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Official LexasCMS module for Vue Storefront 1.x.


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LexasCMS Module for Vue Storefront

This is the official Vue Storefront module for retrieving content from LexasCMS.

InstallationHow To UseExampleLicense

Table of Contents


1. Install the module

Run the following commands from the root directory of your Vue Storefront project.

git clone ./src/modules/vsf-lexascms
yarn install

These commands will install the module into the correct location in your project and install the modules dependencies.

2. Configure the module

Configure your LexasCMS space ID by adding the following to your config/local.json file.

"lexascms": {
  "apiKey": "YOUR_LEXASCMS_API_KEY" // Optional, unless using content previews

3. Register the module

Register the vsf-lexascms module by adding the following to your ./src/modules/client.ts file.

import { LexascmsModule } from './vsf-lexascms/src';

// ...

export function registerClientModules () {
  // ...

How To Use

Under the hood, this module makes use of LexasCMS' JSON:API (REST) content delivery API. For further information, please see the documentation.

The vsf-lexascms module provides two mixins which can be used to retrieve content from LexasCMS.


The LexascmsCollection mixin is used for retrieving multiple items of a particular content type.

Add the mixin to the component in which you would like to retrieve content from LexasCMS.

import LexascmsCollectionMixin from 'src/modules/vsf-lexascms/src/mixins/LexascmsCollection';

export default {
  mixins: [ LexascmsCollectionMixin ]

Your component will now accept the following props to configure which content should be retrieved. The retrieved content is made accessible via the collection computed property.

Name Type Required Example Comments
contentType String Y blogPost The type of content to be retrieved.
context Object N { audienceAttributes: { age: 25 } } See request context documentation for more info.
fields Object N { blogPost: 'title,publishedAt' } See sparse fieldsets documentation for more info.
filter Object N { title: { _startsWith: 'Hello' } } See filtering documentation for more info.
include String N author,coverImage See fetching records documentation for more info.
localeCode String N en-GB See localisation documentation for more info.
page Object N { limit: 2, skip: 4 } See pagination documentation for more info.
sort String N title,-publishedAt See ordering documentation for more info.


The LexascmsItem mixin is used for retrieving a specific individual content item.

Add the mixin to the component in which you would like to retrieve content from LexasCMS.

import LexascmsItemMixin from 'src/modules/vsf-lexascms/src/mixins/LexascmsItem';

export default {
  mixins: [ LexascmsItemMixin ]

Your component will now accept the following props to configure which content item should be retrieved. The retrieved content item is made accessible via the item computed property.

Name Type Required Example Comments
contentType String Y blogPost The type of content to be retrieved.
context Object N { audienceAttributes: { age: 25 } } See request context documentation for more info.
id String Y 1234 The ID of the content item to be retrieved.
fields Object N { blogPost: 'title,publishedAt' } See sparse fieldsets documentation for more info.
include String N author,coverImage See fetching records documentation for more info.
localeCode String N en-GB See localisation documentation for more info.
page Object N { relationshipField: { limit: 2, skip: 4 } } See pagination documentation for more info.

Request Context

In the event that you would like to provide a request context with your requests to LexasCMS (i.e. for content personalisation), you can dispatch the vsf-lexascms/setRequestContext store action.

You can dispatch this action from anywhere that you have access to the store, and it will automatically attach the provided context to all subsequent requests that are made to LexasCMS.

Note: You can also retrieve the current request context from the store by accessing the vsf-lexascms/requestContext getter.

The following example shows how you could attach a request context from the serverPrefetch hook of your themes top level App component.

  <!-- ... -->

// ...

export default {
  // ...

  serverPrefetch () {
    this.$store.dispatch('vsf-lexascms/setRequestContext', {
      audienceAttributes: {
        age: 25,
        location: 'GB'
  // ...


Supporting Content Previews

When making use of LexasCMS's visual content previews feature, LexasCMS will load your website with the lexascmsRequestContent query parameter.

The value of this parameter will be a pre-encoded request context, which should be provided directly to all requests to the Content Delivery API.

Taking the previous example, the below snippet has been updated to instead pull the pre-encoded value from the lexascmsRequestContent query parameter:

  <!-- ... -->

// ...

export default {
  // ...

  serverPrefetch () {
    // Get pre-encoded LexasCMS request context
    const preEncodedRequestContext = this.$route.query.lexascmsRequestContext;
    // Set request context is value has been provided
    if (preEncodedRequestContext !== undefined) {
      this.$store.dispatch('vsf-lexascms/setRequestContext', preEncodedRequestContext);
  // ...



This section provides an example of using this module to create a new BlogPost component which retrieves and displays a given blog post from LexasCMS.

The below code defines our new BlogPost component:

    <div v-if="item">

import LexascmsItemMixin from 'src/modules/vsf-lexascms/src/mixins/LexascmsItem';

export default {
  mixins: [ LexascmsItemMixin ]

This component can then be used as follows:

<BlogPost content-type="blogPost" id="cea618d6-16a0-4b9a-87fa-7a1f750f29b6" />

Since we'll always be retrieving a blog post, we can simplify the usage of our component by defaulting the value of the contentType prop to blogPost.

// ...

import LexascmsItemMixin from 'src/modules/vsf-lexascms/src/mixins/LexascmsItem';

export default {
  mixins: [ LexascmsItemMixin ],

  props: {
    contentType: {
      type: String,
      default: 'blogPost'

Our component usage would then look something like this:

<BlogPost id="cea618d6-16a0-4b9a-87fa-7a1f750f29b6" />


This project is licensed under the MIT License.