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User Interface

Léo Peyronnet edited this page Jun 5, 2021 · 5 revisions

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To use these methods and features, do not forget to put this line of code on top of your code file:


using LeoCorpLibrary.UI;


Imports LeoCorpLibrary.UI


a. CenterControlOnForm

This function is available in version 2.3 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

The CenterControlOnForm() method allows you to center a Control inside a Form.

It's in:


It has two variations:

Variation 1

WinFormsHelpers.CenterControlOnForm(Control control, Form form) {...}
Value Argument Description
Control control The control to center
Form form The form where the control is going to be center

Variation 2

WinFormsHelpers.CenterControlOnForm(Control control, Form form, ControlAlignement controlAlignement) {...}
Value Argument Description
Control control The control to center
Form form The form where the control is going to be center
ControlAlignement controlAlignement The alignement of the control (Vertical, Horizontal or Both)

Here's an example of usage:


// Variation 1
Label label = new Label();
label.Text = "Hi!";
WinFormsHelpers.CenterControlOnForm(label, this); // "this" is the current object, here, it's a Form

// Variation 2
WinFormsHelpers.CenterControlOnForm(label, this, VerticalAlignement.Vertical); // Center the label vertically


' Variation 1
Dim label As Label = New Label()
label.Text = "Hi!"
WinFormsHelpers.CenterControlOnForm(label, Me) ' "Me" is the current object, here, it's a Form

' Variation 2
WinFormsHelpers.CenterControlOnForm(label, this, VerticalAlignement.Vertical) ' Center the label vertically

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b. CenterFormOnScreen

This function is available in version 2.3 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

The CenterFormOnScreen() method allows you to center a Form inside the primary Screen.

It's in:


It has one argument:

Value Argument Description
Form form The Form to center inside a Screen

Here's an example of usage:


WinFormsHelpers.CenterFormOnScreen(this); // Center the form


WinFormsHelpers.CenterFormOnScreen(Me) ' Center the form

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a. GetScreenDPIFromWinForm

This function is available in version 3.7 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

The GetScreenDPIFromWinForm() method allows you to get the current screen DPI from a System.Windows.Forms.Form. It returns a double value.

It's in:


It has one argument:

Value Argument Description
Form form The Form to get the DPI of

Here's an example of usage:


ScreenHelpers.GetScreenDPIFromWinForm(this); // Get the screen DPI


ScreenHelpers.GetScreenDPIFromWinForm(Me) ' Get the screen DPI

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b. GetScreenDPIFromWPFWindow

This function is available in version 3.7 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

The GetScreenDPIFromWPFWindow() method allows you to get the current screen DPI from a System.Windows.Window. It returns a double value.

It's in:


It has one argument:

Value Argument Description
Window window The window to get the DPI of

Here's an example of usage:


ScreenHelpers.GetScreenDPIFromWPFWindow(this); // Get the screen DPI


ScreenHelpers.GetScreenDPIFromWPFWindow(Me) ' Get the screen DPI

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c. GetScreenScalingFromWinForm

This function is available in version 3.7 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

The GetScreenScalingFromWinForm() method allows you to get the current screen scale from a System.Windows.Forms.Form. It returns a double value.

It's in:


It has one argument:

Value Argument Description
Form form The form to get the scale of

Here's an example of usage:


ScreenHelpers.GetScreenScalingFromWinForm(this); // Get the screen scale


ScreenHelpers.GetScreenScalingFromWinForm(Me) ' Get the screen scale

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d. GetScreenScalingFromWPFWindow

This function is available in version 3.7 and higher.

Framework LeoCorpLibrary LeoCorpLibrary.Core
.NET 5
.NET Core 3.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.5

The GetScreenScalingFromWPFWindow() method allows you to get the current screen scale from a System.Windows.Window. It returns a double value.

It's in:


It has one argument:

Value Argument Description
Window window The window to get the scale of

Here's an example of usage:


ScreenHelpers.GetScreenScalingFromWPFWindow(this); // Get the screen scale


ScreenHelpers.GetScreenScalingFromWPFWindow(Me) ' Get the screen scale

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ControlAlignement is an enumeration which has three elements:

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Both

This enumeration can be used in the CenterControlOnForm() method.

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