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exFAT filesystem image Tools

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exfat-rawtools includes some tools related exFAT filesystem.

These tools can update exFAT filesystem iamges or obtain exFAT filesystem informations w/o mounting filesystem.


The following functions have been implemented:

  • checkexfat: Check filesystem status
  • statfsexfat: Display information in Main boot sector
  • lsexfat: list directory contents
  • catexfat Display file contents
  • statexfat Display file or directory status


exFAT file system specification described parameter requirements.
checkexfat can detect below exfat filesystem's failure.

  • Main boot region parameter
  • Order of dentry type
  • file timestamp
  • Consistency of Allocation bitmap and actual use
$ checkexfat tests/sample/error.img
Cluster#13 isn't allocated.
Cluster#32 isn't allocated.
Cluster#14 is referenced from other cluster.
Cluster#17 is referenced from other cluster.
Cluster#12 isn't used at all.
Cluster#15 isn't used at all.

/               (5) | 0_BITMAP(6) 1_FAT(7) 2_LOOP(8) 3_DOUBLE(9) 4_FILESIZE(10)
0_BITMAP        (6) | FILE1.TXT(11) FILE2.TXT(12)
1_FAT           (7) | FILE6.TXT(17)
2_LOOP          (8) |
3_DOUBLE        (9) | FILE3.TXT(14) FILE4.TXT(14)
4_FILESIZE      (10) | FILE5.TXT(16) FILE7.TXT(18)


statfsexfat display information in Main Boot Sector.

$ statfsexfat tests/sample/exfat.img
media-relative sector offset    : 0x00000000 (sector)
Offset of the First FAT         : 0x00000800 (sector)
Length of FAT table             :        256 (sector)
Offset of the Cluster Heap      : 0x00001000 (sector)
The number of clusters          :      32256 (cluster)
The first cluster of the root   :          5 (cluster)
Size of exFAT volumes           :     262144 (sector)
Bytes per sector                :        512 (byte)
Bytes per cluster               :          0 (byte)
The number of FATs              :          1
The percentage of clusters      :          0 (%)


lsexfat list directory contests without mount filesystem.
An argument that is a directory will display all the listable files in the respective directory.

Writes down (in single-column format) the FileAttribute Field, DataLength Field, Timestamp Field, and name of the file. By default, the timestamp displayed is the last modification time.

$ lsexfat exfat.img /
---D-     4096 2021-05-05 01:48:47 0_SIMPLE
---D-     4096 2021-05-05 01:54:36 1_FILENAME
---D-     4096 2021-05-05 01:55:19 2_DELETED
---D-     4096 2021-05-05 01:53:19 3_NOFATCHAIN
---D-     4096 2021-05-05 01:53:05 4_FATCHAIN

$ lsexfat exfat.img /0_SIMPLE/FILE.TXT
----A        2 2021-05-05 01:48:42 FILE.TXT


catexfat print file contests without mount filesystem.

$ catexfat exfat.img /0_SIMPLE/FILE.TXT
hello, world


statexfat display file or directory status for exFAT filesystem.

$ statexfat exfat.img /4_FATCHAIN/FILE2.TXT
File    : FILE2.TXT
Size    : 8194
Cluster : 3 
First   : 0x0000000d
Attr    : ----D
Flags   : FatChain/ AllocationPossible
Access  : 2021-05-05 01:52:36
Modify  : 2021-05-05 01:53:53
Create  : 2021-05-05 01:52:36


The following operating systems have been confirmed.

  • Ubuntu 20.04

In case of 64GB exFAT filesystem, there is at least at 200MB memory space to use it. (memory consupmption is depends on the number of dentry)


This tools needs below packages to build.

For Ubuntu, The folowing command can be installed.

$ sudo apt install autoconf automake libtool make


$ ./scripts/
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install

