Hi there
, I'm Lalo!
- 📘 BSc. in Computer Science @ Tec de Monterrey.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning AWS and React Native.
- 💬 Ask me about anything.
- 📫 Connect with me:
DevUp - A platform to help developers find teammates for side projects. Built using Ionic React, Docker, AWS EC2, NGINX, Flask, PostgreSQL, cAdvisor, Grafana and Prometheus
App that helps people with limited vision see the world by using an Image Captioning DL model, Ionic Angular, translation API and a Text2Speech library. Works in 11 languages.
App built in Angular to control a room´s light, fan, doors and windows using Firebase and a NodeMCU board.
Jupyter Notebook 1
Forked from cvillanueva84/react-certification-2021
YouTube clone app using the YouTube v3 API and React Hooks for managing state.
Machine Learning Model For Financial Fraud Detection
R 1