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npm install -g @ionic/cli

clone the repository

npm i

install requirements.txt

ionic serve


This is a website for helping learners develop their coding skills through educational text, videos and various forms of media. In addition, this is also a platform for links to resources to support our learners overall well-being. This includes external links to support communities such as People of Colour, LGBTQIA+, as well as communities in need of our help now, such as #LetIndiaBreathe, #StopAsianHate, and #BlackLivesMatter. This as inspired by the whole teams view that learning to code should not be limited by gender, race or nationality. The team wanted to build a solution that creates greater access to computer science to students around the world, especially those from marginalized communities. The WGAC Guidelines were considered for accessibility. Further research and analysis was conducted on different fonts and colours to better understand accessibility and user design/user interface concepts. Thus, the team considered Angular's library Ionic to fit our vision.

What it does

This web application allows users to register and log in to their account to track their progress. It may also be used without an account but, you cannot track your progress. The user chooses which language or non-tech community resources of interest. This leads them to a track specified by that language or resource. The user can then view the various resources provided such as videos, articles, interactive games, etc.

Landing Page


Start Learning




Choose a Difficulty


Start Learning!


Register to track your progress!


Our Team


How we built it

The team initially met to compare and contrast different programming languages and tools to develop a sitemap and UML diagram. Various media such as videos, and photos aided in creating the final layout for the app using Figma to suit both the teams wants and needs. Individual work was conducted and fused to create the draft. Final additions were added to detail languages and add visual aids. This was extracted from various websites that we personally used.

Challenges we ran into

Compatibility with operating systems was an issue. Collaborating on the back-end and figuring out how to incorporate certain aspects was difficult to accomplish in a reasonable way.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

The team is proud of accomplishing a finished product that may help certain communities and teach people that are interested in computer science that learning can go beyond academia and they can practice being better allies.

What we learned

The team re-learned some concepts as well as learned new ones. Working with the terminal and with collaborating on GitHub was something re-learned. Ionic cards and different CSS keywords were something the team learned about. Working with technologies such as Postman collaboratively is a new concept the team learned together.

What's next for Learn2Code

The team will look into adjusting the componenets on the site to make it more accessible and increase the user friendliness. The team will also look into the bugs with regards to the back-end development. Updating the additional languages and resources will be good practice. The projects page may be improved with additional aids with regards to mobile and accessible layouts. The team will also reach out to their respective schools to see if they would like to allow them to use it in other schools.


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Contributors 4
