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The LaunchPad Lab Starter App (forked from Rails Apps Composer)

This is a customized Ruby on Rails application generator using the best practices and processes of LaunchPad Lab.

- Deploy: heroku
- Database: pg
- Web Server: thin
- Debug: exception_notification
- Test: rspec_rails, factory_girl_rails, faker, capybara, launchy, database_cleaner
- Misc: quiet_assets
- CSS: bootstrap_sass
- Bundle install gems

- Creates pages controller with default home action

- Creates route for home page

- Remove index.html from public folder
- Create home template

- Configures database.yml adapters
- Run rake tasks: create and migrate

Application Config:
- Configures test framework on MVC component creation
- Run rspec install script
- Set assets initialize on precompile to false

- Change file extension to application.css.scss
- Delete comments
- Import bootstrap styling

- Create git repo and first commit
- Push to remote GitHub repo

- Create heroku repo with name
- Push to repo
- Run migrations
- Add default collaborators
- Add-ons: New Relic, PG Backup
- Heroku ENV

$ rails_apps_composer list

controllers    # Add controllers needed for starter apps.
core           # Select all core recipes.
email          # Configure email accounts.
example        # Example of a recipe.
extras         # Various extras.
frontend       # Install a front-end framework for HTML5 and CSS.
gems           # Add the gems your application needs.
git            # Initialize git for your application.
init           # Set up and initialize database.
models         # Add models needed for starter apps.
railsapps      # Install RailsApps example applications.
readme         # Build a README file for your application.
routes         # Add routes needed for starter apps.
setup          # Make choices for your application.
testing        # Add testing framework.
views          # Add views needed for starter apps.

Generate an Application Interactively

You’ll be prompted for recipes and gems:

$ rails_apps_composer new myapp

h3. Generate an Application from Defaults

Use a defaults file for recipes, preferences, and extra gems so you don't have to provide them interactively. Then generate an application using the @-d@ flag:

$ rails_apps_composer new myapp -d my_defaults.yaml

Use the my_defaults.yaml file to specify a list of recipes, preferences, and extra gems. You can use any name (and file extension) for the file. See the Defaults File section in the Guide concerning the format of the defaults file.

Use the “quiet flag” -q if you want to skip all prompts:

$ rails_apps_composer new myapp -q -d my_defaults.yaml

Copyright © 2013 LaunchPad Lab


A gem with recipes to create Rails application templates for Rails starter apps.






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