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Use these commands to install the scripts

git clone
cd amplicon-seq
python install


First change directory to the repo on your computer and then run the following commands

cd /path/to/amplicon-seq
git pull
python install

Usage for Illumina sequencing

usage: [-h] --index-file INDEX_FILE --read1 READ1 --read2
                          READ2 --ref REF --gff GFF --bed BED [--trim]
                          [--trim-qv TRIM_QV] [--min-base-qual MIN_BASE_QUAL]

Amplicon sequencing analysis script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --index-file INDEX_FILE
                        CSV file containing fields "Sample,I1,I2" (default:
  --read1 READ1         Forward read file (default: None)
  --read2 READ2         Reverse read file (default: None)
  --ref REF             Reference fasta (default: None)
  --gff GFF             GFF file (default: None)
  --bed BED             BED file with genes/amplicon locations (default: None)
  --trim                Perform triming (default: False)
  --trim-qv TRIM_QV     Quality value to use in the sliding window analysis
                        (default: 20)
  --min-base-qual MIN_BASE_QUAL
                        Minimum base quality to use by freebayes (default: 30)

Human genotyping amplicons (Illumina)

Download the latest clinvar vcf to annotate variations with rsIDs and clinical significance (now required).

curl -s > clinvar_GRCh38.vcf.gz
tabix -f clinvar_GRCh38.vcf.gz

Usage [-h] --index-file INDEX_FILE --read1 READ1 --read2 READ2 
                              --ref REF --gff GFF --bed BED --clinVar CLINVAR 
                                [--trim-qv TRIM_QV]
                                [--min-base-qual MIN_BASE_QUAL]
                                [--min-adf MIN_ADF]
                                [--vcf-files VCF_FILES [VCF_FILES ...]]
                                [--min-variant-qual MIN_VARIANT_QUAL]
                                [--min-sample-af MIN_SAMPLE_AF]
                                [--per-sample-only] [--version]

Amplicon sequencing analysis script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --index-file          INDEX_FILE
                        CSV file containing fields "Sample,I1,I2" (default:
  --read1 READ1         Forward read file (default: None)
  --read2 READ2         Reverse read file (default: None)
  --ref REF             Reference fasta (default: None)
  --gff GFF             GFF file (default: None)
  --bed BED             BED file with genes/amplicon locations (default: None)
  --clinVar CLINVAR     ClinVar SNP annotation file (default: None)
                        Position info file (default: None)
  --trim                Perform triming (default: False)
  --trim-qv TRIM_QV     Quality value to use in the sliding window analysis
                        (default: 20)
  --min-base-qual       MIN_BASE_QUAL
                        Minimum base quality to use by freebayes (default: 30)
  --min-adf MIN_ADF     Set a minimum frequency for a mixed call (default:
  --vcf-files           VCF_FILES [VCF_FILES ...]
                        VCF files with positions to include (optional)
                        (default: None)
  --min-variant-qual    MIN_VARIANT_QUAL
                        Quality value to use in the sliding window analysis
                        (default: 30)
  --min-sample-af       MIN_SAMPLE_AF
                        Quality value to use in the sliding window analysis
                        (default: 0.05)
  --per-sample-only     Perform triming (default: False)
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Nanopore Sequencing - Mapping, Variant Calling & Annotation

Note: Run AFTER Demultiplexing by nanopore AND primer-specific barcodes

This step required for all species.

Place all demultiplexed fastq files into a directory and use these commands to generate a sample ID list in .csv format with 'sample' as the column header.

ls *.fastq | sed 's/.fastq//' > samples.txt
echo -e "sample" | cat - samples.txt > samples_header.txt
sed 's/ \+/,/g' samples_header.txt > sample_file.csv

This sample_file.csv will be used by both pipelines to perform mapping and variant calling for all samples within this file.

Finally, compress all FASTQ files prior to running either pipeline.

for f in *.fastq ; do bgzip -c "$f" > "${f%.*}.fastq.gz" ; done

Usage for any species EXCEPT Human (instructions for Human provided below)

General nanopore amplicon sequencing for use on multiple species (haploid and dipolid), such as Plasmodium and mosquito vectors.

Variants are annotated using bcftools consequence calling package. [-h] --index-file INDEX_FILE --ref REF --gff GFF --bed BED
                                             [--min-base-qual MIN_BASE_QUAL]

Nanopore amplicon sequencing analysis script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --index-file INDEX_FILE
                        sample_file.csv with the "sample" column for sample IDs (default: None)
  --ref REF             Reference fasta (default: None)
  --gff GFF             GFF file (default: None)
  --bed BED             BED file with genes/amplicon locations (default: None)
  --min-base-qual MIN_BASE_QUAL
                        Minimum base quality to use by freebayes (default: 30)
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Usage for Human nanopore sequencing data

Human nanopore amplicon sequencing pipeline for use on human targets.

Variants annotated using the ClinVar database providing rsID and clinical significance annotations.

Requires ClinVar VCF to run.

curl -s > clinvar_GRCh38.vcf.gz
tabix -f clinvar_GRCh38.vcf.gz [-h] --index-file INDEX_FILE --ref REF --gff GFF --bed BED --clinVar CLINVAR
                                             [--min-base-qual MIN_BASE_QUAL]

Nanopore amplicon sequencing analysis script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --index-file INDEX_FILE
                        sample_file.csv with the "sample" column for sample IDs (default: None)
  --ref REF             Reference fasta (default: None)
  --gff GFF             GFF file (default: None)
  --bed BED             BED file with genes/amplicon locations (default: None)
  --clinVar CLINVAR     ClinVar SNP annotation file (default: None)
  --min-base-qual MIN_BASE_QUAL
                        Minimum base quality to use by freebayes (default: 30)
  --version             show program's version number and exit

Plot read depth for variants of interest

Create box plots using the plot_read_depth_human.r or plot_read_depth_Pfalciparum.r in the plots folder to show the read depth at positions of interest using the depth_info.txt output file from the amplicon sequencing pipeline.

Example using loci in humans associated with severe malarial disease

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