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LiaScript at the OEB 2021

Shiny New e-Learning Platforms: Great for Business, a Dead-end for Online Education?

Do centralised platforms really support the distribution of knowledge and might fancy but restrictive educator interfaces actually be a threat to creativity? As an alternative we developed LiaScript, an extendable language for creating interactive online courses. Content can be created, edited, stored everywhere and shared freely. It even works offline, no back-end required. You will learn how to create quizzes with brackets, how to articulate and create animations with braces, and much more.

Learning outcomes:

  • What are the problems of centralized platforms
  • How can online education work on a decentralized web and infrastructure...
  • How to use LiaScript to create open educational resources (OER)

LiaScript, it's not a Platform




What's the name of the Markdown-dialect that was developed to create educational content?


Just add as many points as you wish:

[[X]] Only the **X** marks the correct point.
[[ ]] Empty ones are wrong.
[[X]] ...

A single-choice with a solution

[( )] ...
[(X)] <-- Only the **X** is allowed.
[( )] ...

That was the correct answer, you can now play Prince of Persion!

??Prince of Persia 4D



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

t = np.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
s = np.sin(2 * np.pi * t)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, s)

ax.grid(True, linestyle='-.')
ax.tick_params(labelcolor='r', labelsize='medium', width=3)

plot(fig) # <- this is required to plot the fig also on the LiaScript canvas



byte leds[] = {13, 12, 11, 10};
void setup() {
  for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof(leds); i++) {
    pinMode(leds[i], OUTPUT);

int i = 0;
void loop() {
  Serial.print("LED: ");
  digitalWrite(leds[i], HIGH);
  digitalWrite(leds[i], LOW);
  i = (i + 1) % sizeof(leds);




How do you like LiaScript?

[(1)] its ok ...
[(2)] I will use it
[(3)] Probably something to think about
[(4)] No way, this will replace platforms


Add some random words ...


More complex surveys

[                     ] option 1
[                     ] option 2
[                     ] option 3
[                     ] option 4

Language & Animations


Everything that is related to animations, is associated to braces. Double braces at the beginning of a block indicate the point in time when something should appear or disappear. Braces surrounded by dashes can be interpreted as the explanation for a specific point. That's it, if you change the representation of the course, these elements will be treated differently.


See this important table.

I appear at first
and disappear at two
  • I will remain till the end

  • and do have some {3}{inline animations}

  • inline effects can also {3-4}{disappear} ...

    --{{2}}-- The bullet point list is also quite important, it contains some sub effects

    --{{3 Russian Female}}-- Первоначально создан в 2004 году Джоном Грубером (англ. John Gruber) и Аароном Шварцем. Многие идеи языка были позаимствованы из существующих соглашений по разметке текста в электронных письмах...

    --{{4}}-- If you try out the experimental Google translation, you will find out that everything gets translated and also the voice will change, except for the Russian text, this will remain.

Data & Tables

Year Finland USA Germany China
1995 6.80942 4.42079 1.84192
1996 6.86052 4.48319 1.85338
1998 4.45345 1.84432
1999 5.86960 1.88803
2000 5.71687
2001 5.84797
2002 6.02477
2003 6.17476
2004 6.16849
2005 6.03605
2006 5.93809 4.27930
2007 5.68608 4.34302
2008 5.84676 4.40954
2009 6.48517 4.88047
2010 6.54070 5.42001 4.91368
2011 6.48200 5.22389 4.80779
2012 7.19254 5.19485 4.93331
2013 7.15848 4.94378 4.93496
2014 7.15155 4.98948 4.93112
Animal weight in kg Lifespan years Mitogen
Mouse 0.028 2 95
Flying squirrel 0.085 15 50
Brown bat 0.020 30 10
Sheep 90 12 95
Human 68 70 10
Music-Style {2-3}{1994} {3}{2014} Classic Country Reggae Hip-Hop Hard-Rock Samba
Student rating {2-3}{50} {3}{20} {2-3}{50} {3}{30} 100 {2-3}{200} {3}{220} {2-3}{350} {3}{150} {2-3}{250} {3}{230}


  1. A direct link:

  2. A named link:



  3. An internal link:

    [about liascript](#about-liascript)

    about liascript

  4. An image !:

    ![alt text](https://...url...image.jpg)

    Netherlandish Proverbs

  5. Audio ?:

    ?[alt text](ref to audio)

    ?Beethoven 7th

  6. Video !?:

    !?[alt text](ref to video)

    !?LiaScript on YouTube

  7. Anything ??:

    ??[alt text](https://website...)

    ??SketchFab human eye model

    ??a circuit simulation


1.9 | DOTS
    |                  *
  y |               *     *
  - | r r r r r r r*r r r r*r r r r r r r
  a |             *         *
  x |            *           *
  i | B B B B B * B B B B B B * B B B B B
  s |         *                 *
    | *  * *                       * *  *
 -1 +------------------------------------
    0.1              x-axis             1

Generation                     Publication          Usage

                                                           .-----------.           Modes:
    | LiaScript Plugin A                            ╔══════| Browser   |══════╗
    |  | Plugin B                           native  ║      '-----------'      ║"- Textbook        "
    v  v                                  +-------> ║ Digital Systems         ║"- Presentation    "
+---------------------+                   |         ║ (Sprint 2021)           ║"- Slides          "
| # Digital Systems   |\          .-,(  ),-.        ╚═════════════════════════╝
| (Sprint 2021)       +-+      .-(          )-.            .-----------.
|                       | --> (     Cloud      )    ╔══════| LMS       |══════╗
|"##"Introduction       |      '-(         ).-'     ║      '-----------'      ║
| + ...                 |         '-.( ).-' SCORM   ║ Digital Systems         ║
+-----------------------+                 +-------> ║ (Sprint 2021)           ║
                                          |         ╚═════════════════════════╝
                                          |                .-----------.
                                          |         ╔══════| pdfViewer |══════╗
                                          | export  ║      '-----------'      ║
                                          +-------> ║ Digital Systems         ║
                                                    ║ (Sprint 2021)           ║

"- Atom Editor with LiaScript Extention           "|"- [Github](         "
"- [CodiLia]("|"- [Dropbox](  "
"  Online Editor @TUBAF                           "|"- [IPFS](, ...        "




Pic: André Dietrich André Dietrich is originally a robotics and embedded software developer, now working as a researcher at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Due to struggles with common Learning-Management-Systems and authoring-systems, he started the development on LiaScript, a language-based approach for creating interactive and open online-courses. His current research interests are language design, new web technologies and online education with focus on open educational resources.



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