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Project for the "Software Language Engineering" Curricular Unit (FEUP) - Domain Specific Language

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ELS Project

For this project, you need to install Gradle

Project Setup

Copy your source files to the src folder, and your JUnit test files to the test folder.

Compile and Running

To compile and install the program, run gradle installDist. This will compile your classes and create a launcher script in the folder build/install/els2022-g1/bin. For convenience, there are two script files, one for Windows (els2022-g1.bat) and another for Linux (els2022-g1), in the root of the repository, that call these scripts.

After compilation, tests will be automatically executed, if any test fails, the build stops. If you want to ignore the tests and build the program even if some tests fail, execute Gradle with flags "-x test".

When creating a Java executable, it is necessary to specify which class that contains a main() method should be entry point of the application. This can be configured in the Gradle script with the property mainClassName, which by default has the value pt.up.fe.els2022.Main.


To test the program, run gradle test. This will execute the build, and run the JUnit tests in the test folder. If you want to see output printed during the tests, use the flag -i (i.e., gradle test -i). You can also see a test report by opening build/reports/tests/test/index.html.

Checkpoint 1

At the time of this checkpoint, our project contains the following components / features:

  • An initial version of the semantic model, consisting of an internal table representation (Table) and an Instruction interface with several concrete implementations, which correspond to operations that can be performed on files / tables (extracting tables, transforming tables, storing tables).
  • The ability to extract tables from files (and optionally include columns containing different types of file metadata) through the abstract Adapter class (currently, there is only a concrete implementation for XML files).
  • An initial version of our DSL in the form of a YAML configuration file, which is parsed by the ConfigParser class and converted to instructions for our semantic model.

Semantic Model

Table Representation

Internally, a table is represented as a map of column names to columns (strings to lists of strings). We used a ListOrderedMap from the Apache Commons library, since it maintains a list of keys in insertion order. This means that operations on columns are very efficient, at the detriment of operations on rows. Entries are currently stored as strings regardless of their content, but as new requirements are introduced we may choose to implement a type system for table columns.

The API currently exposes methods for adding or getting rows and columns, renaming columns and merging or concatenating tables. When applying these operations (or other insertion operations), missing entries will use the value null.

  • The merge operation is similar to a join in SQL (only without specifying one or more columns to join by), where the resulting table contains the columns of both input tables. If a column exists in both tables, this operation will fail.
  • The concatenate operation will simply append the rows of the second table to the bottom of the first table.

To prevent API consumers from directly mutating a table's internal state without using the public API, any get methods (getColumn / getRow) return unmodifiable views.


Our program currently supports three types of instructions: load instructions, rename instructions and save instructions, which all implement the execute() method from the Instruction interface. These instructions detail the modifications that can be applied to the data and represent the way to express the desired process.

Our program first creates a set of instructions by parsing a YAML configuration file and then executes them sequentially. When an invalid argument is passed to an instruction or something goes wrong at runtime (for example, the user attempted to use a column name that already exists), the program will halt with an error. We considered this behaviour to be preferable to skipping the malformed instruction, as that could cause unpredictable behaviour later in the execution.

YAML Documentation

YAML configuration files (in the first checkpoint) take the form of a list of instructions, each having a specific set of parameters. Below is a list of all valid instructions and parameters.

Load Instruction (load)

Extracts a table from a file or set of files. Additional columns containing metadata about the files can also be included in the table.

  • files: List containing paths to (XML) files containing the data to extract.
  • key: Section of the document where the data to extract is located (in XML files, the program will look for the first element whose tag matches this string).
  • columns (optional): List of strings containing the names of the columns to extract. When unspecified, all elements within the chosen section will be extracted.
  • metadataColumns (optional): Map of strings to strings, where keys denote a column name and values denote the type of file metadata to store in that column. Metadata columns always appear at the beginning of the table. Valid metadata types are:
    • fileName
    • filePath
    • absoluteFilePath

Rename Instruction (rename)

Renames a column or set of columns.

  • mapping: Map of strings to strings, where the keys denote the old column names and the values denote the new column names. Note that an error will occur when trying to use an already existing column name.

Save Instruction (save)

Saves table as a CSV file, optionally filtering and reordering the columns to save.

