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acabello edited this page Apr 9, 2014 · 45 revisions

This is the LISPmob Open Roadmap for 2014, please feel free to express your opinion, suggestions at criticism at the mailing list (

Keeping up-to-date with recent IETF drafts/standards

Item Description Priority
Instance ID support From RFC6830: “When multiple organizations inside of a LISP site are using private addresses [RFC1918] as EID-Prefixes, their address spaces MUST remain segregated due to possible address duplication. An Instance ID in the address encoding can aid in making the entire AFI-based address unique. See IANA Considerations (Section 14.2) for details on possible address encodings.” Release 0.6
LCAF support LISP creates two separate namespaces, EIDs and RLOCs. To provide flexibility for several use-cases such namespaces can be expressed using a general syntax. There are already types defined for geo-coordinates, names, etc. More details can be found at draft-ietf-lisp-lcaf Expected in next release (0.5)
ITR+PITR persistent list This list will be updated automatically and stored in a file. When LISPmob starts, SMR to all locators of this list. With this we can also remove the static proxy-ITR list of the configuration file Release 0.6
Advanced reachability algorithms Implement the (more advanced) reachability algorithms discussed in RFC6830 Low
Explicit Locator Paths (ELP) support From draft-farinacci-lisp-te: “The ELP is an explicit list of RLOCs for each RTR a packet must travel to along its path toward a final destination ETR (or PETR). The list is a strict ordering where each RLOC in the list is visited.”. ELPs can be used to define paths for congestion avoidance, failure recovery or in general Traffic Engineering. ELPs require LCAF Type 10: Expected in next release (0.5)

Infrastructure components

This items aims to enable innovation in the LISP infrastructure components by implementing features in LISPmob that enable quick prototyping.

Item Description Priority
LISPmob API Allow third-party software to control LISPmob (Map-Cache, multihoming, reachability, etc…) by means of an API Release 0.6
LISPmob in other platforms Integrate LISPmob with other systems such as OpenVSwitch, OpenDayLight, etc.. Medium
RTR mode Support Re-encapsulating Tunnel Router (RTR) mode as defined in draft-ermagan-lisp-nat-traversal Expected in next release (0.5)
Map Server/Map Resolver mode Support Map-Server and Map-Resolver (MS/MR) mode as defined in RFC6833 TBD
PITR/PETR mode RFC6832 Expected in next release (0.5)

Edge components

This items aims to implement features that enable new edge-based use-cases.

Item Description Priority
Implement multihoming and multipath support LISPmob already supports multihoming (i.e., multiple simultaneous interfaces) in Linux and load-balances flows among the different active interfaces. Although this is also supported in OpenWRT, there are very few devices that have multiple WAN ports. This increases dramatically the deployment cost of multihoming. With respect to vanilla Android, the OS does not support having multiples interfaces actives at the same time. This prevents the use of this feature in mobile devices. The LISPmob community can look into both issues and identify possible solutions/workarounds. High
Implement NAT to non-NAT handover Currently LISPmob does not support a vertical/horizontal handover from NAT to non-NATed networks. Implementing this would allow LISPmob to fully support vertical and horizontal handovers High
Optimize handover latency Currently the handover latency for LISP is too large, in the order of seconds. The LISPmob community can try to find optimizations and reduce it to the order of hundreds of ms. Low
liblispmob LISPmob has a robust implementation of LISP, we can leverage this to create a library that can be used by any third party software that wants to use part of the LISP functionality. Expected in next release (0.5)
Manual configuration for NAT-traversal Support for manual configuration of the src RLOC in the NAT-box to correctly advertise it in the Map-Register. Low
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