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A lightweight dispatch system where data is saved on the server instead of the client. This allows for everyone of the same job to see all available dispatches and contribute to them together. When someone deletes the dispatch it will update across every other client.

The menu is created in a way which will allow the user to continue driving (a pursuit(?)) and not have to move their mouse to click on options. To combat griefers there's an optional discord logging system to ensure that people are closing dispatches at the correct time, after dealing with them appropriately.

Sound Installation

Navigate to your interact-sound installation folder, then go to client > html > sounds. Put both of the supplied sounds into this folder. Open up the interact-sound fxmanifest.lua and change the "files" line to be like the following:

files { 'client/html/index.html', 'client/html/sounds/*' }



Create a Dispatch exports['bixbi_dispatch']:CreateDispatch()

Panic Button TriggerServerEvent('bixbi_dispatch:PanicButton')

Create Dispatch - Server
TriggerEvent('bixbi_dispatch:Add', localPlayerId*, jobToAlert, type, message, location*)
* = Optional. If location is nil you need to supply localPlayerId, and vice-versa.

Example: TriggerEvent('bixbi_dispatch:Add', xPlayer.playerId, 'police', 'robbery', 'Someone is robbing a store', nil)

Create Dispatch - Client
Mostly the same as Server

Example: TriggerServerEvent('bixbi_dispatch:Add', GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()), 'police', 'prisonbreak', 'There is a prison break in progress!', GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()))

Feel free to modify to your liking. Please keep my name (Leah#0001) in the credits of the fxmanifest. If your modification is a bug-fix I ask that you make a pull request, this is a free script; please contribute when you can.