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Bruno de Lacheisserie edited this page Oct 29, 2013 · 2 revisions

Task File Format Specification

Document Should Look Like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lk-task type="...">
		<point idx="0" name="D01" ... />
		<point idx="1" name="B01" ... />
		<point idx="2" name="A01" ... />
		<point idx="0" name="D02" />
		<point idx="1" name="B01" />
		<point name="D01" latitude="51.877967" longitude="-176.646033" altitude="5.486132" ... />
		<point name="D02" latitude="56.938683" longitude="-154.182550" altitude="13.410546" ... />
		<point name="B01" latitude="45.838333" longitude="9.570550" altitude="800.000000" ... />
		<point name="A01" latitude="45.837050" longitude="9.306550" altitude="1261.000000" ... />

"lk-task@type" value

  • AAT :
  • Race : only for PG/HG mode
  • Default :


options children node depends of /lk-task@type

  • /lk-task@type="Default"
	<options auto-advance="Auto">
		<start type="line" radius="1000"/>
		<finish type="line" Radius="1000"/>
		<sector type="sector" Radius="10000"/>
			<finish fai-height="false" min-height="0"/>
			<start max-height="0" max-height-margin="0" max-speed="0" max-speed-margin="0" height-ref="AGL"/>
  • /lk-task@type="AAT"
	<options auto-advance="true" length="120.000000">
			<finish fai-height="false" min-height="0"/>
			<start max-height="0" max-height-margin="0" max-speed="0" max-speed-margin="0" height-ref="AGL"/>
  • /lk-task@type="Race"
	<options auto-advance="true">
		<time-gate number="2" open-time="17:30" interval-time="30"/>
			<finish fai-height="false" min-height="0"/>
			<start max-height="0" max-height-margin="0" max-speed="0" max-speed-margin="0" height-ref="AGL"/>

"lk-task/taskpoints/point" attribut

  • mandatory attribut

    • idx : position of turnpoint in task, [0..20]
    • name : name of turnpoint, this predicate need to be true /lk-task/taskpoints/point@name = /lk-task/waypoints/point@name.
  • optional attribut

    • type : [circle|sector|line|DAe] this attrbut is used only if /lk-task@type="[AAT|Race]"
    • radius : valid if @type="[circle|sector|line]", in meters
    • start-radial : valid if @type="sector" value in degree from north in clockwise
    • end-radial : valid if @type="sector" value in degree from north in clockwise
    • Exit : [false|true] exist only for @type="circle" and /lk-task@type="Race" default is false
  • only valid for AAT task

    • lock : [true|false]
    • target-lat :
    • target-lon :
    • offset-radius :
    • offset-radial :

"lk-task/wayointpoints/point" attribut

  • mandatory attribut

    • name : unique name of waypoint
    • latitude : latitude in decimal degree
    • longitude : longitude in decimal degree
  • optional attribut

    • altitude : Altitude of trunpoint in meters
    • flags="2"
    • code :
    • comment :
    • details :
    • format :
    • freq :
    • runwayLen :
    • runwayDir :
    • country :
    • style :