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A library for working with 'free categories'. Docs are here.


  • Explanation
  • Applications
    • State machines
    • Lensing
  • How have I used it?
  • Prior Art


We're going to build some graphs. Suppose k is the kind of vertices in your graph. If you you define a type G :: k -> k -> Type, then each value of type G a b can be seen as an edge from a :: k to b :: k.




A ---W--> B
^         |
|         |
Z         X
|         |
|         v
D <--Y--- C


data Node = A | B | C | D

data G1 :: Node -> Node -> Type where
  W :: G1 A B
  X :: G1 B C
  Y :: G1 C D
  Z :: G1 D A

The graphs we're defining are directed graphs that can have more than one edge between any two vertices. These are known as quivers.

Every quiver defined in this manner gives rise to a category. The objects of the category are vertices in the graph, and the arrows of the category are sequences of graph edges, where the target vertex of an edge matches the source node of the subsequent edge in the sequence. Put simply, the arrows of the category are all paths you can take by following edges of the graph. For each quiver G, we'll call the category generated in this manner Path(G).

Here's what Path looks like in Haskell:

data Path (g :: k -> k -> Type) :: k -> k -> Type where
  Nil :: Path g a a
  Cons :: g a b -> Path g b c -> Path g a c

It's literally a linked list of adjacent edges in the graph.

When it comes to representing sequences in programming, a linked list is not always the best choice. There are a variety of sequence types with operations that differ in space and time usage. Paths, being fundamentally sequences, are also subject to the same considerations. This library defines a few different representations and a type class for common operations, which allows efficient use of Paths in various circumstances.


State machines

We can model state machines as quivers.


A door that can only be opened when it is unlocked, and can only be locked when it is closed.


Locked ---Unlock--> Closed ---Open--> Opened
  ^                 |   ^                |
  |                 |   |                |
  +-------Lock------+   +-----Close------+


data DoorS = Locked | Closed | Opened

data DoorG :: DoorS -> DoorS -> Type where
  Unlock :: DoorG Locked Closed
  Lock :: DoorG Closed Locked
  Open :: DoorG Closed Opened
  Close :: DoorG Opened Closed

Path DoorG a b represents a sequence of door actions that start in state a and end in state b. We can then define the door's runtime state, the action of an edge on that state, and then use a sequence of door actions to affect that state.

data SDoorS :: DoorS -> Type where
  SLocked :: SDoorS Locked
  SClosed :: SDoorS Closed
  SOpened :: SDoorS Opened
data Door :: DoorS -> Type where
  Door :: { state :: SDoorS s, locks :: Int, unlocks :: Int, opens :: Int, closes :: Int } -> Door s
act :: DoorG a b -> Door a -> Door b
act edge door =
  case edge of
    Unlock ->
      door { state = SUnlocked, unlocks = unlocks door + 1 }
    Lock ->
      door { state = SLocked, locks = locks door + 1 }
    Open ->
      door { state = SOpened, opens = opens door + 1 }
    Close ->
      door { state = SClosed, closes = closes door + 1 }
actMany :: Path DoorG a b -> Door a -> Door b
actMany = composeMap act


Quivers of kind Type -> Type -> Type (quivers where the vertices are Haskell types), can be used to describe the structure of datatypes.


data Pair a b = Pair a b

Pair a b gives rise to the graph

    Pair a b
       / \
     Fst  Snd
     /     \
    v       v
    a       b

which can be encoded as the graph

data PairG :: * -> * -> * where
  Fst :: PairG (Pair a b) a
  Snd :: PairG (Pair a b) b
data Sum a b = Left a | Right b


    Sum a b
       / \
      L   R
     /     \
    v       v
    a       b


data SumG :: * -> * -> * where
  L :: SumG (Either a b) a
  R :: SumG (Either a b) b
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)


      List a <-+
      /  \     |
    Head  Tail-+


data ListG :: * -> * -> * where
  Head :: ListG (List a) a
  Tail :: ListG (List a) (List a)

When a datatype-graph contains loops, such as List, Path can be used to name items that are deeply nested in the datatype.


Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))
         p1: ^

p1 = Path.cons Tail (Path.singleton Head)


Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))
                 p2: ^

p2 = Path.cons Tail (Path.cons Tail (Path.singleton Head))

This is very similar to the idea of a Traversal', and this package provides a way to map paths into Traversal's.

instance ToTraversal ListG where
  toTraversal g =
    case g of
      Head ->
        \f l -> case l of
          Nil ->
            pure l
          Cons a b ->
            (\a' -> Cons a' b) <$> f a
      Tail ->
        \f l -> case l of
          Nil ->
            pure l
          Cons a b ->
            Cons a <$> f b

list = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))


> list ^? pathed (Path.cons Tail (Path.cons Tail (Path.singleton Head)))
Just 3

> list ^? pathed (Path.cons Tail (Path.cons Tail (Path.cons Tail (Path.singleton Head))))

> list ^? pathed (Path.singleton Head)
Just 1


How have I used it?

I came across these ideas while developing structured code editors. Editor state commonly includes a syntax tree paired with a 'path', which 'points' to the currently focused node. Edit actions then use the path to traverse the syntax tree and apply the relevant update to the focused node. Tries map paths to nodes, and can be used to efficiently annotate the syntax tree with warnings and errors.

I started using a free-category-based path for better type safety, which meant less 'runtime type checking' and simpler editing code. Then when I realised that paths could be mapped to Traversal', I was able to delete most of the code required to edit the syntax tree and re-use lens instead.

Prior Art

A Google search for "free category hackage" gives me these two packages:

The former has an extensive treatment of quivers, but I don't know how to apply any of the constructions.

The latter briefly explores the idea of more efficient representations for free categories.


A library for working with free categories






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