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About this REPO

About the directories

The directory structure is according to the languages and it contains whatever I have done for all these years and the ongoing stuff as well, nothing too special


  • It contains my notes, assignments and the follow up code of the videos whilst learning JAVA and the DSA concepts taught by Kunal Kushwaha in his Java DSA playlist. Go to this directory to see the notes and other stuff
  • todo leetcode problems


  • The C++/CPP directory contains a lot of the cpp files that i have done throughout my 11th and 12th standard.
  • It has a lot of stuff from the various websites such as, GOAT:, and also from the playlists of some youtube channels such as CodeWithHarry-cpp, Hackerrank-cpp
  • still a lot of stuff left to learn, main concepts.

WebDev dir

Misc stuff

  • Extras and testing folder
    • some random testing files such as benchmarking (more like stressing) cpu using, some whatsapp spam bot, autoclicker bot, keyboard-layout-analyzer, johntheripper(those who know knows what this thing is). Highly buggy stuff, some are copied, some are made by "knowledge" stuff shared in websites.
  • Documentation stuff using neorg, org mode, markdown
    • These are some documentation language that I have tried, nothing special just tried out their syntax and other language specific stuff.
    • WHY: for documenting stuff in git repo readmes, actual documentation, wiki, etc and so I am storing those here in their respective directories'.
  • GO and RUST dir
    • some random stuff in gui done using rust with help from chatgippity and some projects probably will need to learn in the future. IGNORE