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  1. Pull changes from the dev branch into your current branch: git pull origin dev

  2. Make sure you're credentials are present in app/server/config/config.json

  3. Run yarn

  4. (optional) Create branch: git branch *branch_name*

  5. (optional) Checkout branch: git checkout *branch*

  6. Make changes...

  7. Run standard --fix to lint your changes

  8. Run yarn build if you made any changes to the app/src folder

  9. Commit changes to your branch:

git add
git commit -m 'Insert ascii art here'
  1. Push changes to your branch: git push origin *branch_name*

  2. Submit a pull request:

You should see a new button with the label “Compare & Pull Request”). Click on it. This will take the information from the Branch and will request a “Pull Request”

  1. Mark the issue your request resolves (

  2. Give it a label, assign your teammates to your pull request and wait for teammates to review.

  3. Once your branch is merged, delete it: git branch -d *branch_name*

Local Development

  1. Add the {force:true} option to the db.sync() method in /bin/www to refresh your DB, run the server, kill the server, and replace it with {force:true} or simply remove it.

  2. In app/server, run the following to seed your local db:

sequelize db:seed --seed users
sequelize db:seed --seed translations
sequelize db:seed --seed answers
sequelize db:seed --seed comments
sequelize db:seed --seed votes
  1. Run DEBUG=express:* <insert_npm_script_key_here> to run app in debug mode


  1. Run yarn test to run tests

  2. Run yarn cover to view coverage