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  • 此项目是个人学习李宏毅老师机器学习课程的学习笔记,通过笔记的方式一边巩固学习效果,一边方便后续复习。如有错误,欢迎批评指正。
  • 项目包括了机器学习、神经网络、图像处理、NLP相关领域的基础知识和实践应用(具体可以看下文的课程大纲图或目录部分),后续会不断整理面试的知识点进来。
  • Chapter 1~7为手写笔记,Chapter 8~X为Markdown笔记(建议使用Typora打开)





Chapter 01 - Outline
Chapter 02 - Linear Regression







Chapter 03 - Gradient Descent


2.Learning Rate的设置与影响

3.Stochastic Gradient Descent



Chapter 04 - New Optimization based on GD




7.Warm-up in Adam

8.Future Position in Current Step(SGDWM和AdamW)


Chapter 05 - Classifications(Probability Generative Model & Logistic Regression)



3.概率生成模型的Parameters Sharing机制



6.最大似然估计求解Logistic Regression问题

7.Logistic与Linear Regression的对比

Chapter 06 - Deep Neural Network


2.Back Propagation

3.深度学习的训练技巧(过拟合的判断、激活函数的选择、自适应学习率、Early Stopping、正则化、Dropout)


Chapter 07 - Convolutional Neural Network




Chapter 08 - Graph Neural Network


1.1 GNN提出的背景

1.2 GNN RoadMap


3.Spatial-based GNN

3.1 CNN Review

3.2 NN4G(Neural Network for Graph)

3.3 DCNN(Diffusion Convolution Neural Network)

3.4 DGC(Diffusion Graph Convolution)

3.5 MoNET(Mixture Model Networks)

3.6 GraphSage(SAmple and aggreGatE)

3.7 GAT(Graph AttentinNeiworks)

3.8 GIN(Graph Isomorphism Network)

4.Graph Signal Processing and Spectral-based GNN

4.1 Signal and System Review(信号系统中的数学变换与GNN的关系)

4.2 Spectral Graph Theory(谱图理论)

4.3 ChebNet

4.4 GCN(Graph Convolution Network)

5 Graph Generation(VAE-based model、GAN-based model、Auto-regressive-based model概述)

6.GNN for NLP(概述)


Chapter 09 - Recurrent Nueral Network


1.1 RNN Application - Slot Filling

1.2 RNN Structure

2.Long Short-term Memory

2.1 Long Short-term Memory Cell

2.2 LSTM Cell的串联与叠加


3.1 RNN难以训练的原因

3.2 RNN的训练技巧

4.RNN Application

4.1 Sentiment Analysis(Many to One)

4.2 Key Term Extraction(Many to One)

4.3 Speech Recognizition(Many to Many)

4.4 Machine Translation(Many to Many)

4.5 Machine Translation(Many to Many)

4.6 Syntactic Parsing(Beyond Sequence)

4.7 Sequence-to-Sequence Auto-encoder(Text)

4.8 Sequence-to-Sequence Auto-encoder(Speech)

4.9 Chat-bot

5.Attention-based Model(Chapter 11会展开讲解Self-Attention的原理)

5.1 Attention-based Model基本原理

5.2 Attention-based Model Applications

6.Deep Learning VS. Structured Learning

6.1 Deep Learning与Structured Learning的比较

6.2 Integrating Deep Learning and Structured Learning

6.3 Structured Learning的本质

Chapter 10 - Unsupervised Learning (Word Embedding)

1.Word Encoding的基本方法

1.1 1-of-N Encoding

1.2 Context在Embedding中的作用

1.3 Count-based Embedding(Glove Vector)

1.4 Prediction-based Embedding(基本原理、CBOW变式、Skip gram变式)

2.Word Embedding Demo

2.1 Word Embedding Vector蕴含的信息

2.2 Multi-domain Embedding

2.3 Document Embedding

Chapter 11 - Semi-supervised Learning


1.1 Semi-supervised Learning定义

1.2 可行性分析

2.Semi-supervised Learning for Generative Model

2.1 Supervised Generative Model

2.2 Semi-supervised Generative Model

3.Low-density Separation(非黑即白)

