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Javascript Application Developer Exercise

Javascript Application Developer Exercise is brought to you by your friends at Last Call Media, it is designed to assess your skills and to see how you solve problems. Please don't spend more than 3 hours working on it, and if you have trouble completing it in that time, don't stress about it - just push up whatever you have. There is no right answer here, and work-in-progress code is fine, as long as you can explain what you were working on during the interview.

This is a frontend focused exercise, but we’re hiring for both front and backend Javascript focuses. If you’re not comfortable in the frontend, please try out the exercise anyway, and feel free to add a code sample of something you’d rather discuss during your interview.

Thanks, and good luck!


  1. Read "The Exercise" below.
  2. Clone this repository down locally, and perform the exercise.
  3. Push your work up to a new, private repository in your own Github account.
  4. At some point before your interview, give the Github user lastcall-automation read access to your repository.

The Exercise

Last Call Media's website wants to change it's background, but we don't know what would fit best. Create a way to select from the available backgrounds and switch between them seemlessly.

  • Checkout backgrounds.js to view the available backgrounds you can use. You'll see the following object which will correspond to a file we've already added to the public folder called "a-background-here.ext". You can use this to get the source path to each of the different backgrounds.
  name: "a-background-here"
  type: "ext"
  • In App.css you'll find useful styles you can use to center the background media and the select field. The styles provided are targetting the latest version of Chrome.
  • Videos should automatically play in a loop when selected, but should be muted.
  • Selecting a different value in a select field should immediately change the background.

Stretch goal:

  • When changing the background with the select input, try making it not flicker and making it as seemless as possible.

To get started, run:

npm install
npm start








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