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Nenad Mitrovic edited this page Nov 8, 2020 · 2 revisions

Locale placeholders

This placeholders are only meant to be used inside the Time Tokens config files, and may or may not work in other plugins.

  • %playerName% - Players name.
  • %announcer-name% - Name of the announcer.
  • %announcer-state% - Is announcer enabled or disabled. ​

Placeholder API supported placeholders

Smart Announcers currently does not have any of its own PAPI placeholders but it does have PAPI support so you can use any player holder from other plugins to be displayed in the announcer messages.

MVdWPlaceholderAPI supported placeholders

This placeholder will work trough PAPI allowing you same functionality with MVdWPlaceholderAPI as well.
Just add {placeholderapi_PAPI-Placeholder} and the placeholder should work.