3.1 Low-density Separation假设

3.2 Self-training

3.3 Self-training与Semi-supervised Generative Model对比

3.4 Entropy-based Regularization

3.5 Outlook: Semi-supervised SVM

4.Smoothness Assumption(近朱者赤,近墨者黑)

4.1 Smoothness Assumption定义

4.2 基于平滑理论的半监督学习算法(Cluster and then Label & Graph-based Approach)

4.3 Self-training与Semi-supervised Generative Model对比

4.4 Entropy-based Regularization

4.5 Outlook: Semi-supervised SVM

5.Better Representation(去芜存菁,化繁为简)

Chapter 12 - Explainable Machine Learning(Part 1)


1.1 Explainable ML的基本概念

1.2 Interpretable v.s. Powerful

2.Local Explanation:Explain the Decision(Questions: Why do you think this image is a cat?)

2.1 Important Component与Gradient-based Method

2.2 Limitation of Gradient based Approaches

2.3 Attack Interpretation

2.4 Saliency Map Case Study

3.Global Explanation:Explain the whole Model(Questions: What do you think a “cat” looks like?)

3.1 Activation Maximization Review

3.2 “Regularization” from Generator

3.3 Self-training与Semi-supervised Generative Model对比

3.4 Entropy-based Regularization

3.5 Outlook: Semi-supervised SVM

4.Using A Model to Explain Another Model

4.1 基本原理

4.2 Local Interpretable Model - Agnostic Explanations(LIME - 基于Linear Model)

4.3 Local Interpretable Model - Agnostic Explanations(LIME - 基于Decision Tree)

Chapter 12 - Explainable Machine Learning(Part 2)

1.Explain a trained model - Attribution(Local v.s. Global attribution / Completeness / Evaluation)

1.1 Local Gradient-based

1.2 Global Attribution

1.3 Evaluation

1.4 Summary

2.Explain a trained model - Probing(BERT / Good Probing Model)

2.1 BERT基本原理

2.2 What does BERT learn?(BERT Rediscovers the Classical NLP Pipeline )

2.3 What does BERT might not learn?

2.4 What is a good prob?

3.Explain a trained model - HeatMap(Activation map \ Attention map)

3.1 Activation Map:CNN Dissection

3.2 Attention map as explanation

4.Create an explainable model

4.1 CNN Explainable Model的难点

4.2 Constraining activation map

4.3 Encoding Prior

Chapter 13 - Attack and Defense(Part 1)


1.1 Attack Model基本原理

1.2 如何求解Attack Model

1.3 Example

2.Attack Approaches

2.1 Related References

2.2 Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)

2.3 White Box v.s. Black Box

2.4 Universal Adversarial Attack

2.5 Adversarial Reprogramming

2.6 Audio Attack & Text Attack


3.1 Passive Defense

3.2 Proactive Defense

Chapter 13 - Attck and Defense(Part 2)

1.Attacks on Image

1.1 One Pixel Attack基本思想

1.2 One Pexel Attack的求解

2.Attacks on Audio

2.1 Attacks on ASR

2.2 Attacks on ASV

2.3 Hidden Voice Attack

Chapter 14 - Network Compression(Part 1)

1.Network Purning

1.1 神经网络修剪的基本原理

1.2 Network Pruning - Practical Issue

2.Knowledge Distillation(知识蒸馏)

2.1 Knowledge Distillation基本原理

2.2 训练技巧

3.Parameter Quantization

3.1 Parameter Quantization的三种解决方案

3.2 Binary Connect Network

4.Architecture Design

4.1 隐层的增加与参数的减少

4.2 Depthwise Separable Convolution

4.3 More Related Paper

5.Dynamic Computation

5.1 计算资源与计算目标的动态调整

Chapter 14 - Network Compression(Part 2)

1.Network Compression Review

1.1 Network Compression常用的解决办法

2.Knowledge Distillation(知识蒸馏)

