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Liel Amar edited this page Aug 28, 2021 · 6 revisions

2FA Commands

  • <Argument> - required argument
  • [Argument] - Optional argument


  • Description: Starts the 2FA set-up or displays the Help page if 2FA is already set-up for the player
  • Permission: 2fa.use
  • Aliases: /auth, /2fa enable
  • Usable in Console? Yes, only when combined with the "Help" keyword (/2FA help)

/2FA <6 digit code>

  • Description: Verifies the player's 2FA key during set-up or login
  • Permission: 2fa.use
  • Usable in Console? No

/2FA enable

  • Description: Enables (starts) the 2FA set-up process
  • Permission: 2fa.use
  • Aliases: /2fa add, /2fa setup, /2fa on, /2fa activate, /2fa true
  • Usable in Console? No

/2FA disable [player]

  • Description: Disables 2FA for the executor/target player
  • Permission:
    • 2fa.remove - Permission to disable 2FA for the executor
    • 2fa.remove.others - Permission to disable 2FA for other players
  • Aliases: /2fa remove, /2fa reset, /2fa off, /2fa deactivate, /2fa false
  • Usable in Console? Yes, only when combined with a target player (/2FA disable ExamplePlayer)

/2FA cancel

  • Description: Cancels the set-up process of 2FA
  • Permission: 2fa.cancel
  • Aliases: /2fa stop
  • Usable in Console? No

/2FA reload

  • Description: Reloads the 2FA plugin
  • Permission: 2fa.reload
  • Aliases: /2fa rl
  • Usable in Console? Yes

/2FA help

  • Description: Displays the 2FA Help page
  • Permission:
  • Aliases: /2fa assist
  • Usable in Console? Yes

/2FA report

  • Description: Generates a report log to attach to bug reports
  • Permission:
  • Aliases: /2fa print, /2fa info
  • Usable in Console? Yes