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LeventErkok committed Mar 28, 2015
2 parents 8dc7e5c + 914fae3 commit e89704b
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Showing 12 changed files with 2,066 additions and 1,468 deletions.
183 changes: 183 additions & 0 deletions Data/SBV/BitVectors/Concrete.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
-- |
-- Module : Data.SBV.BitVectors.Concrete
-- Copyright : (c) Levent Erkok
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Operations on concrete values

module Data.SBV.BitVectors.Concrete
( module Data.SBV.BitVectors.Concrete
) where

import Data.Bits
import System.Random (randomIO, randomRIO)

import Data.SBV.BitVectors.Kind
import Data.SBV.BitVectors.AlgReals

-- | A constant value
data CWVal = CWAlgReal AlgReal -- ^ algebraic real
| CWInteger Integer -- ^ bit-vector/unbounded integer
| CWFloat Float -- ^ float
| CWDouble Double -- ^ double
| CWUserSort (Maybe Int, String) -- ^ value of an uninterpreted/user kind. The Maybe Int shows index position for enumerations

-- We cannot simply derive Eq/Ord for CWVal, since CWAlgReal doesn't have proper
-- instances for these when values are infinitely precise reals. However, we do
-- need a structural eq/ord for Map indexes; so define custom ones here:
instance Eq CWVal where
CWAlgReal a == CWAlgReal b = a `algRealStructuralEqual` b
CWInteger a == CWInteger b = a == b
CWUserSort a == CWUserSort b = a == b
CWFloat a == CWFloat b = a == b
CWDouble a == CWDouble b = a == b
_ == _ = False

instance Ord CWVal where
CWAlgReal a `compare` CWAlgReal b = a `algRealStructuralCompare` b
CWAlgReal _ `compare` CWInteger _ = LT
CWAlgReal _ `compare` CWFloat _ = LT
CWAlgReal _ `compare` CWDouble _ = LT
CWAlgReal _ `compare` CWUserSort _ = LT

CWInteger _ `compare` CWAlgReal _ = GT
CWInteger a `compare` CWInteger b = a `compare` b
CWInteger _ `compare` CWFloat _ = LT
CWInteger _ `compare` CWDouble _ = LT
CWInteger _ `compare` CWUserSort _ = LT

CWFloat _ `compare` CWAlgReal _ = GT
CWFloat _ `compare` CWInteger _ = GT
CWFloat a `compare` CWFloat b = a `compare` b
CWFloat _ `compare` CWDouble _ = LT
CWFloat _ `compare` CWUserSort _ = LT

CWDouble _ `compare` CWAlgReal _ = GT
CWDouble _ `compare` CWInteger _ = GT
CWDouble _ `compare` CWFloat _ = GT
CWDouble a `compare` CWDouble b = a `compare` b
CWDouble _ `compare` CWUserSort _ = LT

CWUserSort _ `compare` CWAlgReal _ = GT
CWUserSort _ `compare` CWInteger _ = GT
CWUserSort _ `compare` CWFloat _ = GT
CWUserSort _ `compare` CWDouble _ = GT
CWUserSort a `compare` CWUserSort b = a `compare` b

-- | 'CW' represents a concrete word of a fixed size:
-- Endianness is mostly irrelevant (see the 'FromBits' class).
-- For signed words, the most significant digit is considered to be the sign.
data CW = CW { cwKind :: !Kind
, cwVal :: !CWVal
deriving (Eq, Ord)

-- | Are two CW's of the same type?
cwSameType :: CW -> CW -> Bool
cwSameType x y = cwKind x == cwKind y

-- | Is this a bit?
cwIsBit :: CW -> Bool
cwIsBit x = case cwKind x of
KBool -> True
_ -> False

-- | Convert a CW to a Haskell boolean (NB. Assumes input is well-kinded)
cwToBool :: CW -> Bool
cwToBool x = cwVal x /= CWInteger 0

-- | Normalize a CW. Essentially performs modular arithmetic to make sure the
-- value can fit in the given bit-size. Note that this is rather tricky for
-- negative values, due to asymmetry. (i.e., an 8-bit negative number represents
-- values in the range -128 to 127; thus we have to be careful on the negative side.)
normCW :: CW -> CW
normCW c@(CW (KBounded signed sz) (CWInteger v)) = c { cwVal = CWInteger norm }
where norm | sz == 0 = 0
| signed = let rg = 2 ^ (sz - 1)
in case divMod v rg of
(a, b) | even a -> b
(_, b) -> b - rg
| True = v `mod` (2 ^ sz)
normCW c@(CW KBool (CWInteger v)) = c { cwVal = CWInteger (v .&. 1) }
normCW c = c

-- | Constant False as a CW. We represent it using the integer value 0.
falseCW :: CW
falseCW = CW KBool (CWInteger 0)

-- | Constant True as a CW. We represent it using the integer value 1.
trueCW :: CW
trueCW = CW KBool (CWInteger 1)