  • file: Path to the file where the table will be saved. The file and its parent directories will be created if they do not exist.
  • columns (optional): List containing the names of columns to save, in the desired order.

Example YAML Configuration File

- load:
      - test/res/checkpoint1/data/vitis-report_1.xml
      - test/res/checkpoint1/data/vitis-report_2.xml
      - test/res/checkpoint1/data/vitis-report_3.xml
    key: Resources
    columns: [LUT, FF, DSP48E, BRAM_18K]
      File: fileName
- rename:
      BRAM_18K: BRAMs
      DSP48E: DSPs
      LUT: LUTs
      FF: FFs
- save:
    file: out/base.csv

Configuration Files

We chose to use the YAML language for our configuration files due to its readability and simplicity. We wanted to minimize the amount of "boilerplate" in our configuration files, so that the user can clearly express their intent in as few lines as possible. The following bullet points explain some of our design decisions regarding the configuration files. Most of them are ideas that we also intend to apply to the design of our DSL.

  • Using a YAML object key to specify the type of instruction to avoid having a repetitive instruction: type key-value pair in each instruction
  • Specifying metadata columns in the load instruction using a mapping of column names to the desired metadata type provides the most flexibility compared to a simple boolean or list of metadata types to include (avoids future rename operations or name conflicts with data columns)
  • Using a map of strings to strings for the rename instruction felt very natural, and wrapping it under the mapping parameter ensures that we are able to add additional parameters to the rename instruction without worrying about possible conflicts with column names
  • When the columns parameter is not specified in the load or save instructions, by default, all available columns will be extracted from / written to the chosen file.

Checkpoint 2

In this section, we comprehensively describe the changes to our application since the first checkpoint.

Changes to the Semantic Model

Since the first checkpoint, we have introduced support for extracting and manipulating multiple tables within the program, created new instructions and changed certain parameters for some existing instructions and added support for more file types. We describe these changes in more depth in the sections below.


  • Implemented a new instruction, merge, which will perform a merge operation on two or more tables
    • In our application, this is a column-wise join. We were inspired by the Python library pandas when selecting this naming convention, which provides merge and concat functions for its dataframes.
  • Added source or target parameters to all instructions to allow users to specify the identifiers for the tables they wish to manipulate, as the current version of the program allows for multiple tables (see Program State section).
  • Split the load instruction into the loadStructured and loadUnstructured instructions. Both still inherit certain parameters from the load base instruction, such as the files to read or the metadata columns to include.
    • loadStructured is best used to extract tables from files with a tree-like structure, such as JSON, XML or YAML (at this point, we support both JSON and XML).
    • loadUnstructured can be used with text files with an arbitrary structure, such as .txt files. To allow users to extract tabular data from these files, we also defined several text instructions, detailed in the section below.
  • Added support for glob expressions when specifying input files for load instructions. Instead of having to individually specify each file location, we can now simply use a pattern such as vitis_report_*.xml or dir/*.json.
  • Added a new metadata type, directory, which corresponds to the name of the directory where a given input file resides.
  • Replaced the key parameter in loadStructured instructions with a path-like specification based on XPath, which allows for more expressiveness when selecting a certain node in the tree. Note that our implementation for JSON files does not support all of the XPath features. Some examples:
    • / will select the root object
    • //Resources will select the first Resources object anywhere in the tree
    • /Resources will select the Resources object that is a direct child of the root object
    • //AreaEstimates/Resources will select the Resources object that is a direct child of an AreaEstimates object which may be anywhere in the tree
  • We also allow the specification of multiple paths within a single loadStructured instruction, which is relevant to the main use case for checkpoint 2.

