
== Release 4.0.3

  • Added: Menu Edit->Cut Selected Element (Alt+Del). Then use menu
    Edit->Paste Rung's/Element &Into Rung (Alt+Insert) to insert element
    in new position.

== Release 3.5.0

  • Added: Copy-Paste rung's. To select rung's press Shift+Up, Shift+Down,
    or Ctrl+LeftMouseKey. Then press Ctrl+Insert to write selected rung's
    into buffer(file ldmicro.tmp). Then in new place press Shift+Insert
    to insert buffer into LD diagram.
    Information: The clipboard functionality is based on the ldmicro.tmp file
    located in the same folder as ldmicro.exe.

    For copying only one selected element press Insert, and then Alt+Insert
    to Pasting element in new place.

    If cursor under the selected element, the buffer will be Pasted
    below the current rung, otherwise, the buffer will be Pasted before
    the current rung.

  • Added: Open LD file in notepad F4. Its allow you rename variables and
    contacts in notepad. You must use "replace all" in notepad for renaming.
    Be careful. Recommended to create a reserve copy of LD file before editing.


'*' - selected rungs
'R' - rungs, copied to the clipboard
'L' - a "Leaf", copied to the clipboard
'E' - "End element", copied to the clipboard


But you can not Insert/Paste anything anywhere.
There are three kinds of elements:

  • Comment
  • A "Leaf" element
  • "End of rung" element

When the "Comment" element is selected, no one element can be inserted/pasted into the rung.

You can not insert/paste anything to the right of the "End of rung" element.

You can insert/paste only the "End of rung" element if the cursor is above or below (in parallel with) the selected "End of rung" element.

You can not insert/paste the "End of rung" element if the cursor is above or below (in parallel with) or on the left side of the selected "Leaf" element.

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