2.1 Knowledge Distillation基本原理

2.2 Logits Distillation

2.3 Feature Distillation

2.4 Relational Distillation

3.Network Purning

3.1 Network Purning Case

3.2 Evaluate Importance

3.3 More About Lottery Ticket Hypothesis


Chapter 15 - Conditional Generation by RNN & Attention


1.1 Structured Object Generation Model

1.2 Conditional Generation

2.Attention(Dynamic Conditional Generation)

2.1 Attention-based Model

2.2 Machine Translation with Attention-based Model

2.3 Speech Recognition with Attention-based Model

2.4 Image Caption with Attention-based Model

2.5 Memory Network

2.6 Neural Turing Machine

3.Tips for Training Generation Model

3.1 Attention Weight Regularization

3.2 Mismatch between Train and Test

3.3 Beam Search(束搜索)

3.4 Object level v.s. Component level

4.Pointer Network

4.1 Pointer Network基本原理

5.Recursive Structure

5.1 Sentiment Analysis Application

5.2 Function f 的内部细节

5.3 More Application

Chapter 16 - Self-Attention & Transformer(Part 1)


1.1 RNN与CNN解决序列问题

1.2 Self-Attention的基本过程

1.3 Self-Attention的矩阵表示

1.4 Multi-head Self-attention(以2 heads 为例)

1.5 Positional Encoding

2.Self-attention在Seq2Seq Model中的用法

2.1 Seq2Seq with Self-attention模型结构


3.1 模型结构

3.2 Attention Visualization

3.3 Example Application

Chapter 16 - Self-Attention & Transformer(Part 2)

1.Transformer Family

1.1 Transformer Review

1.2 Sandwich Transformers

1.3 Universal Transformer

2.Residual Shuffle Exchange Network

2.1 Switch Unit 和 Residual Shuffle Exchange Network

3.BERT Family

3.1 BERT


3.3 Reformer

Chapter 17 - Unsupervised Learning(Dimension Deduction)

1.Clustering Algorithm

1.1 基本聚类算法

2.Dimension Reduction

2.1 Dimension Reduction的可行性分析

2.2 Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

2.3 PCA – Another Point of View(SVD)

2.4 PCA与Auto Encoder

2.5 Weakness of PCA

2.6 PCA Application


3.Matrix Factorization

3.1 矩阵分解的基本方法与在推荐系统中的应用

3.2 矩阵分解在Topic Analysis中的应用

Chapter 18 - Unsupervised Learning(Neighbor Embedding)

1.Locally Linear Embedding (LLE)

1.1 LLE的基本原理

2.Laplacian Eigenmaps

2.1 Laplacian Eigenmaps的基本原理

3.T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding(t-SNE)

3.1 t-SNE的基本原理

Chapter 19 - Unsupervised Learning(Auto-Encoder)

1.Auto Encoder

1.1 Auto Encoder与PCA的相同之处

1.2 Auto-encoder – Text Retrieval

1.3 Auto-encoder – Similar Image Search

1.4 Auto-encoder – Pre-training DNN

1.5 Auto-encoder for CNN

1.6 De-noising Auto-encoder


2.1 Auto-encoder与Generation

3.More Non-Linear Dimension Reduction Model

3.1 Restricted Boltzmann Machine

3.2 Deep Belief Network


4.1 More than minimizing reconstruction error

4.2 More Interpretable Embedding(Voice Conversion)

4.3 Discrete Representation

4.4 Sequence as Embedding

4.5 Tree as Embedding

Chapter 20 - Unsupervised Learning(Generative Model)

1.Pixel RNN

1.1 Pixel RNN的基本原理与应用场景

1.2 Practicing Generation Models:Pokémon Creation

2.Variational Autoencoder(VAE)

2.1 VAE的基本过程

2.2 VAE与Auto Encoder的区别

2.3 VAE的数学解释(Gaussian Mixture Model)

3.Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)

3.1 GAN的基本原理

Chapter 21 - BERT

1.Embeddings from Language Model(ELMO)

1.1 Contextualized Word Embedding

1.2 Embeddings from Language Model(ELMO)

2.Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)