Text Instructions

  • In order to cope with the difficulty of extracting tables from an unstructured file, we implemented different text instructions, which have a similar interface to the top-level instructions but are specifically designed to extract tabular data from unstructured text files.
  • A list of these text instructions is used as one of the parameters of the loadUnstructured instruction.
  • The columnInterval instruction can extract data that is organized in a columnar structure. When extracting data from multiple lines, the values in each column have to be aligned. The following listing contains an example structure that this instruction is well suited to tackle:
    Run    Time    Memory    Objective Function
    1      2.03s   12MB      23.56
    2      1.68s   14MB      21.12
    3      2.11s   11MB      26.12
  • The regexLineDelimiter instruction can extract data that is organized in a key-value fashion. It first selects the file lines that match one of the RegEx expressions in the lines parameter. Afterwards, each of these lines is split based on the delimiter parameter, into key (to the left) and value (to the right). The delimiter expression is the same for all lines. The following listing shows an example structure where this instruction would be adequate:
    Identifier  =  P-SE3Z
    Category    =       C
    Price       =  $15.99
    Weight      =   2.7kg

Program State

In order to support multiple tables, we introduced a ProgramState class, which currently only contains a Map<String, Table>, that is, a mapping of table identifiers to table objects. This state is passed as an argument to the execute method of the Instruction interface. We chose not to implement it as a singleton to allow more flexibility later in development (for example, we could execute several configuration files in parallel).


Mirroring the changes made to the load instruction, adapters are divided into two groups:

  • StructuredAdapter - abstract base class for parsing structured files.
    • XmlAdapter - XML parsing and XPath functionality are provided by the javax library.
    • JsonAdapter - JSON parsing is provided by the GSON library. Support for a subset of XPath expressions was also implemented.
      • To implement XPath for JSON files, we first split the XPath string into a list of instances of the PathFragment class, containing the key for the node we are looking for and whether or not that key has to be a direct child of the parent node (true if the name of the key is preceded by a single slash).
      • Afterwards, we use a recursive function (findByPath) to locate an element corresponding to a given sequence of PathFragment instances (once the last PathFragment is found, we reach the base case of the recursive function). If such an element could not be found, the function returns null.
  • UnstructuredAdapter - base class for parsing unstructured files.

YAML Documentation (Changes)

Load Instruction - load (REMOVED)

Converted to a base class with the following parameters:

  • target (NEW): identifier of the table to store the result of the file extraction.
  • files (CHANGED): can now specify a list of glob expressions rather than individual paths to files.
  • metadataColumns (CHANGED): implemented a new metadata type (directory).

Load Structured Instruction - loadStructured (NEW)

Extracts a table from a file or set of files with a tree-like structure. Inherits the load instruction's parameters.

  • key (REMOVED)
  • paths (NEW): list of XPath strings corresponding to nodes containing the columns we wish to extract. Note that only columns containing primitive data will be extracted (columns containing lists or maps are excluded).
  • columns (unchanged)

Load Unstructured Instruction - loadUnstructured (NEW)

Extracts a table from a file or set of unstructured files. Inherits the load instruction's parameters.

  • instructions: list of text instructions that specify how to extract the table.
    • Possible Instructions:
    • columnInterval:
      • lines: file lines from which to extract the columns. These can be specified as single lines (12) or line intervals ([15, 20]) The first line of a file is line 1.
      • columnIntervals: mapping of column names to their position in the extracted line. For example, the interval [5, 20] specifies that the value for that column spans file columns 5 through 20. The first column of a line is column 1.
      • stripWhitespace (optional): whether or not the whitespace surrounding the extracted information should be removed. Defaults to true.
    • regexLineDelimiter:
      • linePatterns: RegEx patterns corresponding to the beginning of the lines containing the data to extract.
      • delimiter: RegEx pattern representing the separation between the name and the value of the column.

Merge Instruction - merge (NEW)

Merges two or more tables (with a column-wise join), storing the result in a specified table.

  • tables: identifiers of the tables to merge.
  • target (optional): identifier of the table where the result will be stored. Can correspond to a table that does not exist, in which case the table will be created. If omitted, will correspond to the first identifier in the tables list.

Rename Instruction - rename (CHANGED)

  • source (NEW): identifier of the table whose columns we wish to rename.

Save Instruction - save (CHANGED)

  • source (NEW): identifier of the table to save.

