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Nenad Mitrovic edited this page Nov 23, 2020 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Smart Announcers wiki! Here you can find full documentation of the plugin, outlining how to install, setup, configure and some additional things regarding Smart Announcers.
Before applying anything you read here make sure you have the latest version of the plugin since some of the information may not work on the outdated versions of the plugin.

Latest version of the plugin can be found here.


Support with setting up the plugin

If you would like support with setting up the plugin or have a question of how the specific features work, makes sure to read the wiki as the answer you are looking for is likely to be there. If you still couldn't find the answer to your question you can join my discord and ask for help there, i will answer as soon as i can.
Discord link:

Bug or problems reporting

If you have found an error or a bug make sure to check it is in fact being caused by Smart Announcers before reporting it!
Best place to report bugs would be using the plugin's GitHub issues tab.

To-Do List

  • Add support for Bungeecord.
  • Add permission for each announcer.
  • Improve handling of join announcers.