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Migrations toolkit for Kohana PHP framework... yet another


See MODPATH/migrations/config/migrations.php

return array
	'directory' => 'migrations',

	'table' => 'migrations'

directory - directory in APPPATH, that will store the files migrations. Don't use trailing slashes!

table - table, that will store information about applied migrations. See SQL-file in the root of this repo. And dont't forget about prefixes.

Install/uninstall migrations service

First, in the database you want to create a migration table. I will show how this is done on the example of MySQL:

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:install

Will be automatically applied sql-instructions from schemas/migrations/<sql_type>/install.sql. Where the sql_type parameter - type of your current connection.

Similarly, uninstalling:

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:uninstall

Create a migration

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:create

Migration short name (3-128 characters, [A-Za-z0-9-_] ): My first migration
Migration info (not necessarily): This is description of my awesome first migration
Done! Check APPPATH/migrations/1384195794___my_first_migration.php

Let's take a look at the generated file:

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct access allowed.');

class Migration1384195794_My_First_Migration extends Migration {

	 * Returns migtation ID
	 * @return integer
	public function id()
		return 1384195794;

	 * Returns migtation name
	 * @return string
	public function name()
		return 'My first migration';

	 * Returns migtation info
	 * @return string
	public function info()
		return 'This is description of my awesome first migration';

	 * Takes a migration
	 * @return void
	public function up()


	 * Removes migration
	 * @return void
	public function down()


} // End Migration1384195794_My_First_Migration

It remains only to fill out the logic methods up and down;

To further demonstrate, I will create another migration:

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:create

Migration short name (3-128 characters, [A-Za-z0-9-_] ): my second migration
Migration info (not necessarily): Just simple description, not the big deal
Done! Check APPPATH/migrations/1384195891___my_second_migration.php

List of available migrations

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:status

Available migrations:
| ID         | NAME                | INFO                         |
| 1384195794 | My first migration  | This is description of my    |
|            |                     | awesome first migration      |
| 1384195891 | My second migration | Just simple description, not |
|            |                     | the big deal                 |

Apply migrations

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:down [--to=<migration ID>]

This refers to the migration ID from the migrations:status task.

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:up

Migration 1384195794___my_first_migration.php applied
Migration 1384195891___my_second_migration.php applied

Migrations history

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:history [--from=<date>] [--limit=<limit>]

By default, the limit is 10.

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:history

Last 10 migrations:
| ID         | DATE       | NAME                | INFO                         |
| 1384195891 | 2013-11-11 | My second migration | Just simple description, not |
|            | 22:52      |                     | the big deal                 |
| 1384195794 | 2013-11-11 | My first migration  | This is description of my    |
|            | 22:52      |                     | awesome first migration      |

I hope you noticed that the list of migration come from new to old.

Rollback migrations

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:down [--to=<migration ID>]

This refers to the migration ID from the migrations:history task.

Ok, rollback migrations:

$ php5 index.php --task=migrations:down

Migration 1384195891___my_second_migration.php rolled back
Migration 1384195794___my_first_migration.php rolled back


Migrations module for Kohana 3 PHP framework







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