Example YAML Configuration File (Checkpoint 2)

- loadStructured:
    target: t1
      - test/res/checkpoint2/data/vitis-report.xml
    path: [//AreaEstimates/Resources]
      Folder: directory
- loadStructured:
    target: t2
      - test/res/checkpoint2/data/decision_tree.json
    path: [/, /params]
- loadUnstructured:
    target: t3
      - test/res/checkpoint2/data/gprof.txt
      - columnInterval:
          lines: [6]
            HighestPercentage: [1, 7]
            HighestName: 55
- merge:
    tables: [t1, t2, t3]
- save:
    source: t1
    file: out/base.csv

Internal DSL

  • Our internal DSL is mostly based on the Builder pattern and the fluent API design philosophy.
  • By employing the ProgramBuilder class, we can specify programs using a similar structure to the YAML configuration file seen in the previous section. Builders for specific instructions also have a close method that allows us to terminate the specification of the current instruction and return to the parent builder. This allows us to specify the entire program using a single method chain.
  • We included overloaded methods for certain instruction parameters so that the API consumer can specify arguments in a more convenient manner. For instance, the withPaths method of LoadStructuredBuilder can accept a List<String> or variadic arguments (String...).
  • Since LoadStructuredInstruction and LoadUnstructuredInstruction both inherit from the LoadInstruction class, the corresponding builders use template arguments to ensure that we always have access to both superclass and subclass methods:
    class LoadBuilder<T extends LoadBuilder<T>> extends InstructionBuilder {}
    class LoadStructuredBuilder extends LoadBuilder<LoadStructuredBuilder> {}
  • Upon creation of the program, the builder classes only validate whether or not the required arguments were supplied to each instruction (that is, they check if these arguments are not null). The semantic validation (for example, if the list of files for a load instruction is not empty) is performed by the constructors of the specific instructions.
ProgramBuilder builder = new ProgramBuilder();

    .withMetadataColumns(Map.of("Folder", MetadataType.DIRECTORY))
    .withPaths("/", "/params")
      .withLines(new Interval(6))
        "HighestPercentage", new Interval(1, 7),
        "HighestName", new Interval(55))
    .withTables("t1", "t2", "t3")

Program program = builder.create();

Checkpoint 3

In this section, we comprehensively describe the changes to our application since the second checkpoint.

Changes to the Semantic Model

Since the second checkpoint, we have implemented a few new instructions and introduced new parameters for some existing instructions. These modifications are described in more detail below.


  • Implemented an abstract function instruction, which will perform a calculation for each column of a specified (source) table. The abstract method applyToColumn(List<String> column) details the exact calculation to perform.
    • The results will be added as a new row to the target table (which can the source table or a different table entirely).
    • The user can specify which columns (columns parameter) should be included in the calculation or which columns should be excluded (excludeColumns parameter)
    • If a column is excluded or if the chosen operation cannot be performed on the values of that column, the result for that column will be null.
    • There are currently two concrete implementations of this instruction: the sum and average instructions. These instructions will only produce a result for columns whose values are all numeric (verified when the instruction is executed). We chose not to implement an explicit type system for columns, as doing so would incur an additional overhead when extracting data or manipulating tables. Since the main purpose of our application is to extract and combine tabular data from multiple sources, we should ensure that these operations are as efficient as possible, even if this means that function instructions are less performant.
  • Implemented the sort instruction, which will sort the rows of a table according to a specified column.
    • There is also a boolean parameter for specifying if rows should be sorted in ascending or descending order (default is ascending).
  • Replaced the merge instruction with a new join instruction, which, given a list of two or more tables, will join them according to the JoinType specified in the type parameter.
    • Currently, we have implemented two possible join types: merge (column-wise join) and concatenate (row-wise join).
  • Added the columnSuffix parameter to the abstract load instruction, which allows the user to specify a suffix that will be appended to the name of every column that was extracted (metadata columns are not affected).
  • Split the directory metadata type into directoryName and directoryPath for clarity.
  • Use regular expressions instead of glob expressions to specify file paths in load instructions, allowing increased flexibility.
  • Update the names of a few parameters for consistency.

Text Instructions

  • Added the columnarFormat parameter to the columnInterval instruction.
    • When this parameter is not specified (null), the instruction behaves as previously described (each extracted line from the file will correspond to a row in the table).
    • However, if a string value is given, all of the lines extracted from the file will be part of a single table row, with the columnarFormat string specifying how the columns corresponding to each file line should be named.
    • Functions similarly to a C-style format string (certain character combinations are replaced by other values).
      • %n is replaced by the column's default name
      • %a is replaced by the (absolute) line number within the file (e.g. line 32, line 75)
      • %r is replaced by the relative line number (1 for the first line extracted, 2 for the second...)
    • For example, if we were extracting the values of a column named runs from lines 32-34 using the columnar format %n - %a/%r the resulting column names would be runs - 32/1, runs - 33/2 and runs - 34/3.

