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Leo edited this page Oct 15, 2017 · 11 revisions

Welcome to RealMute Wiki! Here is a place for you to learn all things you need to know to take full advantage on this software.
Contents of Wiki currently aims at RealMute Version 3.5.0.

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What is RealMute?

This is a PocketMine-MP chat management plugin with many extra features. It not only allows you to mute players, but also makes chat management of your PocketMine-MP server quite easier!

Why use RealMute?

RealMute gives you extra features that many other chat management plugins do not have, like querying who has been muted, blocking players' private messages when they are muted, automatically muting players who flood the chat screen, and even block message from all players using device or IP address of those who have been muted!
RealMute also provides you some API methods, including checking if a player is muted, muting and unmuting players. You can use these methods to make your plugin work with RealMute!

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