2.1 BERT的网络结构

2.2 BERT的训练技巧

2.3 BERT的使用方法

2.4 What does BERT learn?

2.5 Multilingual BERT

3.Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration (ERNIE)

3.1 ERNIE的基本思想

4.Generative Pre-Training(GPT)

4.1 GPT的基本思想

4.2 GPT的神奇之处(Zero-shot Learning)

Chapter 22 - Self-supervised Learning

1.Self-supervised Learning

1.1 Self-supervised Learning的常见模型

2.Reconstruction Task

2.1 Reconstruction on Text

2.2 Reconstruction on Image

3.Contrastive Learning

3.1 CPC和SimCLR


Chapter 23 - Anomaly Detection

1.Anomaly Detection

1.1 Anomaly Detection的基本原理

1.2 Anomaly Detection按照数据类型的分类

2.Case 1 - With Label(Classifier)

2.1 用分类器的输出分布进行异常检测

2.2 模型的评价

2.3 使用Classifier进行异常检测的问题

3.Case 2 - Without Label(Classifier)

3.1 最大似然估计实现异常检测


4.1 Auto-Encoder

4.2 One-class SVM

4.3 Isolated Forest

5.More About Anomaly Detection

5.1 Classic Method

5.2 Anomaly detection on Image

5.3 Anomaly detection on Audio

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 1 - Introduction)

1.Basic Idea of GAN

1.1 Generator与Discriminator

1.2 GAN Algorithm

2.GAN as structured learning

2.1 Structured Learning的难点与解决方案

3.Can Generator learn by itself? YES!

3.1 使用Auto-Encoder实现Generator的独自学习

4.Can Discriminator generate? YES, but diffiuclt!

4.1 使用Discriminator完成Generative Task的基本方法

4.2 具体算法描述与可视化分析

5.GAN = Generator + Discriminator

5.1 Generator与Discriminator的相辅相成

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 2 - Conditional Generation by GAN)

1.Conditional Generation by GAN

1.1 Conditional GAN中Generator与Discriminator的设计

1.2 Conditional GAN 的实际应用

2.Unsupervised Conditional Generation by GAN

2.1 Unsupervised Conditional Generation by GAN的提出背景

2.2 实现方案一:Direct transformation

2.3 实现方案二:Projection to Common Space

2.4 Application

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 3 - Theory behind GAN [Divergence & FGAN])

1.Theory behind GAN

1.1 Generator与最大似然估计(KL Divergence)

1.2 Discriminator与如何就算KL Divergence

1.3 GAN的目标函数

1.4 GAN的求解算法

1.5 Intuition GAN

2.FGAN:General Framework of GAN

2.1 FGAN提出的原因

2.2 F-Divergence

2.3 F-Divergence与GAN的结合

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 4 - Tips for Improving GAN [WGAN])


1.1 JS Divergence与分布无重叠之间的矛盾

1.2 Wasserstein Distance(�Earth Mover’s Distance)

1.3 WGAN的训练算法

1.4 Energy-based GAN(EBGAN)

1.5 Loss-sensitive GAN(LSGAN)


Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 5 - Feature Extraction by GAN [InfoGAN / VAE-GAN / BiGAN])

1.Feature Extraction by GAN

1.1 InfoGAN

1.2 VAE - GAN

1.3 BiGAN

1.4 Triple GAN

1.5 Loss-sensitive GAN(LSGAN)

2.Domain-adversarial Training

2.1 Feature Disentangle

2.2 Intelligent Photo Editing

2.3 Intelligent Photoshop

2.4 More Application of GAN on Image

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 6 - Improving Sequence Generation by GAN)

1.Improving Supervised Seq-to-seq Model

1.1 Regular Seq2Seq Model训练过程存在的问题

1.2 使用RL训练Seq2Seq Model(Human Feedback)

1.3 使用GAN训练Seq2Seq Model(Discriminator Feedback)

1.4 More Applications

2.Unsupervised Conditional Sequence Generation

2.1 Text Style Transfer

2.2 Unsupervised Abstractive Summarization

2.3 Unsupervised Translation

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 7 - Evaluation)