External DSL

The external DSL we implemented, named Tabular (with file extensions .tb or .tabular), has a similar structure to our YAML configuration files and our internal DSL. We continued to follow our main design principles of conciseness and expressibility and focused on minimizing excessive use of punctuation in the syntax, facilitating the expression of certain parameters and including validation within the grammar whenever possible in order to catch errors earlier in the program execution.

XText Grammar

Our XText grammar accepts a set of one or more instructions. The grammar rules for instructions generally follow the format below:

  {DslFoo} 'foo' '{'

	(name='idParam' id=ID) |
	(name='stringParam' string=STRING) |
	(name='intsParam' (ints+=INT)+)

This allows instruction parameters to be specified in any order. The name feature is important, as we use this in the parser to distinguish between parameters.

We also included a few additional terminals for specifying boolean values and enum variants (JoinType, MetadataType), so that these can be validated during parsing.


In order to parse the AST generated by XText, we iterate through the list of instructions and use the BiConsumerClassMap class provided by the specs library in order to call the appropriate method for each type of instruction (the second argument to the consumer is an instance of ProgramBuilder from our internal DSL). Then, within each method, the arguments for each instruction are parsed and the appropriate builder method from the internal DSL is called based on the value of the name feature (for example, the DslSortInstruction uses a Map<String, BiConsumer<SortBuilder, DslSortParam>>).

For instructions that inherit parameters from an abstract base class (such as load instructions), we used another BiConsumerClassMap to execute the correct methods based on whether the parameter in question is from the parent class or specific to the child class.

DSL Documentation (Full)

A Tabular script should contain one or more instructions. The typical instruction syntax is as follows:

instructionName {
  param1 val
  param2 val1 val2 val3
  param3 'strval1'

Instruction parameters can have several types with different syntax for their specification, shown below:

  • Boolean
    • true or false
  • Integer
    • 1264
  • Id
    • abc or foo12 or bar_baz (similar to variable naming)
  • String
    • "a string 123 % \" or 'a string 123 % \'
  • Interval
    • 12 (only start) or 23-54 (start and end)
  • List<T>
    • T1 T2 T3 T4
  • Map<K, V>
    paramName {
      K1 -> V1
      K2 -> V2
      K3 -> V3
  • JoinType
    • merge or concatenate
  • MetadataType
    • fileName, filePath, absoluteFilePath, directoryName or directoryPath

Load Instruction

Extracts a table from a file or set of files. Additional columns containing metadata about the files can also be included in the table. Abstract instruction that cannot be used on its own.


  • target (Id): identifier of the table to store the result of the file extraction.
  • files (List<String>): RegEx expressions specifying the paths to the files containing the data to extract.
  • metadataColumns (Map<String, MetadataType>, optional): map whose keys denote column names and values denote the type of file metadata to store in that column. Metadata columns always appear at the beginning of the table.
  • columnSuffix (String, optional): suffix to be appended to the name of all extracted columns (metadata columns are ignored).

Load Structured Instruction (loadStructured)

Extracts a table from files with a tree-like structure (such as JSON or XML). Inherits the load instruction's parameters.


  • paths (List<String>): list of XPath strings corresponding to nodes containing the columns we wish to extract.
  • columns (List<String>, optional): names of the columns to extract. When unspecified, all elements within the chosen section will be extracted. Note that only elements containing primitive data will be extracted (lists or maps are excluded).

Load Unstructured Instruction (loadUnstructured)

Extracts a table from unstructured (text) files. Inherits the load instruction's parameters.


