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Load a file

Léo Peyronnet edited this page Dec 12, 2020 · 4 revisions

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a. Required configuration

To use the following methods, you need to use the version 1.7 or higher of LeoCorpLibrary, and put this on top of your code file:


using LeoCorpLibrary;


Imports LeoCorpLibrary

b. How it works

To understand how the system works, read save system.

  1. The system is going to read the file
  2. The system is going to separate the elements
  3. The system is going to separate the columns
  4. From these informations, it will generate a ListViewItem.
  5. Then it loads the ListViewItem inside the specified ListView.


a. ListViewContentCustom

This function is available in version 1.7 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

The ListViewContentCustom() method enables you to load the content of a ListView from a file. We recommand that you se these following parameters for your ListView:

  • Details vue mode
  • FullRowSelect = true

There is two variations of the method:

Variation 1

LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentCustom(ListView listView1, string filePath) {...}
Valeur Paramètre Description
ListView listView The ListView to load the content to
string filePath The file location where the content is

Variation 2

LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentCustom(ListView listView1, string filePath, string itemSplit, string columnSplit) {...}
Valeur Paramètre Description
ListView listView ListView to load the content to
string filePath The file location where the content is
string itemSplit The element sparator
string columnSplit The column separator

Here's an example of usage:


// Variation 1
LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentCustom(listView1, @"C:\content.txt");

// Variation 2
LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentCustom(listView1, @"C:\content.txt", "/*E*/", "/*C*/");


' Variation 1
LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentCustom(ListView1, "C:/content.txt")

' Variation 2
LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentCustom(ListVew1, "C:/content.txt", "/*E*/", "/*C*/")

Note: in the examples, you might noticed that instead of simply writting Load.ListViewContentCustom, it is writtent LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentCustom. This because of a conflict with Load which is an event in Windows Forms.

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b. ListViewContentXML

This function is available in version 2.7 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

The ListViewContentXML() method allows you to load a XML file that contains a listview's content. We recommand that you use these following parameters for your ListView:

  • Details vue mode
  • FullRowSelect = true

It has two arguments:

Value Argument Description
ListView listView ListView where it's content needs to be saved
string filePath File location where to save the ListView's content

Here's an example of usage:


LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentXML(listView1, "C:/test.xml");


LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentXML(listView1, "C:/test.xml")


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfArrayOfString xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

Expected Output:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
Test 4 Test 5 Test 6
Test 8 Test 8 Test 9

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c. ListViewContentJSON

This function is available in version 2.7 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

The ListViewContentJSON() method allows you to load a listview's content from a JSON file. We recommand that you use these following parameters for your ListView:

  • Details vue mode
  • FullRowSelect = true

It has two arguments:

Value Argument Description
ListView listView ListView where it's content needs to be saved
string filePath File location where to save the ListView's content

Here's an example of usage:


LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentJSON(listView1, "C:/test.json");


LeoCorpLibrary.Load.ListViewContentJSON(listView1, "C:/test.json")



Expected Output:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Test 1 Test 2 Test 3
Test 4 Test 5 Test 6
Test 8 Test 8 Test 9

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