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Add new statistics function which allows you to get the counts of val…
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…ues taken on by a column
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roed314 committed Mar 21, 2019
1 parent 6b717e4 commit 34fa7b4
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 0 deletions.
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions lmfdb/backend/
Expand Up @@ -3563,6 +3563,71 @@ def count(self, query={}, record=True):
nres = self._slow_count(query, record=record)
return int(nres)

def column_counts(self, cols, constraint=None, threshold=None, split_list=False):
Returns all of the counts for a given column or set of columns.
- ``cols`` -- a string or list of strings giving column names.
- ``constraint`` -- only rows satisfying this constraint will be considered.
It should take the form of a dictionary of the form used in search queries.
- ``threshold`` -- an integer or None. If specified, only values with
counts above the threshold are returned.
- ``split_list`` -- see the documentation for add_stats.
A dictionary with keys the values taken on by the columns in the database,
and value the count of rows taking on those values. If threshold is provided,
only counts at least the threshold will be included.
If cols is a string, then the keys of the dictionary will be just the values
taken on by that column. If cols is a list of strings, then the keys will
be tuples of values taken on by the dictionary.
If the value taken on by a column is a dictionary D, then the key will be tuple(D.items()).
if isinstance(cols, basestring):
cols = [cols]
one_col = True
one_col = False
cols = sorted(cols)
if constraint is None:
ccols, cvals, allcols = None, None, cols
ccols, cvals = self._split_dict(constraint)
allcols = sorted(list(set(cols + constraint.keys())))
# Ideally we would include the constraint in the query, but it's not easy to do that
# So we check the results in Python
jcols = Json(cols)
if not self._has_stats(jcols, ccols, cvals, threshold=threshold, split_list=split_list, threshold_inequality=True):
self.add_stats(cols, constraint, threshold, split_list)
jallcols = Json(allcols)
if threshold is None:
thresh = SQL("")
thresh = SQL(" AND count >= {0}").format(Literal(threshold))
selecter = SQL("SELECT values, count FROM {0} WHERE cols = %s AND split = %s{1}").format(Identifier(self.counts), thresh)
cur = self._execute(selecter, [jallcols, split_list])
def make_tuple(val, top_level=True):
if one_col and top_level:
return make_tuple(val[0], top_level=False)
elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
return tuple(make_tuple(x, top_level=False) for x in val)
elif isinstance(val, dict):
return tuple((make_tuple(a, top_level=False), make_tuple(b, top_level=False)) for a,b in val.items())
return val
if constraint is None:
return {make_tuple(rec[0]): rec[1] for rec in cur}
constraint_list = [(i, constraint[col]) for (i, col) in enumerate(allcols) if col in constraint]
def satisfies_constraint(val):
return all(val[i] == c for i,c in constraint_list)
return {make_tuple(rec[0]): rec[1] for rec in cur if satisfies_constraint(rec[0])}

def _quick_max(self, col, ccols, cvals):
if ccols is None:
constraint = SQL("constraint_cols IS NULL")
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