1.Improving Supervised Seq-to-seq Model

1.1 Regular Seq2Seq Model训练过程存在的问题

1.2 使用RL训练Seq2Seq Model(Human Feedback)

1.3 使用GAN训练Seq2Seq Model(Discriminator Feedback)

1.4 More Applications

2.Unsupervised Conditional Sequence Generation

2.1 Text Style Transfer

2.2 Unsupervised Abstractive Summarization

2.3 Unsupervised Translation

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 8 - More GAN-based Model [SAGAN, BigGAN, SinGAN, GauGAN, GANILLA, NICE-GAN])

1.Improving Supervised Seq-to-seq Model

1.1 GAN Roadmap

1.2 SAGAN(Self-Attention)

1.3 BigGAN(升级版SAGAN)

1.4 SinGAN(将一张图片切割成很多小的图片当做训练资料)

1.5 GauGAN(Conditional Normalization)

1.6 GANILLA(CycleGAN/DualGAN mega升级、宮崎駿Dataset)

1.7 NICE-GAN(D的前半部当成encoder)

Chapter 25 - Transfer Learning

1.Transfer Learning简介

1.1 Transfer Learning提出的背景

2.Labeled Source Dara + Labeled Target Data

2.1 Model Fine-tuning

2.2 Multitask Learning

3.Labeled Source Dara + Unlabeled Target Data

3.1 Domain-adversarial Training

3.2 Zero-shot learning

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 1 - Actor & Critic)

1.Reinforence Learning Introduction

1.1 RL的术语与基本思想

1.2 RL的特点

1.3 RL Outline

2.Policy-based Approach(Learning an Actor)

2.1 Policy-based Approach三步走

2.2 Step 1:Neural Network as Actor

2.3 Step 2:Goodness of Actor

2.4 Step 3:Pick the best Actor

3.Value-based Approach(Learning a Critic)

3.1 Critic的定义(State Value Function)

3.2 Estimating Critic(State Value Function)

3.3 Critic的定义(State-action Value Function)


4.1 A3C(Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic)

5.Inverse Reinforence Learning

5.1 Imitation Learning

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 2 - Proximal Policy Optimization(PPO))

1.Policy Gradient Review

1.1 RL的目标函数(最大化收益期望)与求解过程(Advantage Function)

2.From on-policy to off-policy

2.1 On-Policy和Off-Policy的对比

2.2 Importance Sampling与Off-Policy

2.3 使用Importance Sampling实现从On-Policy到Off-Policy的转换

3.Add Constrain(PPO / TRPO)

3.1 PPO与TRPO的定义

3.2 PPO Algorithm和PPO2 Algorithm

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 3 - Q Learning)

1.Value-based Approach Review

1.1 Value-based Approach的分类与估计方法

2.Introduction of Q-Learning

2.1 Q-Learning的大致过程

3.Tips of Q-Learning(Q-Learning的变种)

3.1 Double DQN

3.2 Dueling DQN

3.3 Prioritized Reply

3.4 Multi-step

3.5 Noisy Net

3.6 Distributional Q-function

3.7 Rainbow

4.Q-Learning for Continuous Actions

4.1 Q-Learning处理连续型Action的难点和解决办法

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 4 - Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic(A3C))


1.1 使用长期收益期望解决即时收益的不稳定问题

1.2 Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic(A3C)

2.Pathwise Derivative Policy Gradient

2.1 借鉴GAN的思想使用Actor解决Q-Learning的arg max问题

2.2 Pathwise Derivative Policy Gradient算法伪代码

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 5 - Sparse Reward)

1.Reward Shaping

1.1 Reward Shaping的定义

1.2 Curiosity Reward

2.Curriculum Learning

2.1 Curriculum Learning的从易到难

2.2 Reverse Curriculum Generation

3.Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

3.1 Curriculum Learning的从易到难

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 6 - Imitation Learning)

1.Behavior Cloning

1.1 Behavior Cloning的定义

1.2 Behavior Cloning中存在的一些问题

2.Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL)

2.1 IRL的基本过程








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