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Lightstreamer JMS Extender - Basic Stock-List Demo - Java SE Client

This project contains a sample Java console application that shows how the Lightstreamer JMS Extender Java Client Library can be used to connect to Lightstreamer JMS Extender.



This demo displays real-time market data for 30 stocks, generated by the feed simulator included in the Lightstreamer JMS Extender - Stock-List Demo - Java (JMS) Service. For simplicity, a single JMS topic is used for all stocks, while in a real scenario you would probably use a different JMS topic for each stock.

Check out the sources for further explanations.


If you want to build and install a version of this demo pointing to your local Lightstreamer JMS Extender, follow these steps:

  • Note that, as prerequisite, the Lightstreamer JMS Extender - Stock-List Demo - Java (JMS) Service has to be deployed on your local Lightstreamer JMS Extender instance. Please check out that project and follow the installation instructions provided with it.

  • Launch Lightstreamer JMS Extender.

  • Run Gradle as follows:

    $ ./gradlew installDist

The installDist task will create a distribution of the project under the build/install/stocklist-client-java folder, from which you can start the client.

Start the Client

From build/install/stocklist-client-java, launch:

 $ ./bin/stocklist-client-java --server http://localhost:8080 --connector ActiveMQ

You can also address any JMS Extender instance by specifying proper values for --server and --connector parameters.

See Also

Lightstreamer JMS Extender Service Needed by This Demo Client

Related Projects

Lightstreamer Compatibility Notes

  • Compatible with Lightstreamer JMS Extender Java Client Library since version 2.0.0 or newer.
  • Compatible with Lightstreamer JMS Extender since version 2.0.0 or newer.


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