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Add the API to your project

Florian Gomes edited this page Jan 12, 2019 · 7 revisions

We are going to see how to simply add the API and use it for your projet

The build.gradle

Add thes lignes to the build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "leviathan"
        url = ""

dependencies {
   compile 'com.leviathanstudio:CraftStudio:[API-VERSION]-mc[MINECRAFT-VERSION][-beta]:dev'

Then change the two parameters:

Replace [API-VERSION] by the version of the API (Ex:
Replace [MINECRAFT-VERSION] by the minecraft version of the API, (Ex: 1.11.2) Remove the bracket of [-beta] if you are using a beta version, completely remove it otherwise.

You should have something like this: com.leviathanstudio:CraftStudio:

You can find the list of all version here or directly on the maven

Once you've add these lignes, just launch a gradlew setupDecompWorkspace and a gradlew eclipse.

You are now ready to start your project !

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