  • textInstructions: list of text instructions that specify how to extract the table.
    • columnInterval:
      • lines (List<Interval>): file lines from which to extract the columns. These can be specified as single lines (12) or line intervals (15-20). The first line of a file is line 1.
      • columnIntervals (Map<String, Interval>): mapping of column names to their position in the extracted line. For example, the interval 5-30 specifies that the value for that column spans file columns 5 through 30. When the interval is specified as a single value, for example, 50, the interval is considered to start at that column, in this case 50, and span the remainder of the line. The first column of a line is column 1.
      • stripWhitespace (Boolean, optional): whether or not the whitespace surrounding the extracted information should be removed. Defaults to true.
      • columnarFormat (String, optional): when specified,file lines will all be extracted to the same table row, with the columnar format string determining how the columns for each file line will be named. Functions similarly to a C-style format string.
        • %n will be replaced by the default column name
        • %a will be replaced by the absolute line number within the file
        • %r will be replaced by the line's relative number within the extraction
    • regexLineDelimiter:
      • linePatterns (List<String>): RegEx patterns corresponding to the beginning of the lines containing the data to extract.
      • delimiter (String): RegEx pattern representing the separation between the name and the value of the column.

Save Instruction (save)

Saves table as a CSV file, optionally filtering and reordering the columns to save.


  • source (Id): identifier of the table to save.
  • file (String): path to the file where the table will be saved. The file and its parent directories will be created if they do not exist.
  • columns (List<String>, optional): list containing the names of columns to save, in the desired order.

Rename Instruction (rename)

Renames a column or set of columns from a given table.


  • source (Id): identifier of the table whose columns we wish to rename.
  • mapping (Map<String, String>): map where keys denote the old column names and values denote the new column names. Note that an error will occur when attempting to use an existing column name.

Join Instruction (join)

Joins two or more tables in a way specified by the join type, storing the result in another table.


  • tables (List<Id>): identifiers of the tables to join.
  • target (Id, optional): identifier of the table where the result will be stored. Can correspond to a table that does not exist, in which case the table will be created. If omitted, will correspond to the first identifier in the tables list.
  • type (JoinType): type of join to perform
    • merge: column-wise join
    • concatenate: row-wise join

Function Instruction

Applies a function to each column in a table, storing the results as a new row in the target table. Abstract instruction that cannot be used on its own.


  • source (Id): identifier of the table whose columns we wish to apply the function to.
  • columns (List<String>, optional): names of the columns to apply the function to. When not specified, the function will be applied to all the columns (except the ones specified in excludeColumns).
  • excludeColumns (List<String>, optional): names of the columns to exclude from the function application.
    • If a column is specified in both columns and excludeColumns, the function will not be applied to that column.
  • target (Id, optional): identifier of the table where the result will be stored. When not specified, this will be equal to source.

Average Instruction (average)

Calculates the average of the values in each numeric column of the table. Inherits the function instruction's parameters.

Sum Instruction (sum)

Calculates the sum of the values in each numeric column of the table. Inherits the function instruction's parameters.

Sort Instruction (sort)

Sorts the rows of a table according one of its columns.


  • source (Id): identifier of the table to sort.
  • column (String): name of the column to sort by.
  • descending (Boolean, optional): whether or not the table is to be sorted in descending order. Defaults to false.

Example DSL File (Checkpoint 3)

loadStructured {
    target t1
    files 'test/res/checkpoint3/data/[0-9]+/analysis.xml'
    paths '//total//static'
    metadataColumns {
        dir -> directoryName
    columnSuffix ' (Static)'

loadStructured {
    target t2
    files 'test/res/checkpoint3/data/[0-9]+/analysis.json'
    paths '//total//dynamic'
    columnSuffix ' (Dynamic)'

loadUnstructured {
    target t3
    files 'test/res/checkpoint3/data/[0-9]+/gprof.txt'
    textInstructions {
        columnInterval {
            lines 6-8
            columnIntervals {
                name -> 55
                '%' -> 1-7
            columnarFormat '%n #%r'

join {
    tables t1 t2 t3
    type merge

sort {
    source t1
    column dir

average {
    source t1
    target t1_c
    excludeColumns dir

sum {
    source t1
    target t1_c
    excludeColumns dir

join {
    tables t1 t1_c
    type concatenate

save {
    source t1
    file 'out/base.csv'

Self Evaluation

  • Project Grade: 19
  • Group Contribution
    • Clara Martins: 35%
    • Daniel Monteiro: 30%
    • Gonçalo Pascoal: 35%


Project for the "Software Language Engineering" Curricular Unit (FEUP) - Domain Specific Language







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