-- | Lift a unary function thruough a CW
liftCW :: (AlgReal -> b) -> (Integer -> b) -> (Float -> b) -> (Double -> b) -> ((Maybe Int, String) -> b) -> CW -> b
liftCW f _ _ _ _ (CW _ (CWAlgReal v)) = f v
liftCW _ f _ _ _ (CW _ (CWInteger v)) = f v
liftCW _ _ f _ _ (CW _ (CWFloat v)) = f v
liftCW _ _ _ f _ (CW _ (CWDouble v)) = f v
liftCW _ _ _ _ f (CW _ (CWUserSort v)) = f v

-- | Lift a binary function through a CW
liftCW2 :: (AlgReal -> AlgReal -> b) -> (Integer -> Integer -> b) -> (Float -> Float -> b) -> (Double -> Double -> b) -> ((Maybe Int, String) -> (Maybe Int, String) -> b) -> CW -> CW -> b
liftCW2 r i f d u x y = case (cwVal x, cwVal y) of
(CWAlgReal a, CWAlgReal b) -> r a b
(CWInteger a, CWInteger b) -> i a b
(CWFloat a, CWFloat b) -> f a b
(CWDouble a, CWDouble b) -> d a b
(CWUserSort a, CWUserSort b) -> u a b
_ -> error $ "SBV.liftCW2: impossible, incompatible args received: " ++ show (x, y)

-- | Map a unary function through a CW
mapCW :: (AlgReal -> AlgReal) -> (Integer -> Integer) -> (Float -> Float) -> (Double -> Double) -> ((Maybe Int, String) -> (Maybe Int, String)) -> CW -> CW
mapCW r i f d u x = normCW $ CW (cwKind x) $ case cwVal x of
CWAlgReal a -> CWAlgReal (r a)
CWInteger a -> CWInteger (i a)
CWFloat a -> CWFloat (f a)
CWDouble a -> CWDouble (d a)
CWUserSort a -> CWUserSort (u a)

-- | Map a binary function through a CW
mapCW2 :: (AlgReal -> AlgReal -> AlgReal) -> (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> (Float -> Float -> Float) -> (Double -> Double -> Double) -> ((Maybe Int, String) -> (Maybe Int, String) -> (Maybe Int, String)) -> CW -> CW -> CW
mapCW2 r i f d u x y = case (cwSameType x y, cwVal x, cwVal y) of
(True, CWAlgReal a, CWAlgReal b) -> normCW $ CW (cwKind x) (CWAlgReal (r a b))
(True, CWInteger a, CWInteger b) -> normCW $ CW (cwKind x) (CWInteger (i a b))
(True, CWFloat a, CWFloat b) -> normCW $ CW (cwKind x) (CWFloat (f a b))
(True, CWDouble a, CWDouble b) -> normCW $ CW (cwKind x) (CWDouble (d a b))
(True, CWUserSort a, CWUserSort b) -> normCW $ CW (cwKind x) (CWUserSort (u a b))
_ -> error $ "SBV.mapCW2: impossible, incompatible args received: " ++ show (x, y)

instance Show CW where
show w | cwIsBit w = show (cwToBool w)
show w = liftCW show show show show snd w ++ " :: " ++ show (cwKind w)

-- | Create a constant word from an integral
mkConstCW :: Integral a => Kind -> a -> CW
mkConstCW KBool a = normCW $ CW KBool (CWInteger (toInteger a))
mkConstCW k@(KBounded{}) a = normCW $ CW k (CWInteger (toInteger a))
mkConstCW KUnbounded a = normCW $ CW KUnbounded (CWInteger (toInteger a))
mkConstCW KReal a = normCW $ CW KReal (CWAlgReal (fromInteger (toInteger a)))
mkConstCW KFloat a = normCW $ CW KFloat (CWFloat (fromInteger (toInteger a)))
mkConstCW KDouble a = normCW $ CW KDouble (CWDouble (fromInteger (toInteger a)))
mkConstCW (KUserSort s _) a = error $ "Unexpected call to mkConstCW with uninterpreted kind: " ++ s ++ " with value: " ++ show (toInteger a)

randomCWVal :: Kind -> IO CWVal
randomCWVal k =
case k of
KBool -> fmap CWInteger (randomRIO (0,1))
KBounded s w -> fmap CWInteger (randomRIO (bounds s w))
KUnbounded -> fmap CWInteger randomIO
KReal -> fmap CWAlgReal randomIO
KFloat -> fmap CWFloat randomIO
KDouble -> fmap CWDouble randomIO
KUserSort s _ -> error $ "Unexpected call to randomCWVal with uninterpreted kind: " ++ s
bounds :: Bool -> Int -> (Integer, Integer)
bounds False w = (0, 2^w - 1)
bounds True w = (-x, x-1) where x = 2^(w-1)

randomCW :: Kind -> IO CW
randomCW k = fmap (CW k) (randomCWVal k)

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